District 9

Chapter 1241 Four years of fighting, the sword is stationed here

After the camp was blown down, Daya immediately led his troops to charge, trying to resolve the battle as quickly as possible, but the more than a hundred people guarding Pu Ming also reacted quickly.

"Set up a machine gun position to protect the impact point ahead."

"Get the car and prepare to evacuate with the brigade commander."

"Brigadier, Brigadier, are you okay?!"


There were shouts and shouts, which sounded a bit chaotic, but in fact the Pu soldiers in the camp were very orderly preparing to engage the enemy.

Soon, Pu Ming was rushed out of the collapsed tent with his head covered in ashes and his body still stained with blood.

"Chief of Staff, are they okay?" Pu Ming turned around and asked.

"It's okay." The chief of staff also ran out.

"What the fuck!" Pu Mingliang shouted with his eyes rolling: "How many enemy troops are there?!"

"The specifics are unclear, but there are at least three to four hundred people." The commander of the guard battalion rushed over and said quickly: "Please move the command officers to the right and leave in a car."

"If it's four to five hundred...then we can't fight with them." Pu Ming ordered sensibly: "Retreat in an orderly manner!"

After saying that, dozens of people from the guard battalion ran directly to the right, protecting the senior officers at the headquarters.

"Boom, boom, boom...!"

There was a violent explosion on the right side. More than 20 military vehicles were instantly blasted into pieces by mortars and RPGs. The hot flames almost burned half of the sky on the right side. Pu Ming and others were about to rush over. The man shrank back in an instant.

When the guard battalion commander saw that the convoy was bombed, he immediately made a plan: "One company will engage the enemy head-on, and the remaining people will attack the right side without thinking, making a hole, and let the brigade commander rush out, quick!"

It is said that a company is facing the enemy head-on, but at this moment the entire army structure has been disabled. The total number of people in the guard battalion is only 156, and the entire company only has about 60 people. But even with such a small number of people, after hearing the order, the soldiers rushed to Daya's side to stop them without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, the commander of the guard battalion waved his hands and shouted: "Attack, attack to the right!"


More than 20 people rushed out together and rushed towards Liang Xing and others.

"Hit me!!"

Liang Xing immediately issued the order.

"Da da da da...!"

After the shouts rang out, all the fire points in the snow on the right side were instantly exposed, desperately blocking the soldiers who were charging outward.

The machine guns swept across, and the soldiers who rushed over from the other side fell one after another. When they arrived, there were less than ten people in front of them. But these ten people sounded their horns at the same time and rushed towards the temporary defensive position set up by Liang Xing's troops, frantically pouring thunder into it.

"Boom, boom!"

There was an explosion, two machine gun positions were blown through, and all the remaining enemy troops were wiped out. But after their soldiers fell to the ground, they still crawled forward, pulled their weapons from their waists, and continued to choose to die with Liang Xing and others.

On the frontal battlefield, Daya also encountered an almost crazy resistance. The opponent's group of more than 60 soldiers, with red eyes, fired wildly in all directions. If Daya and the others wanted to break in, they could only choose to charge hard. But there are no bunkers around the roadside, so every step forward will cost you blood.

There is no opportunism in this kind of fighting, the fight is ruthless and bloody.

When the commander of the guard battalion saw Daya and the others approaching, he stood up and shouted: "Damn it, everyone with the rank of lieutenant on their body must gather here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than two dozen officers from the intelligence department of the headquarters, the military supervision and technical department, and the communications department all gathered together.

"I will protect the brigade commander to the death to successfully raid!!" The guard battalion commander directly issued an order: "Push forward, there is no turning back, and make a hole!"


More than twenty people replied in unison, and under the leadership of the battalion commander, they suddenly rushed to the right.

"Cover, cover fire!" the chief of staff shouted frantically to the soldiers behind him.

"Da da da!"

The machine guns in the position started firing wildly, and a "death squad" composed of more than 20 officers instantly swarmed to the vicinity of Ohyeji on the right.

"Turn on the strong light," the battalion commander yelled, scratching his neck: "Smash all the remaining cannons at me!"


Beams of bright lights shot out from beside the collapsed camp, and shells came directly towards Liang Xing.

The soldiers lying in the snow couldn't open their eyes, and the shells were rumbling again. They were stunned for a while, their ears were deafened, and their brains were dizzy.

The young man who was chatting with Liang Xingli in the snow shell at night just raised his head and saw an enemy officer rushing over with a deathly look in his eyes and a ferocious expression.

That fearless expression instantly made the young man lose his ability to react. He supported the ground with his arms in fear and stepped back more than a meter.


The officer roared wildly, flicked off his wrist safety, and rushed towards the young man!

"Kang Kang!"

Several gunshots rang out, and blood mist erupted from the officer's body, but he still kept walking. He only took a few steps forward, and his body tilted and fell.

The young man's head banged and he lay on the ground shivering. He felt his eyes go dark and his body was tackled by the other party.


Liang Xing, who had just fired the gun, rushed over, suddenly bent down and grabbed the opponent's arm, trying to break off the hand from his hand and throw it away, but the opponent's body was extremely stiff before he died, and the strength of his palm's grip on the hand was already causing the skin to break. Became pale.

Liang Xing pried off the opponent's fingers but they didn't move. In desperation, he could only grab the opponent's arm, pull it back hard, and thrust it into the snow.

These actions were completed in just two or three seconds. When the opponent's arm was inserted into the snow, an explosion sounded suddenly.


After a loud noise, the snow in the snow shell flew several meters high. The young man who was rescued by Liang Xing raised his head after standing up for a long time and saw Liang Xing's right arm completely broken, and he was lying covered in blood on the ground not far from him. Less than one meter on the ground.

"...Xing...Brother Xing!!" The young man rushed over and shouted tremblingly: "Brother Xing, are you okay?!"

Liang Xing's nose was bleeding, he stretched out his hand to push the young man and shouted: "...two years...more than two years since I haven't been home...Brother...send you back...run...backward and let Laoyou and the others protect you" Hurry up!"

The young man hugged Liang Xing and shouted hysterically: "Brother!! Brother, I'm sorry!"

"Go...go...!" Liang Xing pushed him.

Not far away, Daya suddenly turned around when he heard the shout, and then suddenly saw Liang Xing standing up from the snow shell, holding a gun in one hand, and rushed towards Pu Ming: "cnm!!! Why? If you want to invade, why do you want so many of my brothers to die, huh?! CNM! They bully us and don’t dare to fight back?!"

"An officer is approaching," a man stood up next to Pu Ming, waved his hand and shouted: "Stop him."

"Catch him alive!" Pu Ming shouted: "Take him hostage and rush out!"

Several people stepped forward and knocked down Liang Xing who was charging in the opposite direction with a few shots.

He has been fighting for Tiancheng for more than four years, and now he has fought until his horses are dead and his men are crippled, and he is no longer able to resist.

The enemy soldiers gathered around and saw that Liang Xing was on the verge of death. They took out their weapons and stabbed Liang Xing's throat with a knife, almost cutting off his head.

Liang Xing is dead.

In the right defense area, all the old people in Yaoguang Group were stunned.

"I'm cnm!!!" The middle-aged man named Lao You roared angrily, clenched his fists and yelled: "Bring me the tn.t! Liang Xing's soldiers, whoever has the guts to do so, will all approach me!"

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