District 9

Chapter 1162: Hardliners Among Young Leaders

The meeting of the General Administration Bureau lasted for more than two hours. About half of the leaders participating in the meeting agreed to allow the EU zone to send troops to provide certain checks and balances on the military and political affairs. Because in their eyes, as long as the troops from the EU zone arrive near the Beifengkou, things will turn around in Songjiang. As for a real military conflict, it will definitely not happen, because no one wants to fight now, and the time has not come yet.

And a large part of the leaders who agree with the deployment of EU military troops are taken care of by EU capital. District 9 is a multi-ethnic and multi-racial special zone. Over the past 20 years, they have become accustomed to such an ecological and political environment. To put it simply, there is a relationship between you and me, and you are among me. Therefore, many people are not opposed to European capital and even the political stance of the European Union.

But there are those who agree and those who are against it. The "Prince's Party" headed by Xiang Zehao, including the newly established Self-Defense Forces, were extremely tough in opposing the introduction of external forces. In the end, the two sides reached a stalemate, and the Chief of Political Affairs of the Ninth District said in a compromise: "Let's wait and see. The attitude of the military and political parties.”

The meeting was temporarily over, and Xiang Zehao met many powerful leaders in a lounge of the General Administration of Government Affairs.

"Zehao, if the other party's demands are too harsh during the peace talks, have you considered how we should respond?" A middle-aged man stepped in and asked.

"My opinion is that the issue of Songjiang is difficult for us to deal with, but it is actually even more difficult for the military and political parties to deal with it." Xiang Zehao thought for a while and replied.

Everyone looked at each other when they heard the sound and waited for the next step.

"This Qin Yu was able to gnaw down Songjiang. I think it was something that the military and political leaders had not expected in advance, and it was also a result that the college had never thought of." Xiang Zehao frowned and continued to add: "The day I came back, someone told me , what Qin Yu talked with the college representative was that he only wanted to open a 50-50 in Songjiang, and if he finally stood, he would give some important positions in the city to the other party. But now the development of things has obviously been out of control, and Qin Yu is in various companies With their own calculations, they accidentally took Songjiang. Then the question arises, how should the benefits originally negotiated be distributed? A major city was suddenly obtained. For them, is this happiness coming? Is it too sudden?! Who should manage this stall? I guess they are also confused."

When everyone heard this, they nodded unconsciously.

"Although the Tiancheng Group in Songjiang is managed by Qin Yu's team, the actual background relationship is Wu Di's support. His father is the director-general of the Military Supervision Bureau, and his work content is reported directly to the top military commander of the ninth district, which is equivalent to Dongchang of the military department. With this background, why did Qin Yu get to this point and the military and government did not express their stance? Neither of them firmly supported him? Why??" Xiang Zehao analyzed calmly.

"A piece of fat fell into the mouths of a group of people, and they didn't know how to divide it up?" The middle-aged man who spoke first asked immediately and clearly.

"That's right." Xiang Zehao nodded and replied: "My personal opinion is that Wu Yuanshan (Wu's father) has wanted to move for a long time, but there are some people inside who are blocking him, not wanting him to get the piece of meat first. So since Songjiang can no longer defend it, it may not necessarily be a bad thing to let it out under certain acceptable conditions."

Everyone pondered for a while and nodded slowly.

"Alas." Xiang Zehao sighed: "The fact of Songjiang's failure is irreversible. And I personally feel that this coup is just the beginning. The political situation in the seventh, eighth, and ninth districts will gradually change in the future. The three districts are divided and have not yet been unified, and there are many factions in the separate districts. Who should hold the power? You say you are right, and I say I am right. Each has its own sufficient reasons, and we cannot reach an agreement. Then what happened in Songjiang will happen again. This kind of struggle will last for a long time. Looking back at history, from ancient times to modern times, are there many such things? Disasters are always only disasters for the nation and the people, but they are It’s a stage for careerists! From ancient times to the present, there are no exceptions.”

Everyone was silent.

"Everyone, I still say what I said. We can't control the internal fighting, and we can't control the factions. But now, now, the decision of whether to open the gate of the special zone is in our hands." Xiang Zehao turned to look at everyone and said : "I am willing to accept Songjiang's defeat, and I am also willing to adjust my strategy and fight again in another year, but I will never agree to open the door of the Special Administrative Region and introduce external forces to interfere with our internal affairs. This is extremely stupid and will be dug up in our ancestral graves! "

"I agree."

"I think what Zehao said is correct. Once the door of District 9 is opened, it will be difficult to close it again."


Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

"Organize negotiators. I think the military, political, and college will express their positions soon." Xiang Zehao said with a serious face.


In Lao Tiancheng Construction Company, Qin Yu changed the gauze on the wound without saying a word.

Wu Di sat on the sofa and asked after thinking for a long time: "What are you going to do next? Do you know what to do next?"

"Did you ask this yourself, or did the higher-ups ask this?" Qin Yu raised his head and asked.

Wu Di rolled his eyes: "What's the difference?"

"If the higher-ups asked, I don't know how to answer." Qin Yu said very truthfully: "When Tiancheng was beaten, no one cared about me; when I was beaten, I was about to fight back, but the higher-ups reminded me to be obedient. ;Now that I have finally brought the matter to an end, they ask me what should I do next? Brother, tell me, what should I do next?! What kind of answer do they want to hear from me?"

"Don't be so angry!" Wu Di advised.

"I was the one who brought down Old Xu of the academy, right? I was also the one who chased the mistress out of Songjiang, right? But why did I make a fuss? My own father didn't help, but my enemies helped me?" Qin Yu stared. Zhuzi asked: "Excuse me, are you angry?!"

Wu Di knew that Qin Yu had emotions in his heart, and also knew that he was now sensitive to some reactions from the military and political leaders, so he explained softly: "Brother, Tiancheng Group belongs to you as well as mine, right? You said, even if my dad doesn't help you, He has to help me, right? But do you see that he has no control over me now? What is the purpose of Fengbei's investigation team arresting Ke? Is it mainly to punish you? "

Qin Yu was silent.

"They are here for me, right?" Wu Di rubbed his palms and frowned and said: "Not everyone in the military and government wears the same pair of pants. When there is a meeting in Fengbei, there are more than forty people sitting next to the conference table, so these people may be Are you thinking about one thing?"

Qin Yu lit a cigarette, but still didn't reply.

"Forget it, let me show you a clear path." Wu Di said purely for Qin Yu's sake: "Don't let some people at the top of the military and political circles communicate with the academy. You have to hold this line in your own hands. , to ensure that in the next few days, your voice at the table will have a certain weight."

When Qin Yu heard this, he felt inexplicably warm in his heart: "I'm so disobedient, aren't you afraid that if you raise me, I'll fall out with you?"

"If I were someone else, I would really have to be more careful, but I can't stand it all these years... As long as you lick me so well, I won't be willing to give up on you." Wu Di replied, chewing on the fruit.


Qin Yu laughed and made a strange sound: "Is the licking really that good?!"


After Xiang Zehao left the Government Affairs Bureau compound, he sat in the car and asked on the phone: "Ask that Su Yong, if the line he buried has lost control, why is there no reaction at all?"


I'm going to deal with some family matters today. I'll have a single chapter tonight, and tomorrow I'll pay back two if I owe one, for a total of five chapters. I hope you all understand.

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