District 9

Chapter 1,256 A strange combination of circumstances

In front of the hotel's main entrance, the remaining security personnel were forced to jump down the left side of the steps with Kim Tae-soo.


At the same time, the four cars that came to pick up Kim Tae-soo were all stuck on the left side, blocking Kim Tae-soo and others with their car bodies.

"Da da da……!"

On the street on the left, a row of D's hit one of the cars, but they did not break through the car's glass, nor did they leave any bullet holes in the car's body. They were all bounced away with a crackle.

On the roadside, Lin Chengdong frowned: "Xiao Liang, don't leave. We'll hit you with your car. Their car is bulletproof."

"Okay!" After Xiaodian nodded, he pushed the reverse gear directly, held the steering wheel with both hands, and quickly backed the car diagonally towards the street.


The engine was roaring, and a burst of thick smoke came out of the car's exhaust pipe. Xiao Liang pushed the forward gear, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, ran to the left side of the steps, and crashed into it.


At the same time, Awei did not need to say hello. After changing the sub-d, he immediately used a Remington spray gun to suppress the opponent's vehicle. In just two shots, the explosion-proof tires of the two vehicles were flattened.

In terms of quality alone, Awei's performance is very vigorous, he has strong understanding ability, and he is also very adaptable. At first glance, he looks like a veteran who has been walking on the ground for many years. It's just that his character is destined to...

After both sides were suppressed, Lin Chengdong's car had already rushed up the gentle slope.


There was a violent sound, and Xiao Liang drove the car and pushed the front car a little away.


Lin Chengdong pushed open the car door, jumped out, and shot four times in the direction of Kim Tae-soo, knocking down a security guard again.

"Cover, I'll go in!" Lin Chengdong shouted, and he was about to rush into the four cars, relying on fire cover to capture Kim Tae-soo alive.


At this moment, an extremely dull gunshot came from the direction of the fork in the road.


One of the Awei brothers on the left, who was responsible for covering with self-double steps, fell to the ground in an unexpected situation. Half of his head was taken off by the gun, and he died in a miserable state.

On the steps, Xiao Bo, who was shooting down, was startled, suddenly raised his head and shouted: "That's not right, why do they have snipers?!"


As soon as he finished speaking, two off-road vehicles rushed over from the direction of the fork in the road. The barrel of a large sniper rifle was protruded from the passenger side of the first vehicle.

Lin Chengdong felt bad and ducked next to the car in an instant.


There was another gunshot, and the window of the bulletproof car on the opposite side was actually shot through.

"What's going on? There are snipers and two cars!" Ah Wei shouted with the walkie-talkie.

"At the intersection on the left, don't panic, others, catch Kim Tae-soo first." Lin Chengdong quickly adjusted his strategy, but it was too late.

In the hotel lobby, six or seven men in black suits all took out their guns and pointed their guns at Xiao Bo.

"Whoosh, whoosh...!"

The quilt on the glass door was shattered. Xiao Bo was caught off guard and shot in his left arm. He hurriedly jumped down from the right side of the steps with others.

"We can't do it anymore. They are prepared." Awei hid on the left side of the steps and yelled: "There are people inside and outside their house. If they don't leave now, they have to turn back here!"

Lin Chengdong couldn't figure out why the other party was prepared and why the security members came with sniper rifles. This was completely unreasonable.


Xiao Liang was afraid that his car tires would be smashed by the opponent's sniper, so he immediately chose to move.

Lin Chengdong is a very patient person and very calm-minded at all times. He hesitated briefly and shouted: "Awei, throw away all the weapons you used to blow up the door in your bag, and cover everyone's retreat. No one else can Lianzhan, leave now!"

Ah Wei and others heard the sound and pulled out the pistol from the bag. They rolled it along the ground and threw it into the street with a very subtle movement.

"There's thunder!"

The middle-aged man holding a sniper in the car immediately put away his gun and shouted, and then the two off-road vehicles immediately approached the other side of the road.

"Boom, boom!"

Explosions sounded one after another, debris flew across the road, and large craters appeared. However, nothing happened to the affected off-road vehicle. Only the door panel was slightly scorched black by the explosion.

Taking advantage of the opponent's time to dodge the attack, Lin Chengdong, Xiao Bo and others had already boarded the car. Brother Awei, who was responsible for firing cover on the left, was also retreating while firing to suppress the people rushing out of the lobby.

"Catch them, catch them!" Kim Tae-soo hid beside the car, shaking strands of messy hair and roaring with a ferocious expression.

Lin Chengdong and others waited for more than a month and were very well prepared. They had thought out almost every detail of the plan, so they did not panic when they retreated. After the first car drove out first, everyone was covering them, including Awei who continued to throw handguns in the direction of the car.

Xiaoliang's driving skills were good. After the car backed out, he drove close to the roadside, allowing many stagnant oncoming vehicles to block his view.

After the first car left, Ah Wei and others turned around and ran in the direction of their own cars.

At the same time, the door of the off-road vehicle was pushed open, and the man holding a sniper pushed forward at a waist. After chasing for twenty steps, he knelt on one knee and raised his gun.


There was a gunshot, and one of the brothers who was running at the back was hit in the left leg by the quilt and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Brother Wei," the young man rolled around on the ground twice, put his right hand on the ground and shouted, "Pull me up!"

Ahead, Awei and the others turned around. There was a very loyal brother who was about to rush back.

"Don't move!" Awei pulled him: "It's a sniper attack. Move away!"

On the side of the road, the man with the big sniper originally wanted to injure one person and lure Ah Wei and others to rescue him, but he did not expect that the other party would react very quickly and would not be able to catch him at all.


A burst of bright light came from a distance, and the sniper instinctively blocked his eyes.

Ah Wei, holding a strong flashlight, was the first to run to the car, waved his hands and shouted: "Go, go quickly!"

On the side of the road, the young man who was shot fell to the ground and shouted: "Brother Wei, wait for me!"

Ah Wei clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and replied: "I can't control it, I have to leave."


The driver turned around without hesitation and drove in the direction with the largest crowd.

"Weige, Weige, I'm cnm! Take me away...!" The young man shouted twice, but didn't look back when he saw the car, and suddenly cursed in despair.

In just two seconds, the people in the off-road vehicle caught up and captured the young man who was shot alive.

Hotel entrance.

Jin Taizhu gritted his teeth and cursed: "It came very quickly. If there is any news, it will be there as soon as possible."

In the car, Lin Chengdong took off his gangster hat and cursed in confusion: "How could there be an ambush? There is no way the plan could be missed?!"

Two hours later.

In an area to be planned near the northwest line, helicopters are resting and refueling at a military supply point.

Ma Laoer and others were smoking cigarettes and chatting in a relaxed manner, while Yao Jingzhong stood in the distance, holding the phone and asking: "What? How is it possible?!"

"It's true. About two hours ago, a group of people had already moved one of the main targets in advance," the other party said in a low voice, "but they failed."

Yao Jingzhong was stunned.

"Damn it, if the bird in the cage is frightened, then the difficulty of this job... will become infinitely greater." The other party said solemnly: "What do you think we should do?"

By a strange combination of circumstances, Lin Chengdong took the lead and fired the first shot, making the originally straightforward shooting mission extremely complicated.

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