District 9

Chapter 1188 The old unlucky guy

Dealing with these four words as appropriate made Geng Lishan's mentality explode, because this kind of instruction was equivalent to saying nothing, but the matter was pushed to the third division to handle...

What should I do? What does discretion mean?

The implicit meaning is actually not difficult to decipher at all. That is, the headquarters requires you, Geng Lishan, to solve your own face problem but not to make the matter a big deal. Otherwise, if you do not handle it properly, your third division may take the blame. .

Geng Lishan put away his mobile phone and cursed in his heart that the Chief of General Staff was not strict. The order to disarm Tiancheng Security Company was given by you. Now more than 10,000 people have emerged from Beifengkou, and Yanbei has also sent a notification letter. Okay, if you feel the pressure is too much, just let me handle it as appropriate. Fuck, are you still human?

"What did the General Staff say?" Shen Yin saw that Geng Lishan didn't look good, so he immediately asked tentatively from the side.

Geng Lishan was also a little dissatisfied with Shen Yin at the moment. He always felt that Songjiang's advantages were all obtained by you. He didn't take any advantage at all, but instead inexplicably picked up the most annoying job.

"Let us handle it as appropriate." Geng Lishan bent over and sat on the chair and asked in a very restrained tone: "Xiaoyin, these four words of discretion are... too mysterious. What do you think we should do?"

After the third division was transferred, Shen Yin did not receive a call from his father, which showed that the old man was extremely dissatisfied with his handling of the matter. Now the Chief of General Staff has sent such an instruction again, and it should be dealt with as appropriate. The meaning is very obvious. The first theater does not want to open fire.

This conflict was an internal conflict within the military and political affairs of the ninth district. It was completely different from the situation when the iron hat king of the eighth district ordered the bombardment of the garrison and Qin Yu's attack on Longcheng. Because these two times, once the Iron Hat Prince wanted to announce his determination to go further to the entire three major regions, and the fight was about political status and future plans. To put it bluntly, if people either don't do it, it's worth it if they do it. Another time, Qin Yu attacked Longcheng, which was to weaken the power of the party and government and seize the people's base. The final effect is obvious to all. If there had been no Battle of Dragon City, there would have been no situation in which the party and government were forced to abandon Songjiang.

Both incidents had a strong purpose and were worthwhile. But this time the military and government are engaged in internal strife. What’s the value of fighting? Firstly, Songjiang's plate is not big, secondly, it is still weakening its own strength, and thirdly, if a battle involving tens of thousands of people is really going to start, how many people will be laughed at and how much price will it have to pay?

Except for Wu Tianyin's more than 10,000 people at Beifengkou who were armed from outside, the others were all military forces from the ninth district. Including Tiancheng Security Company, it is also included in the plan. So if one of your own people shoots at your own people, is it a little bit mentally ill?

Therefore, after the situation got out of control, the First Theater Command clearly did not want to fight. Because the Beifengkou incident happened so suddenly, more and more bigwigs were involved, including the Military Supervision Bureau, the Chen family in the seventh district, and the Gu family in the eighth district, and they all gradually got involved, which made the first war zone a little confused. There are only so many chess moves on the surface, who knows if anyone else wants to get involved behind the scenes?

Shen Yin had roughly understood the intentions of his superiors through the text message sent by the Chief of General Staff to Geng Lishan, and also clearly knew that his father was very dissatisfied with his handling of this matter.

what to do? is a problem.

Geng Lishan thought about it for a long time and wanted to tactfully throw the problem to Shen Yin. After all, he is the prince and can take on any pot: "Xiao Yin, how do you think this matter should be handled appropriately? If we don't fight, we can do it now. It would be embarrassing to withdraw..."

When the two were about to communicate, someone outside the tent suddenly shouted: "Report!"

Geng Lishan frowned: "Say."

"Minister Shen's secretary is here." the adjutant called.

"Come in!" Geng Lishan replied.

The adjutant outside the door opened the tent door and walked in with a secretary in a suit and ties.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yin asked his secretary.

"The General Staff Office of the First Theater Command has called and asked you to drive back to Fengbei immediately to discuss the military conflict in Songjiang." The secretary said with a serious face.

Geng Lishan was stunned, and immediately stood up and replied: "Is there going to be a meeting at the General Staff?"

"It's not clear yet." The secretary shook his head and said, "I just said that Minister Shen should go there first, because after all, the conflict occurred in the district, and there may be direct instructions from the superiors."

Shen Yin instantly understood the secretary's meaning, and said with a perplexed expression on his face: "Now go back to the meeting, what about the Third Division? I am discussing with Commander Geng the disarming of Tiancheng Security Company."

"There is no instruction from the General Staff in this regard. They just told you to go back first and as soon as possible." The secretary urged.

"Hey, what's going on here? What kind of meeting are we having at this time?" Shen Yin cursed irritably and immediately turned to look at Geng Lishan: "Uncle, that's it. You think of a solution here first, and I'll do it right away. Go back to the General Staff and I will call you as soon as possible if you have any decisions."

"I'm going to fuck you up!"

After Geng Lishan cursed in his heart, he still said with restraint on his face: "Xiaoyin, it will be really difficult for me now that you are gone."

"Uncle, I understand what you mean, but now that the General Staff is looking for me, I have to go." Shen Yin appeared very anxious, rubbed his palms and said, "In this way, I will rush over as fast as possible, and I will come immediately Discuss countermeasures with the people from the General Staff and give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible."

Geng Lishan really wanted to go to the meeting with Shen Yin, but he knew he couldn't leave, and he also knew why Shen Yin was called away. He was very angry, but he could only bite the bullet and reply: "Xiao Yin, my current You are well aware of the situation. Whether I can withdraw the troops from Songjiang in an honorable manner depends on you."

"I see."

five minutes later.

Shen Yin left the command post, got into his secretary's car, and rushed towards Fengbei.

"Who made the call?" Shen Yin asked expressionlessly.

"It was indeed the General Staff Office who made the call, but the person who gave the order was the old man. He may have thought that you would be difficult to deal with here, and getting involved too deeply would cause unnecessary trouble, so he called you away first." The secretary. Replied truthfully.

"Oh, it's hard for me!" Shen Yin sighed.

In the camp, Geng Lishan jumped to his feet and cursed: "None of these bastards are good! It's you who did this. Now it's hard to ride a tiger. It's okay for you to bring me up, and you let Shen Yin run away too." , just force me to take the blame?!"

"Master, where are we now...?" The brigade commander walked in and asked half a sentence with his hands behind his back.

Geng Lishan loosened his collar, turned to look outside and cursed: "Call the Sha family's troops and ask them to come over and study it to see what's going on."

At the Fengbei First Theater Command, a middle-aged and young man asked the chief of general staff in a loud voice: "Isn't this a bit too much of a test for the old man?"

"At this juncture, it all depends on Lao Geng's ability. Once the matter is dealt with, the headquarters will not treat him badly. He knows this," the chief of general staff replied calmly.

At the same time, Qin Yu contacted Feng Yunian.

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