District 9

Chapter 1,227 The Battle of the Meat Grinder (Human Immortal Update)

At Fengshan Pass, the 2nd Battalion of the 3rd Regiment of the 197th Brigade was forced back by the reconnaissance battalion led by Daya who was about to rush out. Because there are too many firepower points on the outside, you can run up the mountain and hit them, or you can throw your hand l at the edge of the field to the inside. In short, you have an absolute advantage in the terrain.

"Take the portable mortar a hundred meters up the mountain, look down from a high point and shoot into the ravine path." Standing at the corner, Daya shouted with sharp eyes: "The machine gun goes up from the side, jams the mountain pass and shoots inward. , I lowered the muzzle of the gun by ten centimeters. At this time, the damage is greater than the killing effect."

After the soldiers in the reconnaissance battalion heard the very clear orders, their execution ability was also very high. Those who took the cannons took the cannons, and the ones that got stuck were able to hit them in a decent manner. They reduced the opponent's number by dozens of men almost instantly. people.

Inside the mountain pass, the commander of the enemy's second battalion was nestled behind a big rock, his eyes red, and he commanded with determination: "Get down those in front, and keep charging out while those behind are on top!"


After receiving the order, the people rushing out from the front withdrew without hesitation. While shooting, they dragged the wounded who had been knocked down on the ground and leaned back collectively.

At the rear, a company of more than a hundred people all hung their individual combat rucksacks on their chests and stood in two straight rows.

"Second Company, all of us, charge with me!"

The company commander gave an order, and more than a hundred people ignored the mortars, machine guns, and pistols of the reconnaissance battalion, and rushed towards the outside of the mountain pass like machines with only red eyes.

"Da da da!"

The reconnaissance battalion's machine guns fired wildly, while some of the infantry fired suppressively, and some had begun to use the equipment they carried to build simple fortifications.

As soon as the enemy company rushed out, the people fell down like pieces of wheat. Every time they fell four or five people, they could knock down one person.

In just a few tens of seconds of collision, another fifty or sixty people from the enemy fell at the mountain pass, but the remaining people were still rushing outward.

Among the crowd, ten soldiers carrying what looked like pesticide boxes on their backs rushed out. The long tubes they carried in their right hands were flowing out an unknown liquid.

"Destroy those people carrying boxes for me! Destroy them!!" Big Ya roared with a hoarse voice and a ferocious expression.


Several gunshots rang out from behind, and two soldiers carrying boxes were knocked down on the spot. One of them's box was shot and suddenly exploded.

A ball of flames shot up into the sky, and the four enemy soldiers who were charging with him were burned to ashes on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining eight soldiers rushed forward, dispersed their formation, and directly raised the oil pipes in their hands.

"Hufufu, poof!!"

Eight flamethrowers fired frantically at the reconnaissance camp's defenses and fire points.


The screams spread throughout the mountains and fields, and the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion who were caught off guard were all turned into flaming figures by flamethrowers. They fled into the wilderness and dug into the snow shell in an attempt to extinguish the fire.

"Second Company, charge with me!"

At the mountain pass, the enemy company commander who fell on the ground, despite being shot two or three times, gritted his teeth and stood up, pulled out his lance from his waist, and ran forward with red eyes.

"Fire point, fire point, don't stop!" Daya raised his gun and greeted, while shooting at the people at the mountain pass.


The enemy company commander staggered forward six or seven steps and detonated his weapon in the crowd on the left side of the reconnaissance camp.

Inside the mountain pass.

The second battalion commander looked at the charge company where almost all members were wiped out, stood up and shouted: "All the remaining combatants are here, charge outward again!"

The two companies only fought less than thirty meters out, but the other side still refused to give up. The rest of the entire second battalion rushed out, including the soldiers who were taking care of the wounded.

On the periphery, the group of soldiers who had been converted from the security company to the regular army were all a little confused. In their impression, the soldiers of the 197th Brigade could only run backwards and retreat throughout the day. But as soon as this encounter started, the enemy seemed completely different, and their ferocity was outrageous.

At this time, some people thought of the evacuated 041st Regiment. They had seen with their own eyes the truckloads of corpses.

The people from Tiancheng Security Company have never been on the battlefield. Most of the opponents they encounter are just for profit, which is completely different from the regular army.

During the day, the 197th Brigade made a tactical retreat and assembled, and the 197th Brigade resumed its counterattack at night, which was completely different. Although both sides have the designation of regular army, when they really encounter each other, they will make a decision.

After the enemy's second battalion commander rushed out with his men, he shouted while holding fire: "CNM, you dare to do it with us?! We have been fighting on the northwest line for more than ten years. Do you, the motley army, look good enough?! The second battalion , At all costs, push forward for me and create depth for the rear troops!"

The remaining men of the second battalion crossed the corpses piled up at the mountain pass, used flamethrowers and machine guns to clear the way, and pushed forward another dozen meters.

On the other side of the mountain pass, the commander of the third regiment gave a concise order: "Attack the perimeter, and we will fight back."

After giving the order, the remaining three battalions immediately rushed into the mountain pass and pushed forward crazily.


Faced with the onslaught of the remaining enemy troops, the people in the reconnaissance battalion were completely panicked. They had never seen such a battle. The Pu soldiers were not very tall or strong in stature, but they charged with a force of steel. As long as they started running, they would not stop midway.

"Don't panic, they only have this energy, they will be gone if they are beaten back!" Daya roared crazily at the mountain pass, but the people below were already in chaos and just scattered and ran away to both sides.

Under the heavy snow, the deputy battalion commander of the reconnaissance battalion, who was retreating and shooting at the same time, pulled his neck and shouted: "Don't be scattered and arrested. The more you run, the more they will shoot you!"

"They are all people. They don't want their lives. My eldest brother is dead. He was burned to death by a flamethrower. Move back, or they will all die."

A young man in his early twenties was running in the snow shell with a cry, his spirit had completely collapsed.


Just as the boy was running, the deputy battalion commander suddenly heard a crisp sound and turned back suddenly: "Don't move, don't move!"

The young man turned around in a daze, his face full of fear: "Help me, help me!"


There was an explosion, and the young man was instantly blown into pieces.


The other soldiers who witnessed it all had their spirits broken, howling and trying to disperse in all directions.

"Don't fucking run, there are all booby traps buried in the snow, connected booby traps." The deputy battalion commander roared and ordered, but the battlefield was so chaotic that those who were focused on escaping from danger could not hear his shouts. Voice.

"Boom, boom...!"

In the snow, the sound of explosions echoed throughout the city, and the people in the reconnaissance battalion fell one after another. After the enemy's second battalion officially broke out, they suffered almost no damage and only carried out a one-sided massacre.

Tiancheng Security, which seemed "invincible" in Songjiang, collapsed within fifteen minutes of the actual battle.

A meat grinder-style battle, whether to destroy their entire army or rise from the ashes.

who knows?

Half an hour later, in the Eighth District, in the compound of the Air Command Department, the headquarters gave an order, and hundreds of helicopters took off together, heading to an unknown destination.

Inside the Pu clique's army headquarters, Pu Yuan said expressionlessly: "The night battle is the key. If we break their tone, we can sit at the negotiation table."

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