District 9

Chapter 1285 A very exciting meeting

Outside Yi City, in the lobby of the patrol station, Kim Tae-soo led a dozen people in from the door and asked with an urgent expression: "Where are the people? Where are the people?"

"Here, Mr. Jin." The inspector who came to greet him politely stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

Jin Taizhu followed the direction pointed by the other party, turned into the corridor, and came to the door of the stationmaster's office: "Who is Mr. Zhou?!"

Indoors, Zhou Zheng, Lin Chengdong, and three sturdy young men sent over by Chief Huang were sitting on chairs talking to the inspection station chief.

When Zhou Zheng heard someone calling him, he instinctively looked back at the door: "Mr. Jin...Mr. Jin?"

When Jin Taizhu saw him talking, he immediately walked into the room and held out his palm: "Oh, this is so embarrassing. It's my responsibility, my responsibility!"

Zhou Zheng's embarrassed appearance at this moment was really not staged at all. He followed Lin Chengdong for several days. He didn't have enough food to eat, nor did he get enough sleep. His cheeks were unshaven, and his skin had chilblains. He hadn't changed his clothes, and he could smell a rancid smell from three meters away. .

The most important thing is that Lin Chengdong tried to strangle him twice. The thin and sharp wire left a striking scar on his neck, which looked very miserable.

"Mr. Jin, it's really hard to meet you." Zhou Zheng said something slightly dissatisfied in a teasing tone.

When Jin Taizhu heard this, he bent down again, held Lao Zhou's palm with both hands and shook it tightly: "I'm so sorry, Mr. Zhou! It was my unpunctuality that implicated you...!"

"Oh, just come back alive." Zhou Zheng stopped and sighed, "What a pity, Lao Li!"

The Lao Li Zhou Zheng was talking about was the one who was beaten to death by Lin Chengdong and others in the company, and it was he who took the lead in preparing to introduce Lao Zhou and Kim Tae-soo to each other.

"These military intelligence elements originally came for me, but I didn't expect that they would go to my company...!" Kim Tae-soo stood aside and wanted to explain a few words.

"Military intelligence elements?" Zhou Zheng frowned: "Are you talking about the gang of gangsters who captured me?"

"Yes." Kim Tae Soo nodded.

"Isn't that right? They shouldn't be engaged in military intelligence." Zhou Zheng shook his head and said with a puzzled expression: "According to my observation, the person who kidnapped me must be a kidnapper for money."

"Are you sure it's just a kidnapper?"

"Yes, they fought in the abandoned water conservancy plant because the spoils were unevenly divided." Zhou Zheng responded truthfully and falsely: "This group of gangsters should be the work of three waves of people. They were not all present, so when the people from the patrol station rushed to the water conservancy plant, someone among them started the trouble and fired!"

Kim Tae-soo thought for a moment and asked, "Is there anyone named Lin Chengdong among the gangsters?"

Next to him, Lin Chengdong's expression did not change when he heard these words, his posture was calm, and he was very courageous.

"I've never heard of it." Zhou Zheng, who is also very talented in acting, replied: "These people are all called by nicknames when they are together. I don't know what they are called."

"Oh!" Kim Tae-soo nodded: "I received some information saying that Lin Chengdong may be a member of the military intelligence community!"

"Then I don't know. Anyway, in my personal opinion, these people should have nothing to do with military affairs." Zhou Zheng insisted on "his own opinion" and shook his head and said, "They are either very professional or very bold."

"Then how did you escape...?!" Kim Tae-soo asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man standing next to Jin Taishu coughed, indicating that there were too many people here and he asked too many questions.

Sure enough, Zhou Zheng smiled but did not immediately reply to Kim Tae Soo's words.

"Sorry, I was so anxious that I ended up chatting with you right here, haha!" Jin Taizhu seemed to have come to his senses. He turned to the patrol station leader and ordered: "I took him away, and I will give you the transcript tomorrow. Continue to deploy additional police forces to search for the two escaped gangsters."

"Okay, Mr. Jin!" The patrol station leader stood up and nodded.

"Mr. Zhou, are you feeling well? Let's go to the hospital first?" Kim Tae-soo asked.

Zhou Zheng thought for a moment and replied, "It's best for me not to show up now."

"Okay, that's okay." Jin Taishu nodded: "I'll arrange for you to stay first, and then call the doctor to come and take a look."


"Little things, haha!"

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, they left the patrol station together.

On the roadside, Zhou Zheng stepped into Kim Tae-soo's car, and Lin Chengdong followed him without even thinking.

Jin Taizhu didn't say anything, but Lao Yang, the follower behind him, frowned and looked at Lin Chengdong, meaning the boss was talking, why are you following me.

"Xiao Zhu is one of our own. I can't come back without him." Zhou Zheng sat in the car and said with a smile: "Let him come up."

Lin Chengdong glanced at Kim Tae-soo's attendant, pulled the door open and got directly into the passenger seat.

Tens of seconds later, the convoy started and headed towards the city.

in the car.

Jin Taizhu looked at Lao Zhou with doubts on his face: "How did you get out of trouble?"

"That day in your company, the gangsters came very suddenly. Lao Li didn't understand the situation, so he shot and injured one person." Zhou Zheng said with a slight frown: "This shot made the gangsters anxious, and they gave Lao Li They beat me to death and wanted to kill me. But I had no choice. Seeing them asking for money, I could only say that I had money and could give them fifty gold bars, so they did not touch me. They might also consider kidnapping me. As for me, it would be easier to run outside.”

"Oh!" Kim Tae Soo nodded.

"When I left Yi City, I was always blindfolded, and they would deliberately avoid me when talking. Later, when they started working on their own at the abandoned water conservancy plant, two people finally took me away alone. They were quite greedy and were always thinking about my fifty gold bars, so we talked about it. I asked someone to give me the money and they let me go." Zhou Zheng said with a smile: "When I called, I took the point. Xiao Zhu (Lin Chengdong) said a few words, and after he understood, he first went to the financial services company to pick up fifty gold bars, and then rescued me at the agreed-upon location."

"Are there only two people left on the opposite side?" Kim Tae-soo asked.

"Yes, there are only two people left, and one of them is injured." Zhou Zheng pretended to recall: "After leaving the abandoned water conservancy plant, they took me to a boarding and lodging restaurant to give the injured one Someone took care of the wound. I was blindfolded at the time and couldn’t figure out where it was, but it should be not far from the scene of the gunfight. You can send someone to check."

"Both of them ran away?" Kim Tae-soo asked again.

"Yes, Xiao Zhu's purpose was to save me, so the transaction involved one hand of money and another hand of people." Zhou Zheng nodded: "But the last two remaining people were also very cautious. As soon as the gun went off, they got the gold bars and ran away. "

After hearing this, Kim Tae-soo apologized again: "This is too dangerous. I'm very sorry, Mr. Zhou!"

"It's over, it's over." Zhou Zheng waved his hand calmly.

after an hour.

Kim Tae-soo got off the car with Zhou Zheng, Lin Chengdong and others and walked towards the hotel.

The follower Lao Yang and others went to the last car that had just stopped.

In the car, the Awei brother who was first arrested had his hands and feet shackled and was looking out with a frown.

The car window was lowered, Lao Yang was smoking a cigarette and asked expressionlessly: "Look, do you know any of those people?"

The Ah Wei brothers heard the sound and looked towards the door of the hotel. Their eyes swept across everyone, and finally settled on Lin Chengdong.

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