District 9

Chapter 1376 A tall building rises and a banquet is held for guests

At nine-thirty in the morning, Xu Yan left home with his people and went to the town in person to visit some old families. Ye Zixiao, Wu Tianyin, and Fu Xinhao, who was in charge of Marion's armed forces, were all suppressing the situation outside the town, confronting the UN Self-Defense Forces who were approaching the distant mountains.

Nothing to say in the morning.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Yan returned home and met Qin Yu alone.

"Tonight at 6:30, I will be hosting a treat. Let's hold a banquet in the town and invite some old friends to have a chat together." Xu Yan said softly.

Qin Yu clasped his fists when he heard the sound: "Thank you for your trouble, President Xu. I'll go back and prepare now. We'll see you soon."

"Okay." Xu Yan nodded.

The two of them are both old men. Some words don't need to be said clearly. They can understand each other's meaning by just clicking the words, so they only chatted for a few words and then went back to prepare.

In the headquarters compound.

Qin Yu changed his clothes and whispered to Cha Meng: "Choose some more expensive gifts from the supplies that were brought in, and share them with everyone during the meal later."

"Okay." Cha Meng nodded.

"Xiao Yu, do you think Lao Xu is reliable or not?" Zhan Nan asked.

"It all depends on tonight." Qin Yu straightened his clothes and replied: "The situation is stable tonight. We are all friends and have a happy meal together. But if it gets out of control, how will he react?" That’s easy to say.”

"Why don't we have people surround his house during dinner later to prevent them from causing trouble." Zhan Nan said cautiously.

"No, you are afraid of wolves and tigers behind. Old Xu obviously wants to hug you, but he also feels that you have no confidence." Qin Yu waved his hand: "Let the people from the headquarters stay here. , there is no need to specially send additional manpower. There is only one task tonight, and that is to pretend, the calmer you pretend, the better, the more confident you pretend, the more sure you are, the better."

"Haha, then you are quite good at this job." Qiu Wu agreed with a smile.

"Forcing the king." Cha Meng also interjected.

"Go, go, there's so much nonsense, hurry up and clear it up." Qin Yu waved his hands impatiently after hearing what a few people said.


Just then, there was a shout from outside the door.

Cha Meng turned around and said, "Say."

"Xu Yan's son, Xu Jingxi is here." The guard replied standing outside the door.

"Let him come in." Qin Yu stood in front of the mirror and ordered.

A few seconds later, the eldest son of Xu Yan, who said in person that the steamed buns were made by his mother, walked in from the outside and said, "Hello, Brigadier Qin."

In fact, Qin Yu is only six or seven years older than Xu Jingxi, so he is considered to be of the same age, but the two of them are not even the slightest bit different in terms of experience and resume, so just in terms of temperament, they look like two generations.

"Ouch, Brother Xu." Qin Yu's head seemed to be worn out. He called Old Xu eldest brother, and then called Xu Jingxi Brother Xu. This generational distinction is clear to you.

But if you think about it carefully, there is actually nothing wrong with it. Xu Yan is in his mid-forties this year, and Qin Yu is already thirty, so if he "forcibly calls" him eldest brother, it would be... reasonable.

"Come on, sit down." Qin Yu greeted with a smile.

"We will have dinner later, so I won't sit down." Xu Jingxi replied a little cautiously: "I just discussed it with my dad. I came here to ask Brigadier Qin whether the mixed brigade is still recruiting troops? I want to join the army. .”

Qin Yu was very surprised when he heard this. Even Qiu Wu and Zhan Nan didn't expect Xu Jingxi to take the initiative to join the army.

"Haha, such a happy event is about to happen, and there's nothing I can do to stop it." Qin Yu didn't pretend at this time, and immediately nodded with a smile: "The mixed brigade has never been full, and we are also recruiting troops with all our strength. If Brother Xu can take the initiative to enlist in the army , then we have successfully opened up the situation in the Sichuan area."

"Okay, then I will formally sign up with Brigadier Qin." Xu Jingxi said with a smile.

Qin Yu only thought for a moment and said: "You will first serve as a platoon and deputy company in the logistics unit. When the establishment is stable, I will promote you."

"Thank you, brigade commander!" Xu Jingxi immediately saluted and shouted.

Before the dinner began, Qin Yu recruited his first soldier in the Chuanfu area, and it was a soldier of extraordinary significance.

It's hard to say whether Xu Jingxi wants to join the army, but Xu Yan must have arranged for him to come here today.

What does it mean?

This is a signal to compromise, take sides, and obey. My son has been handed over to you, so you no longer have to worry about the Xu family being out of control. You can just deal with other families in Yuanshan in a down-to-earth manner.

Of course, if Xu Yan had followed his own wishes, he would definitely not have chosen to express his position so early, but Qin Yu was not very qualified. He was either killing pigs or making steamed buns... forcing Lao Xu to make a decision in advance. .

Anyway, there is only one layer of window paper left, so I might as well pierce it myself and sell you a favor.

Xu Jingxi stood in the living room, chatted with Qin Yu for a while, and then found an excuse to leave.

After Qin Yu watched him leave, he rubbed his palms excitedly: "Nais, President Xu is still on the right path. This way, I will feel more confident when I eat at night."

"You all said that the Xu family can mix here," Qiu Wu also sighed: "If a person like Lao Xu is not good, who can be good?"

"Okay, let's go." Qin Yu shouted happily.

At 6:25, the Taiheju Restaurant in Yuanshan Town was already overcrowded. There were more than a dozen tables in the lobby on the first floor, all of which were guests that Xu Yan personally invited during the day.

The restaurant owner knew that there was going to be a big deal tonight, so he had hung a sign outside the door not accepting individual customers.

At two and a half minutes, three off-road vehicles came from the north road and stopped in front of the hotel.

Qin Yu got out of the car wearing a light yellow school officer's coat and leather shoes, and walked to the hotel with a steady pace.

Ten guards followed closely behind, guarding the entrance of the hotel after Qin Yu and others approached the lobby.

In the hall, the old people from Yuanshan Life Town immediately fell silent when they saw Qin Yu and others coming in.

Qin Yu glanced around, smiled and clasped his fists: "How are you guys!"

At the head table, Xu Yan stood up and took the lead in applauding: "Welcome Brigadier Qin to the distant mountains."


Mild applause rang out in the room, Xu Yan didn't squint, he just stared at Qin Yu with a smile.

Two or three seconds later, several more people stood up and took the lead in applauding.

Within a few breaths, there was thunderous applause in the room. Qin Yu nodded slightly and walked towards the head table.

at the same time.

Four hundred people were mobilized from the UNPROFOR compound. They suddenly drove armed off-road vehicles and armed pickup trucks. Taking the list given to them by Xu Er, they rushed towards Yuanshan Town and surrounded more than a dozen households.


Sorry, it's a little late because it contains sensitive words and I don't go out to revise it for a long time.

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