District 9

Chapter 1373 Invite Xu Yan to come out

After the Grain King's convoy was brought in, supplies were unloaded at the entrance of the UNPROFOR compound overnight.

Food, cotton-padded clothes, leather boots, and basic daily necessities are all available. The fleet of trailers stretches for several kilometers, and the total value of the goods is at least tens of millions.

Qin Yu stood at the fork in the road and whispered to Zhan Nan. Qiu Wu and others ordered: "Let Lao Qi take the lead. He is familiar with people here and can communicate easily. Then you use a small car to deliver things door to door. Be sure to pay attention to your attitude and lead the way." Soldiers with guns should not enter other people's courtyards, and they should be polite when speaking."

"Will it be effective?" Zhan Nan asked with a frown: "I just used the joint protection team's loudspeaker to shout for a long time, but except for our own people, there was no sign of anyone. The people didn't buy it at all."

"Whether they buy it or not is their business, but we have to do it right." Qin Yu said patiently: "Go and fix it quickly. If you have anything, call me anytime."


After everyone's discussion, Zhan Nan and Qiu Wu took advantage of the darkness and began to lead people to load the supplies onto the small cars. However, we originally thought that people would come to collect them on their own, so there were not many vehicles prepared. They could only use military pickup trucks. The scene was a bit nondescript, as if bandits were entering the city.

Qin Yu had just finished giving instructions on the ground when Wu Tianyin, Anzi and others came over again.

"The UN Self-Defense Forces in Chongdu have moved, and two battalions are moving closer to the distant mountains." Wu Tianyin said in a low voice: "Three households have been wiped out. They have no idea at all, and they are probably going to fight hard."

Qin Yu wrapped his military coat, thought for two seconds and said: "Pull the Wang family out of the joint security brigade, pull up the road, and shout directly to the opposite side. If you dare to fight, we will defeat the detained people first." ”

"It may not be effective." Wu Tianyin frowned and said: "Although the people in our hands are important, the chance of them being rescued is too small. If you hesitate, the people are still in our hands, and the distant mountains may be unstable. So I guess they will probably give up on these people..."

"It can take a while." Qin Yu raised his head and replied: "You handle this matter in the front and try to buy me time. I will handle it on the distant mountain side."

"Okay." Wu Tianyin nodded.

late at night.

Zhan Nan and Qiu Wu led people, like Santa Claus, and began to distribute things to every household, but the effect was very poor. Most people didn't even open the door, they just stood in the courtyard cursing and chasing people away. Only those families with particularly poor conditions and poverty accepted some things, but they were also very few and had no effect on the overall situation at all.

Zhan Nan was a little anxious. He sat in the car and smoked a cigarette. He turned to Qiu Wu and said, "I don't understand. What kind of ecstasy are these four major families and two major companies feeding these people? We have such back-up support." They don’t believe the people who govern the three major districts, but they believe in these people who drink their blood. What’s the point?”

"Get used to it." Qiu Wu replied calmly: "They are already used to this model in the Sichuan area."

Zhan Nan nodded thoughtfully.

"This place is too far away from the three major districts. Over the past 20 years, the people here have not received any care from the city. Their hearts are cold, and of course they trust the local forces who can help them survive." Qiu Wu added again Said: "If we want to convince the public, we still have a long way to go."

"There's no point in sending it like this," Zhan Nan frowned and said, "It will only make people feel that we have ulterior motives."

"Let's see how Xiao Yu handles it." Qiu Wu replied softly: "He insists on going into the distant mountains. He probably has something in mind."

Early morning.

In the Xu family compound, Xu Yan still didn't sleep. He was sitting on a chair in the hall and kept drinking tea.

Xu Er looked up at him and said, "Wang Changli called me again."


Xu Yan frowned and sighed, waving his hands and saying, "Go and deal with him. Don't agree to anything and don't refuse anything. Just put it off and it'll be over."

"Procrastination like this is not the way to go." Xu Er replied with some worry: "If people from the capital really make it to the distant mountains, our greasy and crooked attitude will easily end up like the Liu family."

"It's not that I want to delay, it's because the boss hasn't called me yet." Xu Yan stood up and replied: "Don't I know that in this situation, I have to take sides?!"

Xu Er gritted his teeth, took the phone, and walked out the door.


Xu Yan sighed and wanted to walk around the house twice with an anxious expression.


At this moment, there was a muffled sound at the gate of the small courtyard, followed by someone shouting: "You can't do this, my uncle is already asleep, you are so unruly..."

Xu Yan raised his head when he heard the sound.

Outside, six or seven people walked over in shadowy shapes. Before Xu Yan could see who it was, Qin Yu had already opened the door and walked into the living room.

Xu Yan was stunned.

"Uncle, he... they forced their way in..." The young man who stopped him muttered half a sentence to Xu Yan.

"Oh, this must be Patriarch Xu. I have admired him for a long time!" Qin Yu stepped forward with a smile.

Xu Yan waved his hand at the young man, then smiled and extended his palm: "Hello, Yuanshan Xu Yan."

"Hello, hello, my name is Qin Yu."

"It's like thunder piercing your ears!" Xu Yan was generous and decent, extending his hand to greet him: "Sit, sit."

"Stand outside the door."

Qin Yu waved his hand to disperse the guards, bent down and sat on the chair on the left, while Cha Meng stood behind him as usual.

"Haha, Brigadier Qin suddenly came to the humble residence in the middle of the night...?" Xu Yan's words were a bit formal, and he looked like he was very cultured.

"Ouch!" Qin Yu touched the valuable mahogany chair and sighed: "This is the foundation. I have never sat on this kind of chair in my whole life."

Xu Yan frowned slightly: "If Brigadier Qin likes it, I will give you a set."

"I'm used to running around here and there, and I don't have a stable place to live. I really have no luck." Qin Yu smiled, looked up at Xu Yan, and said calmly: "Lao Qi told me, He said that if he wants to do something in the distant mountains, he must visit you first. Alas, gunshots suddenly rang out in the UNPROFOR compound today, forcing me to have no choice but to lead troops into the city. But with so many soldiers in the city, It is inevitable that there will be some friction with the people. After much thought, I still want to ask you for help."

"Haha, how can this help?" Xu Yan paused and asked.

"I want you to be the president of the Autonomous Maintenance Association." Qin Yu said with a smile.

Xu Yan was stunned for a long time, then immediately waved his hands and said, "I can't do it. In terms of prestige and qualifications, I am not qualified for this position."

"No, no, I think you can do it." Qin Yu insisted: "Lao Qi told me that there is no one in the distant mountains who is more suitable to be the president of this maintenance committee than you."

"Thank you, Brigadier Qin, for looking up to me..." Xu Yan smiled and clasped his fists, trying to resist.


Qin Yu coughed twice, turned his head and spit on the ground.

Xu Yan was stunned.

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