District 9

Chapter 1344: Unlimited Reinforcement of Sichuan Mansion

Inside the main building of the UNPROFOR compound.

Suo Ye is taking the high-ranking boss No. 20 or 30 to remotely control the conflicts in Nanmu Life Town.


The door was pushed open, and a man walked in quickly and said, "Master Suo, there are dozens of pickup trucks and four military trucks coming from Chongdu. They have already arrived."

Suo Ye was stunned for a moment: "Have you called in yet?"

"Yes, the purpose is very clear. We are rushing towards the joint protection team." The other party nodded.

"Damn it, Qin Yu likes to play like this. If I suffer a loss once, how can I suffer a loss a hundred times?" Suo Ye didn't show any panic and said briefly: "Transfer the remaining people over and give me as many as you want. How much to keep.”

"I'll go." A middle-aged member of the Suo family said to the people who came in: "Use the walkie-talkie to call them."


The two finished talking and quickly left the room.

On the sofa, the Wang family members put their hands in their hands and said with frowns: "Weren't everyone blocked in Nanmu? Where did they get these hundreds of people from?"

"They probably came from Nanmu," Suo Ye thought for a moment and replied, "Didn't Qin Yu transfer some people from Nanhu?"

"That's not right. They are coming from the direction of Chongdu. If they are people hidden in Nanmu in advance, we can't not notice it, and they can't come here in such a detour." The people of the Wang family are delicate and still have some doubts. said.

"Either they are private armed forces hired from other places with money." Suo Ye replied calmly: "There are only four hundred people. They can't even touch the gate of the joint protection team, so they can just beat them."

Everyone nodded and continued to control Nanmu's side with their phones.

In the center of Yuanshan Town, all the stalled cars on the four streets set off, gathered together, and rushed in the direction of Xiaobai.

In the previous conflict, Qin Yu had people in Zhongdu causing trouble, so Master Suo was also on guard against him playing this trick, leaving behind two groups of private armed forces who came to help in the Zangyuan area, plus the core members of the Suo family, a total of More than 1,500 people are waiting for someone to come to the distant mountains to cause trouble.

The people of Yuanshan Town had already known about the opening of fire tonight, so there was no one on the streets. The convoys on both sides were traveling very fast, and they collided within five minutes.

As soon as Xiaobai saw the other party coming, he immediately took the walkie-talkie and said: "Don't break up, let's fight head-on. The gun must be fierce, the car must be fast, the formation must not break up, if you fall behind, just exit. Damn it, I want to fight head-on." he!"




One by one, Chinese men wearing white military coats and Russian-style turbans rushed out of the armed cross-country.

Behind, the military truck stopped, and a total of 200 people got off the four trucks, running and spreading out on both sides of the road in an instant.

The mortars and steel cannons were all assembled in less than a minute and placed neatly on the roadside.


“Bang bang bang!!”

There was a burst of cannon fire, and the opponent's advancing convoy was instantly buried, and fire instantly shot into the sky.

At the same time, the cross-country convoy did not stop, did not slow down, and crashed directly into the shelling site.

The Russian T113 fully automatic machine gun opened fire and swept across the opponent's convoy.

In the crowd, the Suo family members fled out of the car in panic, yelling at their necks: "No, they are not on the ground, they are all military equipment. They are troops pretending to be soldiers. They must be a mixed brigade back."

In the joint defense team compound, Suo Ye suddenly frowned when he heard the sound of cannons: "Is there something wrong with the sound?!"

"Yeah, it's too dense, and there are some with large diameters."

"The mixed brigade is back?"


Many people stood up from the sofa.

"It's definitely not a mixed brigade. Qin Yu didn't dare to disobey orders, let alone charge into the distant mountains and open fire." The Wang family shook their heads: "Hundreds of people came together, and if we catch a few, our identities will be leaked. He can't afford such a big deal." Responsibility."

Suo Ye immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, "Who was the person in the exchange of fire?"

"It should be a mixed brigade, all military equipment, with heavy firepower." The Suo family shouted.

Suo Ye frowned: "It's probably not an army. Qin Yu is a munitions dealer. It's not unusual to have military equipment. Don't panic, just fight me normally."

The Wang family members thought about it and immediately said: "Lao Suo, I don't think this matter is that simple. Qin Yu has played dirty tricks in Zhongdu before. He should be able to guess that we are prepared and only sent a few hundred people here. This Things are a little unusual.”

Suo Ye knew it right away, looked at him and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's safer to move the team that went to Nanmu back. For stability, arrest these hundreds of people first." The Wang family member replied quickly.

It is not unusual for accidental events to occur in such a large-scale conflict, but this requires those who control the overall situation to make decisions quickly and not be slow, otherwise it is likely to collapse in an instant.

Suo Ye thought for a moment and immediately told the people next to him: "Don't use the walkie-talkie to shout. If the team in Nanmu knows that there is a situation in the distant mountains and needs to call someone back, then they will feel unsure. Call Lao He alone. , let him send some people back.”


Everyone nodded.

"Sound the alarm, wake up everyone, and give him a beating together." Suo Ye ordered again.

Ten seconds later.

The alarm sounded loudly in the distant mountains. People who did not have to participate in this kind of conflict began to look out from inside the building. Some people who were close to the Suo family and the He family instinctively took out the weapons in their homes without using fans. gun.

"Da da da……!"

In the heart of the conflict, gunfire rang out.

Many people started shooting from upstairs and inside the house.


Xiaobai lay in the car, turned his head and glanced at the houses on the side of the road, pointed at the window where the fire was fired and yelled: "RPG, aim upstairs for me, I will shoot whoever the hell shoots."

"It's hard for the public to fight, right?" The co-pilot immediately advised: "Don't cause trouble to Boss Qin."

"Are their people considered civilians if they shoot and hold fire?!" Xiao Bailing yelled with his eyes rolling: "Kill them. If you are afraid of killing them, no one will shoot."

The words fell.

The vehicle-mounted RPG began to raise its head, aiming at the surrounding buildings, and began to strike accurately.

"Boom, boom!"

There was a wild explosion, and the windows upstairs where the fire was the most violent were instantly blown open, killing all the people in the house.

"CNM!" Xiaobai stood outside the car and roared incomparably: "Listen to me, I will sue you. If you don't move, I won't move, but who the hell wants to open fire on me? I will immediately send a company of soldiers to kill your whole family, men, women, children and all. If you don’t believe me, try it!"

Is it effective to just hit the first target?

You said, it doesn't work.

But when you really put all the RPGs in the homes of those who intervene, it becomes effective.

There was a lot of silence on both sides of the road. No one was willing to give his life in vain.

"Da da da……!"

Several shots from the off-road vehicle were fired wildly, and the Suo family members who were rushed away began to collapse to both sides!

on the road.

Seven or eight people from Yuanshan Town who were injured and unable to escape fell to the ground and shouted: "Don't shoot, surrender!"

"Da da da!"

Without blinking, Xiaobai lowered his head and beat all these seven or eight people to death without leaving any one behind!

"Everyone who fires will be killed! If you are afraid of killing, no one will stop you!" Xiaobai pointed to the left and yelled: "Press through from wherever you are, and keep pushing forward!"

Xiaobai's character has been different from others since his debut. In addition, after he and Wu Tianyin developed from scratch in a chaotic place like the Russian District, the whole person became different again.

Nanmu area.

He Taiyong privately notified the people on his side and a private armed force from Zhongdu, asking them to rush to the distant mountains to help.

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