District 9

Chapter 1290: Bandits Airborne

The people in this area knew the terrain better than Qin Yu and others. By the time the security camp arrived at the scene of the crime, all the gangsters had already escaped.

All the soldiers in a squad died, and all their cars and firearms were taken away.

When Qin Yu arrived at the scene and saw the corpses being placed on the stretchers and the squad leader's head in the snow shell, his eyes turned black in anger.

People who have never been in the military do not understand the feelings between comrades, and people who have not participated in a war do not understand the kind of friendship between men that can only be accumulated under specific circumstances.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the more than two thousand people in the mixed brigade, except for the new arrivals and those from the logistics unit, Qin Yu has almost seen them in person. He may not be able to name them, but he must have an impression of these people. profound.


Because on the northwest line, these people played their lives with him!

Qin Yu might still be able to maintain his sanity when military supplies were robbed, but it was absolutely unbearable for soldiers to be killed.

"Tong...inform the two regiments to assemble immediately! Bring three days of rations, heavy artillery, locating devices and other equipment, and prepare to clear out the town of Life in the Far Mountains!" Qin Yu said through gritted teeth, covering his chest.

"The World War II zone has clear regulations that internal wars and military conflicts involving more than a thousand people must be reported to the agency." Li Zhan was no less angry than Qin Yu, but as the chief of staff, he must remain rational: "If you want to fight, you have to call the higher-ups."

"I'll get the order, and the other officers will prepare." Qin Yu roared, and immediately bent down to lift up the squad leader's head.

More than an hour later.

Qin Yu stood in the brigade office and shouted at Feng Ji angrily: "No, I will definitely fight him!"

"You can't fight. Are you out of your mind and acting like a child?! Have you caught someone, or do you have conclusive evidence? You have nothing, and you're going to open fire based on just speculation. That's going to cause big trouble. Yes!" Feng Ji roared equally angrily: "The place you are in is close to the southwest line. The situation is very complicated, and the local people have no sense of belonging. You held back an evil fire and entered Yuanshan Life Town. Shoot, what should I do if the situation gets out of control? What should I do if the public’s reaction exceeds expectations?!”

"Then the soldier died in vain?!"

"Do you understand the meaning of garrison? You are asked to go there for control. Read these two words separately. What does pinyipin mean? If the troops and the local people cannot be integrated together, and the area is out of control, even your eight heads will not be enough. Cut down, do you understand?!" Feng Ji knew Qin Yu's temper and shouted with his hands on his hips: "I tell you, you must endure this matter until the World War II zone comes up with a decision."

"No way, I can't wait."

"Qin Yu, I tell you very seriously that this kind of thing is definitely not a simple robbery conflict. There must be someone behind the scenes, and they may be waiting for you to open fire. People often have no access to the inside story. Who is close to you? Just follow whoever you follow." Feng Ji shouted very seriously: "You are responsible for those soldiers, but you are also responsible for more people, and you cannot act based on personal emotions."

Qin Yu gritted his teeth and was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly asked: "The troops can't move, right?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Can I solve it myself without troops?" Qin Yu asked loudly.

Feng Ji was stunned.

"Can you please give me the right words!" Qin Yu asked, roaring.

"There's a local conflict, and there's nothing anyone can do about it." Feng Ji replied briefly.

"This is what you said yourself. Don't deny it when the time comes." Qin Yu said this, hung up the phone, and immediately shouted to Qi Lin: "What the fuck, the troops won't let you move, but I will still do it." Fuck him and call Brother Xiao.”

Qi Lin took out his cell phone and immediately dialed Brother Xiao's number.

Qin Yu walked over and grabbed the phone. After waiting for the connection, he said directly: "Brother Xiao, you brag every day, saying that the southwest and northwest are full of energy. Now I want to use this energy!"

Brother Xiao was startled: "What's going on?!"

"Money is not a problem for those who want to travel on the ground." Qin Yu said succinctly: "You come over too, I will ask Chen Jun to fly you off."

"Is it okay to be a human? Just wait for me. I'm getting dressed now." Brother Xiao immediately rushed out of bed.

One day later, heavy snow fell on Sichuan Mansion, and the ground was covered with white frost.

Around 9:30 p.m.

The independent mixed brigade headquarters issued an order directly to the 1st Infantry Regiment after many battles: "Brigade-level troops are training. The target is the southern entrance of Yuanshan Life Town. They will be stationed for three days and carry heavy firepower."

"Yes, make sure to complete the training mission!"

"that's all."

After the two of them finished communicating, Daya waved his hands and shouted: "Assemble the whole group!"

Around Yuanshan Life Town, Brother Xiao stood next to the car, frowned and asked the people inside: "Is that okay?"

"Then you've already spoken, so what can't I do?" A man with a southwest accent said with squinted eyes: "After you called me, I ran more than 200 kilometers in five hours to get here. Come here."

"Do you understand?" Brother Xiao asked.

"Suojia Suosan, I know him." The man replied with a slight frown: "We and them have always been on the same page, and we all sell goods in different areas. Let me tell you the truth, there is no carrot here. It’s a trap, and no one dares to cross the line, otherwise they will be easily killed by concentrated fire. This is you, if it were another person, he would give me 20 million, and I would not get involved in this matter. "

"Don't force those useless things." Brother Xiao was obviously very familiar with him and said simply: "You do something, I will take care of it."

"Fuck, what's the reason? Do we still need you, the big brother, to come here in person?" the man asked teasingly.

"The top spot is in Sichuan Mansion. I was transferred here while I was fucking sleeping." Brother Xiao licked his lips: "Ask quickly!"

"Where is the top spot? Then you have done this job well!" The man's eyes lit up: "You have to recommend me whatever you say."

"No problem." Brother Xiao nodded.

Hearing the sound, the man took out his mobile phone and said slanderously: "I'm online, let the buyer check it out, and we'll visit you. Three dollars (three million), one-way job. Well, just leave as soon as you get out."

Forty minutes later, the south entrance of Yuanshan Life Town.

Four off-road vehicles drove over in a swaggering manner, and several members of the local security team reached out to stop the vehicles.

"What are you doing?" the leader asked.

"Get a cigarette," the man replied calmly, "go in and walk around for a while before leaving."

"Do you have a head?" the other party asked again.

"Yes, the contact number is He. Let's meet at Guo Street." The man replied softly.

The people outside nodded: "Go over!"

"Thanks, brother." The man waved his hand and urged softly: "Go in!"

at the same time.

Daya's troops have quietly approached the southern entrance of Yuanshan Life Town.

On the car.


Brother Xiao cocked the bolt of his gun, and the man handed him a bandit hat: "Put it on."

Brother Xiao waved his hand: "The top spot said, don't cover your face, kill a few blind people to keep your footing."

"Piss!" The man gave a thumbs up.

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