District 9

Chapter 1359 What does webmaster No. 57 mean?


The top leader of Yi City No. 57, the chief station manager, received a call from the Military Intelligence Unit 3 of the EU Zone 2 in his office.

"Hey, hello, Mr. Richard." The chief stationmaster sat on the chair and said politely.

"Stationmaster Jiang, I'm sorry that Zhou has caused you a lot of trouble..." Richard communicated with him in English and his attitude was very polite.


After the two parties chatted on the phone for less than five minutes, Station Manager Jiang slowly put down the phone, thought for a while and then shouted: "Let Yu Weiliang come in."

After a while, Yu Weiliang opened the door and entered the office: "You called me?"

"Sit down, Xiaoyu." Stationmaster Jiang waved his hand.

Yu Weiliang stepped forward and sat on the chair next to the desk.

"This morning, I received more than thirty calls." Stationmaster Jiang sat on the boss's chair, put his hands in his hands, and said somewhat helplessly: "Oh, it's not easy to do."

"Haha," Yu Weiliang smiled: "Are they all talking for Kim Tae Soo?"

"Yes, a large part of it is speaking for him." Stationmaster Jiang nodded.

Yu Weiliang was silent and did not answer this sentence.

Stationmaster Jiang pondered for a long time and suddenly asked: "Is Zhou Zheng's suspicion high?"

"There are two points about him that are questionable." Yu Weiliang replied with clear logic: "First, he is the most important person in this business summit. He is the one who made the list of invited guests. The entire meeting The purpose is also to integrate him into the circle. At this juncture, he jumped out to bribe Kim Tae-soo and specially held such a summit. It is indeed suspicious. Second, Zhou Zheng was kidnapped for about a week. During this time, what did he come into contact with? We have no way of verifying what experiences a person has, so there is a possibility that he may defect."

"Is there any more?" Stationmaster Jiang asked.

"Apart from these two points, I haven't found anything suspicious about him yet." Yu Weiliang responded truthfully.

Station Commander Jiang picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "The MI3 of the European Union Zone 2 just called me."

"What did you say?"

"They said that Zhou Zheng secretly operated the business summit, which was their tacit approval, and the purpose was very simple, just to quickly let him open up here and integrate into the circle." Stationmaster Jiang looked at Yu Weiliang and said, "And When Zhou Zheng wrote the list of invited guests, he communicated with the upper management about who would be invited and where changes were needed. People from the second district also gave their opinions and kept the list for the end."

Yu Weiliang nodded slowly when he heard the sound.

"In other words, Zhou Zheng's secret operation to hold the summit is in line with the military intelligence work procedures of EU Zone 2. He said hello in advance and did not do it privately." Stationmaster Jiang stood up and turned his back. Hand said: "So at this point, he has nothing to doubt."

Yu Weiliang raised his head and glanced at Station Master Jiang, and instantly understood what he meant: "Then...how should Zhou Zheng handle it?"

"He is from EU Zone 2, which has very close contacts with us now. We must pay attention to the military relations between the two sides and don't make everyone look bad." Stationmaster Jiang has more things to consider, not just The problem of catching the mole.

Yu Weiliang did not answer the call.

"But there was an internal problem and so many people died. The higher-ups must have asked us to give a perfect answer on the 57th." Stationmaster Jiang turned to look at Yu Weiliang and asked in a rude manner: "You are a professional, so... From your point of view, are the doubts surrounding Zhou Zheng worth a tougher stance between us and the MI3 in EU Zone 2...?"

"Haha, this..." Yu Weiliang scratched his head: "I am not good at considering issues from a political perspective, but from a military intelligence perspective, excluding Zhou Zheng now is indeed a bit hasty."

Stationmaster Jiang thought about it for a long time: "Can the second doubt about him be verified?"

"It's already being verified." Yu Weiliang responded truthfully: "According to the account of the kidnapper captured before No. 57, they came here just for money. They stayed in Yishi for a month and planned to kill Kim Tae-soo in exchange for money. The ransom was paid, but in the end it failed. We are now verifying the identities of other kidnappers who have died..."

"That is to say, if it is confirmed that these kidnappers are local gangsters, desperadoes who dare to do anything for money, can that clear Zhou Zheng's suspicion?" Stationmaster Jiang asked bluntly: "If they are real kidnappers , then there is no possibility of instigating rebellion against Zhou Zheng?”

"Yes." Yu Weiliang nodded truthfully.

"Then verify as soon as possible. Before the true identity of the kidnapper is determined, Zhou Zheng and his assistant will be physically controlled and they will not be allowed to leave Iraq." Stationmaster Jiang made a decision.

"Okay." Yu Weiliang nodded.

"As for other people and other points, they must be strictly investigated. The superiors are waiting for the results."

"I see!"

After the two communicated, Yu Weiliang left the chief webmaster's office.

The reason why the Military Intelligence Office of the EU Zone 2 was willing to speak for Zhou Zheng was because he had made detailed explanations and kept records about the business summit and Zhou Zheng’s own kidnapping, so the higher-ups would Believe him, after all, it is impossible for one of you to be detained and interrogated by No. 57 in vain.

But this kind of belief is not brainless. Such a big thing happened in Yi City, and there are still doubtful points about Zhou Zheng. The MI3 of the EU Zone 2 also needs to conduct detailed verification. After Richard answered Zhou Zheng's call, he told him not to leave Iraq and wait for people from MI3 to come and investigate the matter.

This result is not ideal, but Zhou Zheng wants to escape and get rid of No. 57's control over him, so this is the only way for the time being.


When Yu Weiliang was preparing to temporarily release Zhou Zheng and Lin Chengdong, an officer from the Information Investigation Division suddenly found him.

"Team Leader Yu, we have made a major discovery here." The officer said solemnly.

"What discovery?" Yu Weiliang was a little confused.

"This... I can't explain it in just a few words." The officer thought about it and replied, "You and I can go to the office."

"Okay." Yu Weiliang stood up and nodded.

Five or six minutes later, in the office of the Information Investigation Section, the officer took a USB flash drive and inserted it into the computer, and then used a projector to project the video onto the wall.

In a community, a man carrying gifts was communicating with the guard...

When the scene changed, the man was walking quickly on the road in the community, and two patrol cars drove by.

In the third scene, the man came to the door of a villa and rang the doorbell. Not long after, a lady took him in.

Yu Weiliang frowned, bent down and stared at the man on the screen. After observing for a long time, he said: "Hey, this person... this person is...?!"

"He is Yao Jingzhong, the military intelligence chief from District 9. He committed suicide after being arrested." The officer whispered solemnly: "This villa belongs to Kim Tae-soo's house, and that woman is his wife."


When Yu Weiliang heard this, he turned around in shock: "When was this video taken?"

"The day before the shooting at Muer's House." the officer replied truthfully.

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