District 9

Chapter 1178: Chariots, horses and artillery confront each other, the conflict begins

In the large private room.

Wang Tianhui pointed at Xu Fu and yelled: "I told you to squat down, didn't you hear me?!"

"Do you fucking know who I am? Commander of the 1st Battalion of the 113th Regiment, what do you want to do?!" Although Xu Fu didn't know which department the other party belonged to, he didn't think anyone in Songjiang would dare to arrest him. What's more, in his eyes, playing with a woman is nothing. Is this a problem?

"Are you the battalion commander? Do you know what you are doing?" Wang Tianhui pointed at the nearly twenty people in the room and asked.

"I don't know what the hell I am, but you do?" Xu Fu replied with his eyes widened: "Is it your turn to control me when I fuck a woman? Get out of here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the deputy battalion commander pulled the S-gun from his pants, pulled his neck and shouted: "CNM, you don't want to fucking live anymore? Get out of here!"

"You're a newcomer to the district, why are you talking so loudly?!" Wang Tianhui raised the butt of his gun and suddenly stepped forward.


There was a muffled sound, and the deputy battalion commander was knocked to the ground on the spot.

"Damn it, you still dare to do it?!" Xu Fu bent down to pick up the gun.


Wang Tianhui directly raised the bolt of the automatic rifle and put the cold muzzle of the gun on Xu Fu's head: "Try moving it again."

Xu Fu was a little confused at this time, because even when the party and government were in power, there was basically no department that would interfere with the military's affairs. What's more, the military and political forces have entered the city now. Songjiang is completely ruled by his group. Who among ordinary people is willing to cause trouble for him? But the attitude of the strangers in front of them was extremely tough. Even if they heard about their identities, they would not give them any face at all.

Xu Fu felt that this was a bit abnormal, so he did not choose to fight hard, but gave up picking up the gun and asked with a sullen face: "What do you want to do?"

"Catch you." Wang Tianhui replied simply.

"Little brother, you took me away, it's not easy to put me back! Let me tell you again, I am the commander of the first battalion of the 113th Regiment."

"Is a battalion commander talking so loudly? The commander of the Self-Defense Forces has been blocked outside Changji by us. Are you your mother?!" A young man next to Wang Tianhui kicked Xu Fu: "Squatting down is no longer enough. Kneel down!"

Xu Fu gritted his teeth and nodded with red eyes: "Okay, now you can do whatever you want."

"Xiao Guo, call the regiment headquarters. We were arrested in Xinyuan District... Hurry up." At this moment, the deputy battalion commander fell to the ground and secretly took the phone to ventilate the troops.

Wang Tianhui turned to look at him and did not stop him immediately. Instead, he waited for him to finish, then walked up to him and asked, "Are the arrangements made?"

The deputy battalion commander was a little confused holding the phone.

"It's arranged, squat down, squat down!" Wang Tianhui pointed at the wall and yelled.

five minutes later.

The Xinyuan District Superintendent of Police called Feng Yunian directly: "The man is holding him down."

"What scene?" Feng Yunian asked succinctly.

"Seven or eight officers gathered together to have prostitution. It was a big scene." The captain replied with a smile.

"Did you give Tiancheng Company a co-investigation order?"

"Given in advance."

"That's no problem. If the Organization Department calls us to ask, just say that Tiancheng Security Company is helping us secretly arrest reactionary leaders who maliciously smear, incite, and spread rumors about our Military and Political Organization Department. If they want to file a case , just give them the information about the Wang family in Longcheng." Feng Yunian ordered.


"From now on, my phone will be turned off. You will fully cooperate with us and we will be done."

"I see."

"that's all."

After saying that, the two ended the call.

Within the city.

Sha Xuan drunkenly walked out of a high-end apartment building, stepped into the adjutant's SUV, took the phone, and shouted, "What's going on?"

"Lao Xu and the others were playing in the street and were caught. Seven or eight of them were taken away from the hotel with their buttocks naked, as well as nearly ten women." The second battalion commander replied urgently: "I just arrived at the hotel. , I heard it was the person arrested by Tiancheng Security Company."

"Damn it, it's this Tiancheng security guard again, what do they mean?!"

"I don't know either." The second battalion commander shook his head.

"Go and contact the Superintendent of Police of Xinyuan District and ask them what they mean." Sha Xuan loosened his collar: "I'll be at the first camp right away."

"okay, I get it."

"that's all."

After the two ended the call, Sha Xuan did not contact his elder brother Sha Yong, but called Brother Xun. It can be seen that the relationship between the two brothers is not particularly good.

After Sha Xuan told what happened over the phone, Brother Xun immediately advised him not to move and wait until he rushed over to talk about everything. But at this time, Sha Xuan, who had drunk some wine, had already begun to curse.

A truck was intercepted and a battalion-level officer was arrested. These two incidents had already made Sha Xuan, who had no political power, completely on the verge of panic.

Within Tiancheng Group.

Qin Yu took the phone and said softly to Chen Jun: "This idiot is talking outside, saying that he can disarm our Tiancheng Security Company within two hours. He is licking Shen Yin, I think he can take it. .”

"I heard that the 113th regiment is a European group and quite tough. You have an idea."

"Ou is fucked! I dare not say anything about other places, but in Songjiang District, he is an alien star cluster, and I will definitely fight him." Qin Yuleng replied with eyes: "I am sure about the area, but outside the area Just keep an eye on me."

"Okay." Chen Jun frowned and replied: "Another point is that when there is a conflict, what is the attitude of the upper military and political circles?"

"If they really deal with me, I have a way out. At worst, I don't want anything, and I also want Nezha Naohai." Qin Yu said with a very firm attitude.

"Okay, as long as you know the number, that's it."


After saying that, the two ended the call.

Half an hour later.

Sha Xuan's car arrived at the temporary camp site of the first battalion, and the commander of the second battalion, who had already inquired about the good news, immediately came over.

Sha Xuan opened the door and got out of the car, smelling of alcohol and asked, "What's going on?"

"I called the Xinyuan District Police Superintendent, but I couldn't get in touch with Director Feng Yunian. The team leader below him said that Tiancheng Security Company assisted the Superintendent in arresting reactionaries and went to the hotel to arrest people after receiving reports." The second battalion commander explained in detail: "But I didn't expect that the person I met was our officer..."

"Then what are they going to do?" Sha Xuan asked.

"The captain of the battalion was doing Tai Chi. He said that the person was taken away by Tiancheng Security Company and had not been returned to the department. He also said that our officers gathered in a crowd for prostitution. Not only did they not cooperate, they even beat people." The second battalion commander frowned and replied. Said: "He said that the director can't be contacted now and it's difficult for him to handle it."

"Go to hell!" Sha Xuan cursed with red eyes: "You really treat me like a fool. It's so obvious that you're cheating. Can't I see it?! Are you looking for trouble? I have no reason to deal with you. Woolen cloth!"

After finishing speaking, Sha Xuan turned around and shouted: "The first and second battalions will assemble for me immediately, and all personnel will enter wartime status. At the same time, the third battalion, mobile battalion, and staff are ordered to enter the area from Beiguan within half an hour." He Damn it, I’m the one who caused the trouble, fuck him!”

Twenty minutes later.

Sha Xuan first led a battalion of soldiers, drove a mighty military vehicle, and rushed to Tiancheng Security's station with murderous intent.

at the same time.

Chen Jun's five thousand men outside the area set off without warning and moved closer to Songjiang.

Inside Tiancheng Building.

Qin Yu held the phone and whispered: "Brother, show off your muscles and help me."

"Haha, are you raising Tiancheng's flag?" the other party asked with a smile.


There will be no updates in the morning, and the remaining chapters will be updated at 8pm.

In addition, since I am on a business trip to Shanghai today to participate in Writers Association activities, I can only guarantee the normal weekly update of the two chapters this Monday, and it is too late to add additional rewards from the leader. In other words, there are only 5 chapters this week, but I will try my best to finish the climax. Thank you for your understanding.

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