District 9

Chapter 1,230 The family background of the Pu family legion

Night fighting is what the Ura-style army is very good at. They have been retreating and being beaten during the day, just to regroup their troops and launch the most violent counterattack when it gets dark. However, the attitude of the coalition forces in the Eighth and Nine Districts was also very determined. The Pu Army Corps pushed forward desperately, but it failed to achieve the desired effect. Both armies were blocked on the front road line and Fengshan Pass.

In the headquarters of the Pu Army Corps, Pu Yuan said with a slightly solemn face: "If the momentum of advancing is lost, we will definitely not be able to get in. We have to find a way to give the troops in front a shot of stimulant. "

"The supplies in the fifth area have been pulled up, and the entire army is moving forward. I think we..." The chief of staff frowned, trying to explain his point of view.

Pu Yuan waved his hand and made an extremely decisive decision: "Guard camp!"

"Here!" The officer outside the door saluted and entered.

"Pack up your things, move my headquarters forward, and place it behind the last combat unit of our army. The two sides cannot be together more than ten kilometers." Pu Yuan put his hands behind his back and said domineeringly and decisively: "After arriving at the designated place, There is only one company left in the guard camp to ensure the safety of the headquarters, and all the others will go into battle for me. I will personally supervise the battle and tell every soldier in our army that we can only win this battle, not lose!"

"Commander, this is too risky...!" The adjutant next to him immediately stepped forward to dissuade him.

"The line has been busy for too long. Our army has been fighting for more than ten days. We are exhausted and exhausted. If there is no result tonight, it means complete failure. If we cannot sit at the negotiating table, the fifth district will not give us anything. Pay the bill." Pu Yuan took two steps back and forth in the room and ordered again: "Call the 197th Brigade and ask Pu Ming to take the remaining troops and put them at the front for me."

"They have been fighting at high intensity for three days. If they push forward again, the 197th Brigade will be completely wiped out." The chief of general staff frowned and said, "You want to boost morale, I will lead the troops."

"Let the 197th Brigade go. He is my brother. If he needs to die in battle, let him die first." Pu Yuan waved his hand: "Give me the order!"

The communications officer ran away quickly. Pu Yuan turned to look at the chief of staff and ordered: "The tail left behind during the day's retreat can be used when the battle is most intense."

"Understood." The chief of staff nodded.

After a series of orders were issued, Pu Yuan's headquarters was the first to move, and a whole battalion of men and horses rushed towards the area with the fiercest fighting.

About an hour later, Pu Yuan's headquarters arrived near the battle site, which greatly increased the morale of Pu's regiment. The commander landed in the combat zone to supervise the battle, and sent out most of the soldiers from a guard battalion. This determination and the way he led the troops made the hometown soldiers under Pu Yuan instantly excited.

Near Fengshan Pass, the 197th Brigade, which had been crippled by wheel battles, was reorganized and reluctantly gathered the strength of a regiment. Pu Ming personally led them into the battlefield.

The commander is at the back, and the commander's brother is at the front. This combat style and command style are the core military spirit of the Ura Legion. Tough and tenacious, everyone from commanders to ordinary soldiers have this quality!

After the headquarters and Pu Ming were all in place, the military supplies provided to them by the Fifth District also appeared one after another. Fifty Japanese Type 15 main station tanks directly entered the frontal battlefield on the highway line.

This tank is equipped with a 155mm 44x smoothbore cannon, equipped with 35 combat artillery shells, and a machine gun with 12,000 rounds of ammunition. It is a very advanced super weapon in the modern army.

After fifty tanks entered the battle zone, they began to press forward regardless of the consequences.

At the same time, the artillery battalion of the Pu Army Corps focused on various attack points of the coalition forces in the eighth and ninth districts, and also fired covering rocket launchers.

The war entered its most intense moment, and both sides used their resources to launch artillery battles, close-quarters battles, and hedging battles without giving in.

In just over three hours, the number of casualties on both sides reached more than 3,000. Many troops rushed forward in full force and withdrew after a fierce battle.

Near Fengshan.

Qin Yu held a military telescope and carefully observed the road line in front of him. He cursed in disbelief: "Fuck you, no matter how big this blind guy is, he is still a warlord after all. Where did he get these tanks? Vehicle-mounted rocket launcher?!"

"It's given by the fifth district." Li Zhan frowned and responded: "This level of combat equipment cannot be produced by anyone with money or soldiers at home. Its appearance represents the military strength of a city district. The power must be provided to them by the fifth district.”

While the two were talking, someone in the distance suddenly shouted: "Escape, avoid, a new round of shelling is coming!"

When everyone heard the sound, they immediately got into the shelter holes dug in the mountain with military shovels, holding their heads and listening to the booming sound of artillery above their heads.

"All combat personnel of the 197th Brigade, charge with me!"

After the shelling started, Pu Ming roared angrily, and led the last regiment of the 197th Brigade, who was not afraid of death, to fight out from the side along the mountain path.

at the same time.

On the front of the highway, a unit of the Eighth District was completely disabled. It could not withstand the impact of the tank group and fell apart. But as soon as they withdrew from the battlefield, another force came up from behind. During the alternation between the two sides, the other side probably forcibly advanced another two or three kilometers.

Inside the Eighth District Headquarters.

Gu Taixian looked at the sand table, gritted his teeth and cursed: "I kind of underestimate this blind guy. Not only is he cunning, but he also has a bloody spirit that is not afraid of death. We are so strong, but he doesn't back down and keeps going in." "Zui, he is completely determined to die here."

"Our assistance should arrive soon." The chief of staff next to him suggested softly: "Otherwise, we should retreat five kilometers back and let them in first, and let the troops in front take a breath."

"No!" Gu Taixian shook his head: "Both sides are living on this tone now. Whoever gives in first will be dispersed first. Order the frontline troops to temporarily give up the attack and defend alternately. Disperse one unit and the other. Just top it right away.”

"Yes!" The chief of staff nodded.

The command room of the Pu Army Corps.

"We have played all our cards, there have been breakthroughs on both fronts, and we are slowly advancing." The chief of staff pointed to the sand table and said: "The troops at Fengshan Pass just reported that the opponent has given up the reverse attack and chose to garrison. "

"Press forward. As long as they can't stand, even if the numbers are equal, if they break up, the whole situation will collapse." Although Pu Xiazi is short in stature, his personal aura is extremely strong. He pointed at two points on the sand table. Said: "Fight to the death and reach the negotiating table!"


"Inform the tail and stab him," Pu Xiazi stood up straight, put his hands behind his back and said with a smile, "Send a big gift to the little brother in District 9."

"Yes!" the military intelligence chief responded after saluting.

Hours passed, Mt.

Daya and Qi Lin led a thousand soldiers across the ridges covered with snow of varying depths, and finally came to the side of the mountain, but what they saw was a cliff with no way to go down.

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