District 9

Chapter 124 Life and Death, One Hundred Meters

"Don't wait for Guan Qi, he is blocked." The Ma brothers, who were running behind to cover, shouted a reminder: "You can't save him, run away."

"Fuck." The old cat's head felt hot and he turned around.


Qin Yu turned around and shouted: "It's useless to go, come back."

The brothers from the Ma family rushed up, grabbed the old cat without any explanation and ran forward.

A few seconds later, everyone arrived at the fork in the road. Yongdong looked around. He didn't know the terrain here, so he just looked up and shouted in the distance: "On the left, there are mountains over there, run over there."

"Go, go."

The people behind agreed, and everyone stepped into the left fork.

Running wildly all the way, Qin Yu looked up and saw that the foot of the mountain was close at hand, but he suddenly froze on the spot.

Ahead, a narrow alley of over a hundred meters appears in front of you. On the left is the back wall of the second floor of Qingyishui's boarding and lodging house, and on the right is the supermarket in Wengnan's supply area. People can only run forward, but there is no chance to climb over. Walls on both sides. Because the wall is too high, there is simply not enough time to climb by force.

"damn it."

Yongdong cursed with red eyes: "God help them."

"You can't go back, just keep your eyes closed and move forward." Yongdong's friend shouted with squinting eyes: "Run away!"

After the words fell, everyone only paused briefly before rushing towards the end of the alley.

In the blink of an eye, after Yongdong led the team to run for more than 20 meters, Yuan Hua, Bald Zi and others hurriedly arrived. More than 20 people stood at the intersection and looked at the alley and were stunned.

"What the fuck, here's your chance." The bald man reacted first, waved his hands and yelled: "Ten of them will follow me and chase forward against the wall, while the others will hold their guns and point the fire in the middle of the road."

After saying that, Bald Man led the team and rushed into the alley first. He leaned against the wall on the right side and ran forward.

"Fuck, fire."

Yuan Hua greeted the remaining people and rushed towards the wall on the left. A strong man behind him was a little worried and pulled him and shouted: "Brother, don't go."

"Go away, don't hold me."

Yuan Hua, who was already red-eyed, shook his brother behind him and ran forward, shouting: "Shoot."


At the entrance of the alley, there were less than ten people left. They opened fire in the middle of the road. The sound of the gunfire was surging, and the gunfire was narrow and bright.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, two of the Ma brothers who were dragging at the end in the middle of the alley were shot on the spot and one fell to the ground.

"The one with the gun stopped him, otherwise no one would be able to rush out."

The old cat pulled its neck and roared, then turned around and started to fight.


"Tug him."


Chaotic shouts rang out, and the Ma family boy dragged his brother who fell to the ground, while Yongdong's two friends turned around and fought back.

"Hit, put the gun on the shoulders of the people in front, and shoot into the crowd." The bald man raised his head against the wall, held the gun with both hands and pulled the trigger.


The opponent had many people and guns, and the firepower was surging. Yongdong's friend only stopped for a moment, and someone was shot in the head. The back of the head was opened by the bullet, and blood spattered on the wall and fell to the ground.

Yuan Hua and others on the left took advantage of their own people to shoot and quickly closed the distance with the opponent.

After the distance between the two sides was less than ten meters, gunfire rang out on the left side. The young Ma boy who had just been pulled up from the ground fell to the ground again after being shot several times. His whole body twitched a few times and stopped moving.

"cnm, I'll arrest the leader." Yuan Hua pulled his neck and shouted: "Ma Zai put down the gun, I will let you go now."

Ahead, Lao Ma looked at the fallen man, pushed Qin Yu and shouted: "Run forward, I'll stop him."

"Can't stop it."

Qin Yu turned around and grabbed the old horse's arm: "You will die in vain if you go. Run forward."

After saying that, the old cat pushed Uncle Ma from behind and said with red eyes: "If you don't die today, he may die tomorrow. Don't stop, run forward."

In the middle of the alley, the Ma brothers who were shot before they could get up and run away, Yuan Hua and others rushed up.

"Don't move, throw the gun away."

"Raise your hands."


People on the left and right were holding guns and shouting.

"Fuck you, you'll die if you get caught. Don't run away." The young man lay on the ground, raised his hand and pulled the trigger.


The two sides exchanged fire at close range, which was bloody and cruel. The bald man was shot in the left arm, and the young man was shot more than a dozen times. He stared and died.

"Don't worry, keep chasing."

Yuan Hua greeted and continued running forward.

The bald man leaned against the wall, holding the gun in his right hand to cover the wound on his left arm, gasping and muttering: "Something's wrong."

"What's wrong?" asked the brother next to him.

"You...don't you feel strange?" The bald man turned around with sweat on his forehead and asked, "Has anyone seen Xing Zihao?"

Everyone was stunned.

"Yeah, didn't you see Xing Zihao?!"

"He was definitely not in front and didn't run with Lao Ma and the others."


Baldy listened to everyone's words and muttered with a pale face: "I hope he was put in Fengbei by the other side... He is not injured and chase after him quickly."

Everyone paused for a moment and then continued to catch up.

In less than two minutes, more than a dozen people on Qin Yu's side had already lost nearly half of the 100-meter-long alley.

The foot of the mountain was already in sight, and the guns in everyone's hands were almost all out of ammunition. They rushed out of the alley with only the drive to survive.

"Dip Lingling!"

While running, the phone in Qin Yu's pocket rang. He shook his head and shouted as if his throat was about to split: "Uncle Ma, phone, help me get the phone."

Upon hearing the sound, Uncle Ma reached into Qin Yu's trouser pocket and pulled out his cell phone, but before he could connect, the other party hung up the call.

"What's going on? Shall I call you back?" Lao Ma asked.

"No, he saw us..." Qin Yu gasped and replied, "Run to the mountains. As long as we enter the forest, we can survive."

"Who saw you?!" the old cat chased after him and asked.

On the right side of the main road, under the big sign from Weng Nan Supply Zone wishing you a safe journey.

After the off-road vehicle stopped briefly, two young men wearing thin cotton-padded jackets, breeches and leather boots ran straight towards the foot of the mountain with cloth bags more than one meter long on their backs.

In the car, the young man in the passenger seat picked up the intercom with his right hand and asked: "The gunshots have been moving, have you heard them?"

"The gunshots are moving in the five o'clock direction. Preliminary judgment shows that the final moving point is at the foot of the mountain." The person on the intercom responded briefly: "In a straight line, the gunshots are concentrated. Fifteen seconds ago, there was a firefight between the two sides. Now it is a unilateral pursuit. , the number of people is 20+. But some of them may be shooting at fixed points..."

"Don't move, wait for the tail." The young man frowned and ordered.

"OK!" A sound from the electric microphone sounded, and the other party responded.

The young man was sitting in the off-road vehicle, pointing his right hand to the right: "Turn off the lights and drive that way."

"The motor is making noise, do you have to get so close?" the driver asked.

"The person I'm chasing has random gunshots and no organization." The young man shook his head and replied, "I guess they must be on the ground. These guys are not gangsters. They just went straight in and fucked him from the side."

at the same time.

At the entrance of the alley, Yuan Hua, Bald Zi and others all rushed out and stood on the roadside, raising their heads and shooting.

"Kang Kang!"

A burst of gunfire rang out. When the old cat was dodging, he stepped on the stone with his right foot and slid down, falling to the ground with a grunt.

Qin Yu looked back and without hesitation stretched out his hand to pull him towards the stone next to him.


The old cat was dragged into the stone by the z-bomb. Qin Yu was shot again in the back, and blood surged wildly.

"Qin Yu!"

The old cat shook his head and sat up, staring at his eyes and roaring.

In the car, the young man heard the old cat's cry and immediately picked up the intercom and asked, "Who is he calling?"

"Qin Yu."

"I'm cnm," the young man shouted urgently: "Scan some for me and find a place to shout. Hurry up."

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