District 9

Chapter 1352 Temporary adjustment of deployment

In the distant mountains, in the compound of the joint defense team, more than a dozen corpses were beaten to pieces by bullets, lying on the ground with blood flowing across them. They died in extremely miserable conditions.

Xiaobai stood in the compound changing magazines, looking at the soldiers expressionlessly and shouting: "Build fortifications at the front and back gates, and I'll fucking kill anyone who crosses the line."


Dozens of soldiers at the front and back doors fired their guns into the sky and pushed forward together.

"Fall back!"

"Fuck me, get back, or I'll destroy everyone inside!"


The soldiers pushed forward, forcing the crowd outside the compound, and then used heavy-duty pickup trucks to block the door. Explosion-proof steel plates protected both sides, building a simple defense.

Outside the hospital, the people did not dare to act rashly for the time being because the members of the joint protection team, as well as the Suo Ye, Wang family, He family, and the big bosses of the two major companies were all arrested.

Xiaobai changed the magazine, glanced at the crowd coldly, turned around and returned directly to the main building. The people looked at this young kid who was not very old but was extremely ruthless, and felt a little trembling in their hearts. This person is reckless and will kill whenever he wants. Whoever fights him head-on may be the first to be unlucky.

Inside the building.

Xiaobai wiped the blood on his face, took the phone and dialed Qin Yu's number.


"Brother, I have taken down the joint protection team. No one from the three major families and the two major companies who can talk to me here has escaped." Xiaobai quickly walked upstairs: "What the hell is Mr. Suo? I’m kneeling upstairs right now.”

"How is your situation now?" Qin Yu asked.

"More than 30 people have died or lost, and dozens more have been injured. The team has just been gathering, and they haven't been called out yet." Xiaobai answered.

Qin Yu felt very uncomfortable when he heard this. Although these people were not his soldiers, they were the wealth that Wu Tianyin had saved in the Russian region. They traveled thousands of miles to come to support, but so many of them could not return.

There is no one who is immortal in a war. Qin Yu had experienced this firsthand on the northwest front. He calmed down for a while, then immediately adjusted himself and asked, "Is it easy to escape from your place?"

"It's a bit troublesome. The people have surrounded the joint defense compound. There are many people. Although I can suppress them for the time being, if they want to run away, no one knows what they can do on the road." Xiao Bai He replied truthfully: "I have a lot of money here now, and there are only about 300 people who can hold guns. The number is too small."

Qin Yu thought for a moment: "You lie down there and wait for my call."


After the words fell, the two ended the call.

At the north entrance of Chongdu, there were fierce gunfire and bursts of artillery. The Chongdu Self-Defense Army was still fighting fiercely with the Wu mercenary group and the private armed forces coming from Zangyuan.

Qin Yu stepped on the snow crust in the field, walked up to Wu Tianyin and shouted: "Anzai, let me find out how long it will take for the joint defense team leaving the east gate to reach the distant mountains."

"Didi has just replied. The joint defense team leaving from the east gate has scattered convoys along the road, specifically to stop us from watching the wind. Pip doesn't dare to get close to it." Anzi quickly came over and said, "Now too It’s hard to say where they are.”

Wu Tianyin turned around when he heard the sound and asked Qin Yu: "Has Xiaobai finished his work?"

"Yes, everyone has been captured." Qin Yu nodded and responded: "But the people outside have already surrounded the joint defense team building. He only had less than 300 people after all, and he was guarding the dignitaries in the distant mountains. , The people outside don’t dare to move yet, but if they want to run away, they will definitely open fire on the road, and it will be difficult to deal with these three hundred people.”

Wu Tianyin was silent.

"We have to readjust our thinking, we can't just do it blindly." Qin Yu opened the car door, took out a tablet computer from it, fiddled with the map and asked Wu Tianyin: "Brother, do you have any good suggestions?"

Wu Tianyin took two steps on the spot, raised his head and asked, "How is the situation over at Nanmu? How long will it take to finish the fight?"

"It's hard to tell as they are still fighting fiercely." Qin Yu shook his head.

"If it were me, I wouldn't let Xiaobai run away." Wu Tianyin replied succinctly: "Let him stay in the joint defense team compound until the conflict between Nanmu and us is over."

Qin Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Wu Tianyin took the tablet map, pointed to the three corners around the distant mountains and said: "As long as Nanmu has a breakthrough, we will keep the people away from these three points, and the people inside will surround Xiaobai, so what will they do? What's more, this wolf cub still has chips in his hand."

Qin Yu looked at the map and fell into silence.

"If we do this, will we freeze in the end?" Anzi took a look at the map and expressed his opinion: "We don't have many people. It's hard to say whether we can suppress people in distant mountains and heavy capitals."

Qin Yu thought for a while and replied: "Once the joint defense team falls, there won't be much trouble in the distant mountains. The main thing is that we can handle it here in the capital, so there will be no problem."

"Aren't you just here to grab territory?" Wu Tianyin looked at Qin Yu with great approval and said: "If you are afraid of wolves in the front and tigers in the back, why do you still do it with chicken feathers? Believe me, just do it!"

"Did you do that?"

"Do it!" Wu Tianyin nodded.

Qin Yu was also a decisive person. Hearing the sound, he immediately took out his phone and dialed Brother Xiao's number.

Next to him, Wu Tianyin also immediately adjusted his thinking and asked Anzi: "How many waves were hit at the door just now?"

"Two rounds of artillery fire."

"It's almost done. You should withdraw the team and arrange the rear immediately." Wu Tianyin said quickly: "As soon as Nanmu is finished, we will leave."


Anzai nodded upon hearing this.

Nanmu Life Town.

Marion's armed forces were already at the rear of the opponent, engaging in firefights with the private armed forces invited by the He family.

As soon as the gunfire rang out from behind, He Taiyong's desire to capture the core of the Qi family alive disappeared in an instant.

On the road in front of the Qi Family Courtyard, He Taiyong was protected by someone and retreated back. Holding the phone in his hand, he kept shouting and asking: "Have you not broken through the blockade yet?"

"I'm entangled," Wang Changli shook his head: "I can't fight out for the time being."

"Damn it!" He Taiyong gritted his teeth and cursed: "If there is no support and they attack from the front and back, our side will have no chance."

"Don't continue to fight with them inside. Find a way to fight them out first." Wang Changli responded in a somewhat complaining tone: "You have six or seven thousand people there. Pull them outside and regroup. Just stand there and don't fight back. It will take a certain amount of time to let them burst out, right?! Be decisive and evacuate quickly!"

"I'm going out, can support arrive?"

"You fight out and go directly back to the distant mountains." Wang Changli said quickly: "There is no one in charge there now. If you go back, you can still solve the dilemma over Lao Suo. As long as you stick to it for a few hours, my side Support is here, do you understand?"

"Okay, that's it." He Taiyong hung up the phone.

Outskirts of Phoebe.

Chen Jun's nephew put one hand in his pocket and asked with a walkie-talkie: "Have our people entered the battlefield?"

"There has been an exchange of fire." The commander at the front immediately replied.

Chen Jun's nephew heard the sound and immediately shouted: "Helicopters come in, use the fastest speed to defeat their rear."

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