District 9

Chapter 1405: Rush to the trading location in advance

Early the next morning.

In Detention Area No. 57, an officer from the investigation team walked into the prison corridor with more than a dozen people and handed out the procedures to the detainees: "Bring everyone out."

About five minutes later, Ma Laoer, Guan Qi, Bao Jun and others, together with all the members of the action team who had been captured in the seventh and eighth districts, were collectively brought out, a total of more than 20 people.

Qin Yu did not ask Zheng Xinghui and others to release only Ma Laoer and others, but asked them to release all captured military intelligence personnel from the three major districts.

Because of this matter, Xu Yan bargained back and forth with the other party several times before finally reaching a consensus.

Li Zhixun considered that big fish like Yao Jingzhong had been seriously injured and died during or after the capture, and the remaining ones were all small shrimps. Even if they were detained, they would not have much effect, so he agreed. this requirement.

As for Qin Yu, he had the opportunity to save Ma Laoer and the others, and he also had the opportunity to make terms with the other party. There was nothing wrong with helping these similarly pitiful people with faith. It was just a matter of spending some thought and effort. Just a child.

After more than 20 people were brought out, they were taken into a large warehouse room and were forcibly stripped of their clothes by more than 40 soldiers waiting at the scene.

On a table more than ten meters long, there were various military equipment placed. Soldiers No. 57 worked in pairs and quickly fastened the steel tracking anklets on the right feet of Ma Laoer and others. .

This kind of thing was made overnight. In fact, it looks like a shackle, but it is equipped with a tracker. It can accurately locate within a range of ten kilometers. This can ensure that if there is an emergency, Ma Laoer and others Can't run away.

After handcuffing everyone with tracking anklets, the leading officer ordered five explosive vests to be worn by Ma Laoer, Guan Qi, Baojun and others.

The circuit lines inside this explosive vest are extremely complicated, and the straps are replaced by steel ropes, and the buckle points are all made of steel locks. Once a person puts it on, it basically cannot be opened without a key. Even if four or five people work together to cut with pipe pliers, it still takes a lot of time.

The explosive vest has a remote control. This thing is in Wei Liang's hands. As long as an emergency occurs at the transaction site, he only needs to press the remote control and the explosive vest will explode, and the person wearing it will have no chance of survival.

This shows how much thought Yu Weiliang put into dealing with this transaction.

Although Kim Tae-soo's escape was caused by internal fighting in No. 57, and Yu Weiliang actually did not have much direct responsibility, but the higher-ups don't look at this, they know that the person was taken from you, so you should take the blame. So now every step Yu Weiliang takes is walking on thin ice, for fear that if something goes wrong, his life will be lost.

After everything is settled.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Ma Laoer and others were collectively taken out of No. 57 and stood in a row in the compound.

After a while, Yu Weiliang walked out wearing a military coat, waved his hand and shouted: "Get in the car!"

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of soldiers rushed over, pulling everyone and stuffing them into the car.

Ma Laoer was dragged by the two men, but he still stood there without moving, only looking at Yu Weiliang with a hazy look.

Yuanshan Life Town.

Qin Yu walked to the UNPROFOR compound and met Mr. Suo and the hostages held here by the He family.

Suo Ye stood in front of the crowd and looked at Qin Yu without daring to say a word. After being detained for such a long time, his temper had obviously lost a lot, because Xiaobai would beat him up whenever he had nothing to do.

"Brother, why don't we gather them with the people from Nanmu?" Xiaobai asked from the side.

"Need not."

Qin Yu shook his head: "Get the people ready. As soon as there is a call from there, we will set off."

"Okay." Xiaobai nodded.

Chongdu, inside Fengxiang Company.

Lin Youxiang looked up at Li Zhixun and asked, "Did anyone bring it up?"

"It's proposed." Li Zhixun nodded and responded, "We'll be ready to go soon."

"Be more sure." Lin Youxiang frowned and said, "Both the Suo family and the He family have opinions on this substitution. Once something happens, it will be difficult for you and me to explain it."

"Don't worry, the No. 57 Investigation Team has made three sets of emergency plans. They are very well prepared, and the transaction location is also very favorable to us." Li Zhixun said with a smile: "Qin Yu has to send people out of the northwest line if he wants to change people. , and when we get there, everything is not up to them."

"As long as you have an idea." Lin Youxiang nodded.

At the window, Han Tong put one hand in his pocket, holding the phone and asked: "You are already on your way back, right?"

"Dad still wants you to come back." Han Yao said with a frown.

"After processing, I will go back."

"Xiaotong, you have to understand what dad is thinking...!"

"I don't want to hear this, as long as you're safe." Han Tong frowned and was about to hang up the phone.

"Xiaotong!" Han Yao shouted again.

"What's wrong?"

"... In a family, no one can speak according to the written lines every day. It is normal to have different opinions and quarrels." Han Yao persuaded softly: "Dad, as we get older, we, as children, need to have more Understand him."

Han Tong was silent for a few seconds: "Yes, I understand."

"Please be safe, we will meet in District 5."

"Okay, big brother!"

After saying that, the two ended the call. Han Tong looked out the window and sighed.

Outside Courtyard No. 57, a full company coming from the Hasa region was waiting quietly.

In the hospital, Bao Jun, Guan Qi and others had been stuffed into the car and shackled. Only Ma Laoer stood still and refused to move no matter how hard the soldiers pulled him.

Yu Weiliang looked up, walked over and asked, "What do you mean? You don't want to leave?!"

"Did you kill my brother?!" Ma Laoer asked, looking at him expressionlessly.

Yu Weiliang frowned: "What do you want to say...!"

"It's nothing, as long as I know it was you who killed him." Ma Laoer nodded calmly.

Yu Weiliang looked at his expression and was a little confused, and immediately waved his hand and shouted: "Get him up quickly!"

five minutes later.

All the hostages got into the car, and Yu Weiliang took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "From now on, no one is allowed to use personal communication devices. If I find out, I will directly isolate and interrogate! Okay, let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the convoy set off and rushed to the transaction location in advance.

In a hiding place in a living village.

There was a rapid ringing of the cell phone. Lin Chengdong picked it up and looked at the number. He reached out and pressed the answer button, and put it next to Jin Taizhu's ear.


"Your family members were also taken away by Yu Weiliang, and they are going to be taken to the transaction location." The other party replied in a low voice: "I have no control over this matter, you should find a solution as soon as possible!"

Jin Taizhu was stunned for three seconds, and then cursed in a hoarse voice: "You bitch, are you playing dirty tricks?"

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