District 9

Chapter 1220: Farewell to generals

At about 7:30 in the morning, at the assembly point about 20 kilometers away from the pass on the west side of Fengbei, the 4,000 people of the mixed brigade had already assembled and stood in an orderly formation beside the military trucks, waiting for orders.

Special soldiers guarded both sides of the assembly area. A small group of family members who came to see the soldiers off after hearing the news blocked both sides of the road and were shouting.

"Don't squeeze, you can't go in here."

"Everyone, step back."


The guarding soldiers followed the order and kept stopping the soldiers' families, shouting until their voices became hoarse.

Outside the military vehicle, Qin Yu glanced not far away and whispered softly: "Let the soldiers who come from home come out and give them ten minutes to go to the outskirts to meet with their families."

"Okay." Qi Lin nodded.

"Stay far away and don't let relatives come among the soldiers. Otherwise... soldiers who have no one at home will feel uncomfortable if they see it." Qin Yu warned again.

"I know." Qi Lin turned and left.

At the east intersection, a military vehicle arrived. Daya, Deputy Li Ying, and Ou Xiaobin opened the door and walked out, and were taken to the central location by the soldiers on duty.

"Report to the brigade commander, they are here." the officer shouted.

"Return to your positions." Qin Yu waved his hand and turned to look at the three of them: "Originally, I wanted to let the three of you adapt for a while, but now it's obviously too late. I can only join the army immediately and find opportunities to cultivate relationships with the soldiers on the road."

"Yes!" the three people shouted after saluting.

"Before we were incorporated, Tiancheng Security was divided into two regiments. Qi Lin led one regiment in each battle. After we were incorporated, due to our small number, we were restructured into a mixed brigade and divided into eight battalions. I am now Read out the appointment order." Qin Yu briefly introduced the situation, opened his mouth and shouted: "Wang Henan!"


"I will give you five hundred people to serve as the commander of the First Mixed Brigade Reconnaissance Battalion." When Qin Yu was recruited, the superiors did not appoint subordinate officers and gave this right completely to the mixed brigade. This can be regarded as a kind of special consideration. "Your troops are at the front. I have assigned you a deputy battalion commander. He is an old man from Tiancheng Security Company. He is very familiar with the soldiers below. Go and meet him and integrate as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Da Ya stood at attention and saluted.

"Li Shihong." Qin Yu raised his head and shouted again.


"I heard that you have led artillery. I will also give you five hundred people to serve as the commander of the artillery battalion." Qin Yu said succinctly: "Our army used to have very little heavy firepower. It was just resupplied by the logistics unit an hour ago. We have heavy firepower equipment, but there are few guns and many people, so you must solve the manning problem as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Deputy Li Ying had a quarrel with Daya, but it was not in vain. He was straightened up as soon as he arrived.

"Ou Xiaobin, you go to the third battalion and serve as the deputy battalion commander. The soldiers in this battalion are all soldiers recruited from the Xinxiang Life Village, and the quality of the personnel is relatively poor. You and Battalion Commander Wang Tianhui will help me solve the soldiers' mentality problems on the way, and It’s a matter of combat power." Qin Yu shouted again.

"Yes!" Ou Xiaobin stood at attention and saluted.

"That's it." Qin Yu waved his hand and called the guards, asking them to lead the three of them to their respective units as quickly as possible.

Probably less than ten minutes had passed. While Qin Yu was communicating with the headquarters, he suddenly heard the sound of uniform military songs coming from the front of the motorcade. That was the direction of Daya's reconnaissance camp. The singing was loud and impressive.

Cha Meng stood aside and said with a chuckle: "It's okay for us to fool around, but when it comes to leading troops to fight, we still need these professionals."

Qin Yu nodded with satisfaction: "It's done well."

"Report!" The signal soldier ran over, saluted and shouted: "The general headquarters sent a telegram to ask whether our brigade has been assembled."

Qin Yu lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "Call back, we have been assembled and ready to go at any time."

As soon as he finished speaking, seven or eight private cars suddenly stopped at the intersection on the east side. Wu Di, Lao Li, Ma Laoer, Liu Zishu, Lao Mao, Zhu Wei, Ding Guozhen, Fu Xiaohao, Lin Nianlei, Zhang Liang, Guizi and others were all there. coming.

Qin Yu paused and stepped forward to greet him.


After the guard soldiers saluted, they put away their guns and moved out of the way.

"You're very energetic, young man!" Wu Di joked with a smile.

Qin Yu, wearing a military uniform, blinked and asked, "It's nothing at first, but you guys are all here, and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

More than six years ago, when Qin Yu entered Songjiang, he was alone. But more than six years later, when he set off from Songjiang, a house full of relatives bid him farewell.

Qin Yu looked at them and grinned: "Take good care of Jia'ang. If I can't fucking fight, I have to run back to enjoy the blessing!"

"Don't worry, everything has been clearly arranged for you." Ma Laoer bared his teeth and replied.

When everyone came, they were thinking about Qin Yu, but they didn't know what to say. Fu Xiaohao lit a cigarette for everyone and stayed silent for a while.

Lin Nianlei hesitated for a while, then stepped forward: "Take care of yourself. If you need to be stationed for a long time, I will go."

"Well!" Qin Yu touched her head: "Don't worry, I can't sacrifice it for you."

"Shut your crow mouth!" Lin Nianlei's eyes widened: "I have nothing left, and I can't go back home. You have to be worthy of me."


Qin Yu nodded again.

After smoking a cigarette, the signal soldier ran over again, saluted and shouted: "Brigadier Commander, the general headquarters sent a telegram and ordered our unit to set off."

After the words fell, the road suddenly became quiet.

Qin Yu stared at the crowd and waved his hands slowly: "Okay, everyone, go back. Let's set off."

The conflict on the northwest front is not a civil war. The mentality of the enemy and ourselves are completely different. As long as we encounter it, it will be a bloody battle. This is something everyone present knows very well. They had never thought that Qin Yu would take this path, and they were full of worry at the moment.

Qin Yu waved his hand and turned to leave.

"Damn it, come down if you can't fight. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the military and political affairs of the ninth district, and your brigade is not missing!" Wu Di, as the eldest brother, raised his head and shouted: "We still have these properties at home, and these people are waiting for you."

Qin Yu didn't even look back. With red eyes, he waved his hands behind his back and shouted in a teasing tone: "When I come back from clearing the northwest front, you will all be the fucking princes!"

"Come back safely!"

Everyone shouted.

Fifteen minutes later, a force of 4,000 troops set off and headed straight for the northwest front.

Qin Yu was sitting in the command vehicle, staring at both sides of the road, and suddenly received a text message with only two words on it.


It was from Keke. Just because she didn't come doesn't mean she wasn't thinking about her.

Qin Yu looked at the text message, grinned and replied: "Ann!!"

There were beacon fires all over the place, and a new journey began.

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