District 9

Chapter 1322 The slogan is loud and loud

In the temporary conference room, Chief Huang stood up slowly and said loudly: "Military intelligence work itself is very dangerous. Every time we go out to perform a mission, it means that someone may be left behind and soldiers may die, but this is our job. What a nature! If you encounter some difficulties, you won’t go ahead? If you encounter some difficulties, you will shrink back? Is this possible? "

When Yao Jingzhong heard this, he felt conflicted and annoyed.

"I admit that this matter is indeed very difficult, but isn't the purpose of our coming here to overcome all difficulties? The military intelligence departments in each district are waiting for news that we have successfully completed the mission! Now let me call the superiors I called him and said that this job is too dangerous and our soldiers don’t want to do it anymore. Is that possible?” Chief Huang slapped the table and said excitedly: “What kind of behavior is this? It’s an act of fear of war! I have no shame to fight this. By phone.”

Yao Jingzhong stood up and couldn't help but said: "Sir Huang, who can come here, who is afraid of fighting? If you are really afraid, then your wife and children will be at home."

Chief Huang glanced at Yao Jingzhong, but he also looked unhappy, because the two had been at odds since they arrived at this place.

"It's true that we are engaged in military intelligence work, and we do have to complete tasks in a very dangerous environment." Yao Jingzhong said with his hands on the table: "But my philosophy is that we can't let the people below jump into it knowing that it is a fire pit. .Sacrifice must be meaningful. No one who is born should die for who or what he is doing."

"Chief Yao, I think what you said is very unconscious." Chief Huang looked at him with a frown, pointed in the direction of the northwest line and said: "Just some time ago, we had more than 10,000 soldiers in front of our home! You Tell me who they live for and who they die for! You are a soldier, and as soon as the orders from above come, we need to step up!"

Yao Jingzhong looked at him and asked directly: "Then you go to the top! You take the people below and go to the hotel surrounded by iron barrels to perform the mission!"

Chief Huang's face turned red as he choked on his words.

"Everyone can say nice things when you sit here!" Yao Jingzhong slapped the table and shouted: "Go and call the people below, they are guaranteed to be more touching than what you say! People who are directly facing danger, and those who are sitting on Can the people who give orders here have the same mentality?!"

"Are you making excuses for me?" Chief Huang slapped the table and said with two big eyes: "Haven't I ever worked at the grassroots level?! If I hadn't faced danger directly, how could I be sitting here? Okay, since you have spoken, let me also express my position. I will go to Yi City and lead the big guys to do this job!"

Yao Jingzhong sneered at this, his eyes even more disgusted.

Sure enough, the person in charge of District 7 immediately stood up and smoothed things over: "Everyone calm down, don't be so excited, Chief Huang, sit down, sit down, Lao Yao, don't be angry, everyone's starting point is to complete this time." Mission, if you have anything to say, speak it up."

Officer Huang borrowed a donkey to go downhill, bent down and sat at the top: "A fear of war once is equivalent to a fear of war a hundred times! If you don't dare to do it this time, will you dare next time? As long as the opponent exists, the risk will always be there. It won’t lower…!”

This mission was jointly carried out by the three districts, headed by the Eighth District. Chief Huang was a senior official of the Yanbei Military Intelligence Department. He was specially sent here to serve as the team leader, and he also received a death order. He must shoot Pu Ming before , to complete the shooting plan, so it is impossible for him to say soft words. The upper management often only looks at the results and not the process. After struggling for so long and spending so much manpower and material resources, in the end they don’t even dare to do anything. It’s useless to talk too much. In the eyes of the upper management, it is incompetence.

Yao Jingzhong is a new military intelligence officer. He is highly educated and very loyal to his profession and the military and political department he currently serves. However, he has indescribable objections to some of the methods of doing things and some people in the current system. Antipathy.

"Xiao Yao, there is indeed some truth in what Chief Huang said. We soldiers are just...!" The person in charge of the seventh district wanted to persuade him.

Yao Jingzhong waved his hand and stood up, interrupting expressionlessly: "I understand the meaning of military orders. Since the vast majority of people decide not to report it and choose to continue the mission, I will reserve my opinion and obey everyone's decision. But I want to say one thing. The so-called upper management, the so-called leaders, may make mistakes in their decisions. How much do they really know about the situation here? What we hold in our left hand is orders, and what we hold in our right hand is human life. I hope, Every decision you make, don’t be so hasty!”

Everyone was silent.

Yao Jingzhong lowered his head and unbuttoned his sleeves, revealing two bullet holes and a large burn mark on his arm. He looked at Officer Huang expressionlessly and said, "Am I afraid of fighting?! The bullet holes on my body are worse than the twelve-digit password on your safe." There are too many. You insult me? You are not qualified!"

"You...!" Officer Huang stood up suddenly.

Yao Jingzhong stopped talking to him and said simply: "You guys come up with the plan. I'll go downstairs and stay with the guys for a while!"

After saying that, Yao Jingzhong opened the door and left the small conference room.

"Damn it, this person has gone too far." Officer Huang glared and cursed: "What do you mean!"

"Calm down, he's always been a bit awkward!"

"Sir Huang, you don't need to be angry with him. You still need to manage the rear. Soldiers have a soldier's job, and a team leader also has a team leader's job!" Another person also advised.

Chief Huang sighed when he heard the sound: "Oh, I really want to work with the people below. When I think of the more than 10,000 people who died on the northwest line, I...!"

Two hours later.

Ma Laoer looked at Yao Jingzhong and asked, "Didn't the deal end?"

"I knew it wouldn't work out," Yao Jingzhong replied with a smile.


"The order was issued by the highest military intelligence agency in the three regions. After struggling for so long, we don't even dare to make any noise. So, do these leaders dare to report to the higher ups?" Yao Jingzhong lowered his head and said, "I don't want Wu Sha Mao anymore. ?”

"You know this is the case, why are you still talking about it?" Ma Laoer smiled helplessly.

"Someone has to say something." Yao Jingzhong smoked a cigarette and cursed bluntly; "Besides, I feel sick when I hear what they say. Haha, damn, after working in military intelligence for so many years, I am now a school officer. Well, I won’t be a fucking official anymore.”

"You actually don't have to go."

"Everyone is chosen by me. I can't stand up for being shameless." Yao Jingzhong patted Ma Laoer on the shoulder: "Come on, let's call people over and study the plan in detail! We'll start work the day after tomorrow."

Inside the Fifth District Hotel.

Zhou Zheng was lying on the bed, applying a men's facial mask, and asked leisurely: "You said they...!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a text message notification sounded on the bedside table.

Lin Chengdong picked up his mobile phone, opened a gambling advertising text message, glanced at it, and said softly: "They still decided to do it!"

Zhou Zheng was silent for three seconds and said with a sneer: "I guess that's it. The higher ups don't care how many people you die, as long as you can finish the job!"

"What about us?" Lin Chengdong asked.

"They don't even care about their own lives, so will they care about ours?" Zhou Zheng looked at Lin Chengdong and asked, "Who do you think you are?"

Lin Chengdong was silent.

"Brother, do you still remember what I told you?" Zhou Zheng asked suddenly.


A man wearing a suit and gold-rimmed glasses sat in the car and said, "I won't be leaving recently. Call some people to help my brother!"

"Okay!" The person in the passenger seat nodded.

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