District 9

Chapter 1317: Both sides were framed

In Yuanshan Life Town, after receiving frequent calls from Chongdu, Mr. Suo immediately ordered: "Call He Taiyong and tell him not to continue in Linggang and ask him to take people back to Yuanshan, hurry up!"

"We just met over there, will we retreat now...?"

"Don't you understand yet? The other side is fully prepared. The Qi family is determined to get together with Qin Yu. Just relying on Lin Gang's few people will not achieve any results. Let them withdraw quickly. That's it!" Suo Ye ordered, waved his hand and shouted to the follower: "Go out and drive!"

When Mr. Suo left, he brought with him forty or fifty people and more than a dozen cars. He said it harshly, but his heart was actually trembling. The Qi family and Qin Yu shot the Suo family members desperately. No one knows what's going on.

Linggang area.

After He Taiyong learned that shots were fired in Zhongdu, he calmed down and directly chose to retreat.

This conflict happened quite suddenly. No one had expected that the Qi family was so determined to fight Qin Yu. At this moment, Qin Yu's side was very well prepared, while Yuan Shan was hastily responding to the battle. So just relying on this It is obviously unrealistic for hundreds of people to defeat the Qi family, or to attack Nanmu directly.

There is no point in continuing, and the Suo family has suffered such a heavy blow, and big actions must be taken in the follow-up. Therefore, the top priority at this moment is for everyone to come together and come up with countermeasures.

Hundreds of people retreated quickly. Brother Xiao, Lao Qi and others pursued them until they reached Linggang before giving up. But from the overall situation, both sides have their own losses, and no one has gained much advantage.

late at night.

In Nanmu Life Town, Brother Xiao took the phone and said to Qin Yu: "The other side has withdrawn. It is probably the call from Chongdu."

"You have gone back?" Qin Yu asked.

"Well, I'm back." Brother Xiao nodded.

"Have the people from Chongdu gone back?" Qin Yu asked again.

"Zhan Nan is walking back, Qi Yuming is almost at Nanmu." Brother Xiao paused and said, "One of Lao Qi's nephews is gone, and Wu Zi hasn't been contacted yet!"

"Where are the people around Brother Wu? Have you called?" Qin Yu asked urgently.

"After Suo Laoer was killed, Wu Zi and his brother ran away." Brother Xiao also said in a serious tone: "I am sending people to Zhongdu, ready to meet him!"

"Did his brothers run away when they saw Brother Wu, or did they run away on their own without waiting for Brother Wu?!" Qin Yu stood up and asked.

"They ran away!" Brother Xiao frowned and said, "Wu Zi has been hanging out on the ground for so long. If he can get out of trouble at the scene, it should be no big deal."

"Look for it quickly, make sure nothing happens!"

"Well, I'm calling some people over!" Brother Xiao nodded.

"Call me immediately if you have any news!"


A car was driving rapidly on the streets of Chongdu.

Qiu Wu was sitting in the middle of the back seat of the car. His head was held down by two strange men on the left and right. His hands were handcuffed and he could not move.

During the escape process, Qiu Wu had already gotten rid of the people chasing him, but just as he was about to contact his brother, a car suddenly approached, and three people got out and took him hostage at gunpoint.

In the car, Qiu Wu's wound was still bleeding, but he didn't make any drastic action. He just lowered his head and asked: "Brothers, where are these people? If you give me the right words, I will give up." .”

"Damn it, if we were members of the Suo family, would we still tie you into the car? We could just shoot you to death and that would be it." The middle-aged man in the passenger seat said calmly.

"Then which way is this taking me?" Qiu Wu asked again.

"Stop fucking asking and shut up!" the person in the passenger seat scolded.

Qiu Wu also felt in his heart that the other party should not be from the Suo family, otherwise he would not be so polite to him. But he couldn't figure out what this group of people were doing, so he calmed down and was very cooperative with each other.

At around five o'clock in the morning, at least 20 or 30 core members of the Suo family gathered at the entrance of the emergency room of Chongdu District Hospital.

"Ding dong!"

The elevator door in the corridor opened. Suo Ye had a gloomy face and walked over quickly with seven or eight people: "How is it? How is Dad!?"

"...There's nothing serious about the old man." Suo Ye's little sister cried until her eyes were red and swollen: "Brother, Jianming was killed by the bombing, Xiaofei, Ale, and the fourth child were all seriously injured by the bombing! They are here to protect dad. On."

When Suo Ye heard this, veins popped up on his forehead and he clenched his fists.

"This bastard Qin Yu is too dirty. If he can't do it head-on, he'll just play dirty. Damn it! Brother, let's gather the people from the distant mountains and the capital and just beat him into a mixed brigade!" A young man said with a ferocious face. said.

"No." Another middle-aged man frowned and said, "If you take the initiative to attack the troops, District 9 will definitely send troops. They have concerns. We can't do everything. We have to use our brains."

From the Suo family's point of view, they felt that what Qin Yu did was not honest and his methods were a bit dirty.

But from Qin Yu's point of view, everyone in the Suo family is a player in the game, such as Li Yuan, Dahui, and Suo Laoer. They are all the big brothers on the ground who have been domineering in the Sichuan area for many years. Don't move. He, as long as you start doing it, they will definitely have to touch you, so there is no such thing as yin or yin.

Relying on the support of the public, you plan roads, set up sentries to collect fees, and prevent our cars from passing. Isn't this a dirty trick?

You attacked my mixed brigade soldiers and took benefits from the fifth district. Isn't this shady?

In your family business, everyone is in charge of his own business and firmly controls the business on the ground in the Sichuan area. Is anyone innocent?

There is no reason for this kind of accumulation of hatred, it's just a matter of different stances.

That night, the Suo family suffered a heavy blow that had not been seen in the past ten years. Seven or eight key figures died. It can be said that the whole house was filled with grief.


Qin Yu's side wasn't having a good time either. As soon as the gun went off, they and the Qi family were also put on hold!

It is impossible for the Suo family to just let go after someone dies, and the several families and two companies that are closely linked to him will definitely give them strong support.

Therefore, for Qin Yu and the Qi family, the most difficult thing has just begun.

Suo Ye stayed in the hospital until about nine o'clock in the morning, and then drove to Shuzhong Renjia Teahouse, where he met people from the Wang family, the He family, and the two major companies again.

"Fire started, and our Suo family was hit first." Suo Ye said with a gloomy face while smoking a cigarette: "Li Yuan, Da Hui, and my second brother were all shot to death. Even my villa was bombarded with artillery. Fortunately, my dad is fine, but some of the juniors at home, as well as my brother-in-law, are dead and disabled. I don’t want to say anything else. I have to fire back and kill Qi Jia in one round!"

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