District 9

Chapter 1181 All forces are helping each other


A burst of intensive explosions sounded at the rear of the convoy. The equipment and ammunition supply convoy of the 113th Regiment was directly reimbursed in one round. The equipment loss was inestimable, but the casualties were not too high!

The chief of staff suddenly opened the car door, looked at the supply convoy on fire at the rear with panicked eyes, and shouted hysterically: "This is a military provocation! This is a provocation to war!"

On the roadside, the senior executive of Junsheng Security Company pulled his neck and yelled: "Listen to me, these five thousand of us are Chen Jun's troops in District 7!! If I don't give you face as the top commander of the First War Zone, I will be damned There are so many of you, you can't even see the mortar position and you're gone! Move forward and I'll kill you on the spot!!"

With red eyes, the chief of staff suddenly turned around and rushed to the car, directly crossing over to Sha Xuan to contact the division headquarters!

Two minutes later.

The headquarters of the 3rd Division immediately contacted the First War Zone, explained the incident in a concise and concise manner, and prepared with a very tough attitude to send troops to annihilate the Junsheng Security Company Regiment.

Since the establishment of the district, District 9 has never had any military friction with Districts 8 and 7. Whether it is military and political official forces or regional private armed forces, there has been direct conflict. Today is the first time!

The big bosses in the First Theater District immediately sensed the sensitivity of this matter. They did not immediately agree to the Third Division sending troops. Instead, they asked the Third Division Staff Headquarters to call directly to ask the Seventh District for an explanation!

About five minutes or so passed.

The secretary-general of the Military and Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Seventh District arranged for the chief of general staff of the Third Division to have a phone call with Chen Jun.

"Hello?!" Chen Jun sat on the chair and pressed the answer button.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean your armed forces opened fire on our 113th regiment for no reason?!" the chief of general staff asked directly.

Chen Jun touched his chin and asked bluntly: "My man, did I tell you the reason for the garrison?!"

"It's not allowed even if there is a reason! Our 113th regiment is passing normally, you have no reason to block it, right? You can't use mortars to bombard our supply convoy when we have already revealed our identity, right? This is deliberately provoking military friction. !" the Chief of General Staff responded very seriously.

"Any area outside the area is a public area without political jurisdiction. You have the right to drive normally, and I have the right to set up a defensive line and look for my soldiers!! You didn't have good communication, so you drove into my camp. , is there anything wrong with me hitting you?!" Chen Jun asked with a frown.

The chief of general staff was silent for a few seconds and then replied: "Mr. Chen, don't you have a problem-solving attitude?!"

"Then how do you want to solve it?"

"There is no answer to this matter. We can only use military units to directly resolve the conflict!" The chief of general staff also had a tough attitude.

"Be smart when you talk to me!" Chen Jun scolded with a sullen face: "I will leave five thousand people in Erlonggang. I want to see how you use military units to resolve conflicts!! In addition, I also Let me tell you, Qin Yu's Tiancheng Security Company is discussing recruitment issues with our Seventh District General Staff Headquarters. His thousands of people may be the Seventh District's troops at any time! You touch him, and I will make you walk around in pain. !”

"Chen Jun, you are a bit too crazy!!"

"Are you crazy? If I hadn't gone to the EU zone to engage in military defense, would you, a division-level chief of staff, be worthy of calling me?!" Chen Jun frowned slightly and cursed: "South of the Yangtze River, half of the soldiers are in armor My whole surname is Chen! Are you fighting? Who do you think you are?"

After saying that, Chen Jun hung up the phone directly and ordered to the assistant next to him very dissatisfied: "Tell the troops that when the matter is over, they will station me in Erlonggang for a month, and I will fucking look at his Third Division." Do you dare to touch me?"

Fengbei, in the courtyard of a family member of a certain military department.

Shen Yin's father got up from the bed, put on his glasses and went to the study. He lowered his head and dialed a phone: "Ignore Chen Jun's troops. He wants to make arrangements in advance here in District 9! He is not from the military and political affairs of District 7." , but everyone has to give some face to the Chen family. In the future, the three major districts will still have to cooperate. It’s too tense and doesn’t look good!”

"Then look at...the third division?!"

"The problem is not the third division, but Songjiang's cake was not cut properly." Shen Yin's father frowned and replied: "On the surface, it seems that a rootless Qin Yu is making trouble, but why are there so many people cooperating with him? What?! That’s because when it comes to Songjiang, everyone feels that we have taken a lot of advantage, but they can’t make trouble on their own, so they can only use Qin Yu’s mouth to speak!”

The person on the other end of the phone suddenly realized.

"Xiao Yin still hasn't adapted to regional politics. This matter was handled too immaturely." Shen Yin's father shook his head and said, "Let's do it this way!"

Songjiang District.

The two battalions of the 113th Regiment fell into a bitter fight as soon as they opened fire. Their numbers were too small, and they misjudged the combat effectiveness of Tiancheng Security Company. More than a thousand people were pinned down on the street, and the fight was very uncomfortable. !

At the back of the convoy, Sha Xuan had sobered up and shouted with red eyes: "Damn it, heavy artillery, load up the heavy artillery and hit his main building!"

"No... no, we can't mount heavy artillery, regiment commander!" The second battalion commander immediately stopped him: "A conflict of this scale has gotten out of control. If we have to mount heavy artillery first, then we really can't explain it to the superiors. After all, this is a civil war... We can't engage in a massacre style of fighting, and Tiancheng himself also has heavy firepower... If we really fight, we are too numerically inferior!"

"CNM!" Sha Xuan's eyes turned red, and he grabbed the second battalion commander's neck and shouted: "If the hand that moves first cannot be beaten down, it will be really embarrassing! You have to rush in at all costs, support……!"

There were bursts of gunfire on the street, and a communications officer ran over and shouted: "Captain, there is also action outside the area. Our third battalion, the mobile battalion, has been blocked, and there is no way to reinforce it for the time being...!"

Sha Xuan was stunned when he heard this: "Who stopped?! Whose troops?"

"It seems to be the group of private armed forces that intercepted the Self-Defense Forces before!"

"Fart, cnm, that group of people is armed on the ground, can he stop our two battalions?!" Sha Xuan didn't believe it at all: "Why didn't they rush over...!"

"There was a sudden attack. The opponent launched a round of mortar fire and directly destroyed our supply convoy!"

"What the hell, how did this battle happen?! Trash!" Sha Xuan stood up, gritted his teeth and yelled: "Call Qi Shaoqing, the others continue to rush into the courtyard for me, and I will eat whatever they say!"

"Buzz buzz!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of police patrol cars, explosion-proof fire trucks, and multi-functional police combat vehicles all stopped on the right side of the road!

The police captain of Xinyuan District rushed down with thousands of police officers. The leading captain directly shouted with a loudspeaker: "Tiancheng was hired by us from outside. If you touch them, you will touch the Xinyuan District Superintendent." ! Everyone, please push forward. If you dare to fight back, shoot them on the spot!"

North Pass, in the compound of the temporary garrison.

Qi Shaoqing stood next to the car and said briefly: "Don't order me around. I only recognize Feng Yunian from the Feng family in military affairs. It's not easy for others! Moreover, the 113th Regiment had a conflict with the Xinyuan District Superintendent, and the military and police were in conflict. Cross-region, cross-system, do I dare to help casually?! What if the theater headquarters holds the responsibility? Yes, I will not move without direct orders!"


Shen Yin sat in the car, eyes wide as he urged: "Drive quickly, something big has happened in Songjiang!"


Two chapters in the morning, three chapters in the evening, and five chapters have been updated today. As soon as I came out to participate in the event, I really couldn’t eat or sleep well, and the time for coding was squeezed out. The ability to update these five chapters was already my limit...

I only had one meal a day. After doing business during the day, I had to go out to socialize immediately after finishing coding. Please forgive me.

In addition, there will be a Writers Association event tomorrow, there will be no update in the morning, and 3 chapters will be published in the evening.

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