District 9

Chapter 1,348 The third front begins

Inside Nanmu Life Town.

He Taiyong stood at the back of the convoy and shouted: "Bring all the heavy firepower to me, no matter whether there are people coming from behind. Damn it, as long as it is eaten by the Qi family, no matter how many people they come, it will be in vain. Big guys rush in, Our people from Chongdu will be here soon."

Yes, when He Taiyong learned that someone had closed the door at the south entrance, he did not choose to turn around and run away, because he knew very well that if he gave up at this time and turned around, the Qi family and Qin family who were temporarily blocked by him would escape. Yu Yifang will definitely stand up and fight back immediately.

At that time, the front will be unable to escape, and the people behind will be chased. Once the formation is broken up, let alone six or seven thousand people, even if you have 20,000 people, you will definitely be dead.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and nothing could be said in this tone to vent it.

Therefore, He Taiyong made a decisive decision not to run away, but to attack Qi Jia and Qin Yu's men fiercely. As long as all their main personnel are detained, it will be useless for how many more people come later.

On the road surrounding the Qi family compound, the core members of the Suo family and the core members of the He family all carried steel cannons and mortars and attacked madly into the street.

In the courtyard of the Qi family's side house.

Brother Xiao shouted in a loud voice: "Why can't you stand up?!"

"He Taiyong is a fucking man. They didn't run away. They wanted to rush in and eat us." Lao Qi hid behind the wall, bent down and replied: "Hweiwei led the team and rushed out, but before they could get close, He was repulsed.”

"damn it!"

Brother Xiao cursed, took off his coat, and shouted directly: "Come with me if you have enough power, fight out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, He Taiyong's shout rang outside again: "Damn it, it's your own business. If you don't risk your life, why don't you point your fingers at others and risk your life? Huh?! You should all step back and stand on the side and fire. Can this be penetrated?!"

After saying that, He Taiyong took a micro-c, waved his hand and shouted: "If you want to die, I will die first, and the people of the He family will rush in with me!" "

Sichuan Mansion is a place with a very chaotic social situation. Every family and private armed force that has survived to this day has gone through the bloody accumulation stage. Without any courage and bloodiness, it is impossible to survive and grow in this place.

He Taiyong knew that if he couldn't kill the Qi family and Qin Yu's people, he would be imprisoned in Nanmu, so if he didn't risk his life at this time, he would definitely have no chance.

He Taiyong personally led the team. The core members of the two major families and the core forces were all ignited and began to besiege the central area.

In the small courtyard of the Qi family's side house, Lao Qi pulled Brother Xiao and said, "There is no need to vent your anger on him. Let's wait until Marion's people come in, and then we can confront them head-on."

Brother Xiao thought for a while and said, "Okay, gather all the good ones and the bold ones together and come with me later."

Chongdu area.

The Wang family's joint defense team has already headed towards the road heading towards Nanmu from the north gate.

at the same time.

Fengxiang Company's joint defense group rushed out from the east entrance and headed straight for Yuanshan Town.

on the highway.

Anzi turned to look at Brother Xiao and Qin Yu and said, "It's different from what I thought. The people in Zhongdu left through two entrances, one through the east gate and the other through the north gate. They should be dividing their troops to help Nanmu." and distant mountains.”

"Are there so many of them?" Qin Yu was a little surprised.

"The idea is that there are only seven or eight hundred people going to the distant mountains, but they are all military equipment, with serial numbers and military flags." Anzi replied truthfully.

"I know this, they are the self-defense forces of Chongdu." Qin Yu nodded, looked at Wu Tianyin and said, "Split the troops into two places. This shows that they have sufficient manpower. It is estimated that they will send reinforcements from outside."

"Yes." Wu Tianyin nodded.

Qin Yu thought about it and immediately dialed Xiaobai's phone number.

A few seconds later, Xiaobai answered the phone on the side of the main building of the Yuanshan Joint Defense Team: "Brother, give me a few more minutes, and I will definitely be able to chew it down."

"The people in Chongdu are gone, you have to do it quickly."

"How many?" Xiaobai asked.

"Seven to eight hundred people." Qin Yu frowned and asked: "Don't be brave, just tell me realistically, how long will it take you to finish the job, and whether you can leave. If possible, I won't care about the distant mountains. Come on, do you understand what I mean?"

"You don't need to worry about me. I will definitely finish the matter before their people arrive." Xiaobai gritted his teeth and replied.

"Don't be so fucking pushy, answer me based on the actual situation!" Qin Yu asked seriously.

"Before people come, I will definitely be able to chew down the distant mountains." Xiaobai repeated loudly.

"Okay, that's it."

After the words fell, the two ended the call. Qin Yu said to Wu Tianyin: "Xiao Bai said over there that we don't need to worry about the distant mountains."

"This kid has a lot of strength. He said he can chew it off, so he should be certain." Wu Tianyin thought for a moment and said, "Let's go, get in the car, we have to start."

Qin Yu nodded and followed Wu Tianyin into the car.

About ten minutes later.

While the car was driving, Qin Yu suddenly noticed that there were two bright spots in the sky in the direction of Chongdu: "They have sent out a helicopter to explore the path."

"Zi la la!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the walkie-talkie in Anzi's hand rang: "Two helicopters came out from the direction of Chongdu. They were pathfinders. They were already very close to us. If they let go, we would definitely miss them."

Anzi hesitated a little and looked back at Wu Tianyin: "How do we do this?"

Wu Tianyin grabbed the walkie-talkie and cursed succinctly: "It's already this time, why are you still talking about leaks? Come on, don't let them buzz in your head."


Three minutes later.

On the necessary road to Nanmu, four strong men rushed onto the main road from the field, mounted four old-fashioned Stinger tracking missiles, and opened fire after calibration.

"Swish swish!"

Four rockets rose into the sky like fire dragons.

"No. 2, No. 2, be careful to avoid, there is an RPG!" the helicopter pilot on the left immediately reminded.


The two helicopters instantly tilted in the air, and their warheads passed directly by the aircraft. But before the two pilots could catch their breath, the passing warhead drew an arc in the air and returned suddenly.

"Boom, boom!"

With the sound of explosion, the two helicopters turned into huge fireworks in the sky.

At the headquarters of the Joint Self-Defense Forces, an officer opened the door and walked into the office. He said to the people in the room: "Private armed forces were found outside the north entrance. I don't know how many people there are. Our helicopter was shot down."

A middle-aged man stood up after hearing the sound and cursed in disbelief: "Where on earth did this son of a bitch Qin Yu get so many people? Why is there still a block at the north entrance?!"

Several cars were parked on the road.

Wu Tianyin stepped out of the car and shouted at the crowd on the side of Zangshan Mountain: "Everyone is here. The Self-Defense Forces are receiving heavy fire in front of the highway. Let's lift the fucking chairs and let Boss Qin sit down in Sichuan Mansion!"

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