District 9

Chapter 1265 Simple interrogation

Yi City, in the office of Courtyard No. 57.

"Are you blind? What's going on?" Kim Tae-soo stood up and asked eagerly.

"The person responsible for handling Group 17 from outside the district received a telegram. The entire team of Group 17 suddenly lost contact. The informant in the district said that there was a gunfight near the bridge in Dongpu District. After repeated confirmation, it was Group 17 that was involved in the accident." The officer said. He replied with a frown.

"Ah, Xiba!!"

Kim Tae-soo slammed his fist on the table and cursed angrily: "How did the confidentiality work of Group 17 be done so that everything in the group could get into trouble?!"

"It's over."

Next to him, the middle-aged man who had been advising Kim Tae-soo sat slumped in a chair and said: "Activating Group 17 without authorization has exposed the entire group... If the matter is serious, the higher ups will definitely hold them accountable."

When Kim Tae-soo heard this, beads of sweat broke out on his forehead, and he immediately ordered to the officer: "Quickly, clear all the telegram messages sent to Group 17."

The officer was startled: "Okay, okay!"

Kim Tae-soo looked panicked and took out the mobile phone that was used to communicate with Group 17 from his pocket. He took out the communication card and broke it into pieces. He said with a stern face: "Tell the people in the communication room to be stricter."

In Nanhu, in a large warehouse, more than a dozen of Zhan Nan's brothers were beating people around the 17th group.

Brother Xiao and Zhan Nan sat on chairs and watched coldly without saying a word.

After five or six minutes of continuous beating, two members of Group 17 had passed out from the pain, but the remaining ones still refused to spit.

"Haha, you are quite tough." Zhan Nan's brother gasped, waved his hands and shouted: "Come on, drag them outside..."

"Don't... don't waste your efforts...!" The leader of Group 17, lying limply on the ground, said with blood on his face: "We are people of faith. Who can get here without training? You guys I can do it, but you can’t, and I can still... It’s useless, we won’t say anything.”

"Fuck, are you still calling me?"

"Haha!" The leader of Group 17 laughed nervously.

"You're so fucking bragging." Brother Xiao suddenly stood up and said with a slight frown: "I still don't believe it. How can any department train people's thinking to be unified? Come on, bring them all to me. Go to the rooftop of the unfinished building next to it and hang it up with a rope."

More than twenty minutes later, on the rooftop of the unfinished building next to the warehouse, all the remaining members of the 17 groups were tied with ropes and pinned to the edge of the building.

The cold wind howled, Brother Xiao walked up to a person, put his hands behind his back and asked, "Will you tell me?"

"You bitch, die...!"

"Damn it, why are you talking so much nonsense?" Brother Xiao suddenly raised his foot and kicked the opponent on the waist.


Screams rang out, and the man fell out of the edge of the building with his hands tied to a rope. The rope on the ground quickly tightened and straightened.

After the man fell two or three meters, his body hit the building with a thud. His back ached, and he glanced down in the cold wind, suddenly trembling all over.

The wind was blowing hard, and the bottom of the 22-story building was full of bricks and rubble. If this person fell, the result could be imagined.

"I fucking believe in professionalism, but I also believe in humanity more." Brother Xiao walked to the edge of the rooftop, lowered his head and shouted: "I use my reputation as a salesman to promise you that as long as whoever opens his mouth first to speak, I will save his life. "


The man hanging outside the building roared angrily, as if to cheer himself up.

"Hurry up, this is a man of integrity, don't let him suffer, give him a ride." Brother Xiao waved his hand impatiently after hearing the shouting.

Next to him, a horse boy pulled out the military thorn, bent down beside the rope, and slowly started cutting.

"Creak, creak...!"

The sound of a slow knife cutting the rope sounded. The remaining 17 members of the group nearby could only hear the sound but could not see what was going on outside the building.

In just two seconds, the rope suddenly made a snapping sound, and a small section of the rope was cut.

"Ah! Ah...!"

The people hanging outside heard the rope snap and immediately closed their eyes and howled miserably.

"Why are you such a mean person? Why don't you give others a good time?" Brother Xiao scolded his brother.

"Brother, my knife is dull, I'll try to be faster..." The young man smiled and continued cutting.


There was another sound of the rope breaking.

The man hanging below was instantly incontinent and had a complete mental breakdown. He was shouting and holding on to the rope with his hands to climb up.


As soon as his body moved, the rope that separated the two small strands completely broke.

"Ah, no, no, no...!"


Halfway through the scream, there was the sound of heavy objects falling downstairs.

On the rooftop, the cold wind howled and it became completely quiet.

"Come on, next one." Brother Xiao waved his hand expressionlessly.

As soon as the words fell, four horsemen dragged another person to the side of the building.

Brother Xiao asked the brother next to him to light a cigarette for him, took a deep breath and said, "I admire people with strong bones. If you are really not afraid of death, then I will give you pleasure."

After saying that, Brother Xiao raised his leg to kick the opponent's waist.

"I...I said, don't mess with me, I said it!"

The man suddenly fell to his knees, his face turned pale, and he yelled with fear in his eyes: "Don't fucking come over here, I told you!"

"Can you tell?" Brother Xiao asked.

"Say, I'll say!" The man nodded.

Brother Xiao heard the sound and put his palm on the man's head. He turned to look at the leader of Group 17 and asked, "Didn't you receive training? Is this it?!"

"You are so fucking spineless!" the leader of Group 17 shouted with his eyes wide open.

"Do you have any backbone? cnm, come on!" Brother Xiao let go of the man in front of him and rushed towards him.

The leader of Group 17 was startled for a moment, and his eyes immediately became frightened.

Human nature is like this. A person's strong will can completely control his own thoughts. But when there are more people, that person's strong will is useless, because it cannot influence everyone's thoughts.

Joy, happiness, sadness, fear, these emotions are contagious.

When one person collapses, it is difficult for others to maintain their inner defenses.

Brother Xiao walked up to the leader of Group 17, grabbed his hair and threw him out of the building, because he was a stubborn person and wanted to test his humanity.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, Zhan Nan suddenly walked up and shouted to Brother Xiao, "Brother Jun is here. I want you to come down."

Brother Xiao pondered for a long time, turned to look at the man who had agreed to spit, and said: "Take him away."

A few minutes later.

Outside the unfinished building, Chen Jun stood at the entrance wearing a windbreaker. He turned to the man who was pinned to the ground with his hands behind his back and asked, "Sent from No. 57, District Five?"

The man raised his head: "Yes."

"Why do you want to touch Zhan Nan?" Chen Jun asked again.

"...Because we received an order to investigate a man named Lin Chengdong." The man replied with a gasp.

Zhan Nan was stunned for a moment and asked in great shock: "Who is checking who?!"

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