District 9

Chapter 115 The conspiracy begins

In the evening, around 9:40, near Nanyuan Life Village.

Yongdong sat in the car, listening to soothing music, with an extremely relaxed expression on his face. From time to time he looked at the surrounding scene: "Xiao Lu, look at it, the living villages in Fengbei all have large courtyards, and Uni-President painted slogans on the wall, it looks really neat.”

The driver kept wiping the sweat from his forehead and replied speechlessly: "Brother Dong, even I, a driver, can see that this is a life-threatening job, but you don't look nervous at all. ?”

"Haha." Yongdong smiled: "What's the use of me being nervous? If our boss wants to let me come or not, then I will kneel down for him. It's a pity that he doesn't say it, haha!"


The driver heard the sound and sighed: "It's not easy for you to be the boss."

Yongdong reached out and patted the other party's shoulder: "Brother Don't panic, you are driving. Even if the other side comes, you will be fine."

"Well, well...!" The driver nodded nervously.

Yongdong took out his cigarette case, lit one leisurely, lowered the car window by a third, and started smoking quietly.

There was a burst of electric microphone sound, and the bald man shouted on the intercom channel: "Dongzi, don't be nervous, we are all around."

Yongdong smiled and didn't bother to respond at all.

As time passed, light snow began to fall in the dark sky.

Yuan Hua sat anxiously in the car, drinking water and looking at his watch.

At half past ten, the cell phone rang in the car.

Yuan Hua immediately threw away the water bottle, lowered his head and pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

"Boss Yuan, are you here?" Qin Yu asked with a smile.

"If it's someone else's business, do you still need me to go there in person?" Yuan Hua frowned and replied, "You said it would take two days, so I'll wait for you. Now that the time is up, you'd better not test my patience anymore."

"Okay, if you cooperate, I won't bother you." Qin Yu paused and asked, "Where is Yongdong?"

"He's here." Yuan Hua responded in a low voice: "Ask Xing Zihao to show his face, and he will get off."

"That's not possible. Xing Zihao is a life-saving medicine. How could I let him out without seeing Yongdong?"

"Okay, then ask Xing Zihao to call me." Yuan Hua gritted his teeth and replied.

Qin Yu's voice suddenly became cold: "Boss Yuan, you don't seem to understand yet, who controls the rhythm, right?"

Yuan Hua clenched his fists and remained silent.

"Ask Yongdong to get off the bus and walk under the exit sign within two minutes. I'll ask brother Zihao to call Lao Xing and call him dad." Qin Yu said this and hung up the phone.

Yuan Hua sat in the car and pondered for a while, then immediately told the young man in the co-pilot: "Tell the bald man to ask Yongdong to get out of the car and go under the exit sign."


In a car on the roadside.

Yongdong held a cigarette in his mouth, holding his collar with his right hand and said, "Well, I'm listening."

"Get out of the car and go under the exit sign." Baldy said quickly: "After you leave, the driver will drive back, but don't panic, we can all see you."


Yongdong replied and pushed open the car door.

The driver started the engine again and suddenly turned around and shouted: "Brother Dong."

Yongdong looks back.

"Be careful... pay attention to your safety." The driver's face turned pale and he said nervously: "As long as the higher-ups say something, I will drive to pick you up as soon as possible."

Yongdong was stunned for a long time, and responded with an inexplicable warm feeling in his heart: "Thank you, brother!"

After saying that, the driver drove away, and Yongdong walked alone to the roadside and walked to the exit sign.

On the left side of the road is Nanyuan Life Village, and on the right side is the endless wild land and the vaguely visible nine-district isolation wall, as well as the iron mesh.

Yongdong stood under the sign, looking around but couldn't see anyone he knew. He was not worried, only disappointed and helpless in his heart.

If Lao Ma jumps out to take revenge at this time and shoots Yongdong, where should he hide?

In the dirty alley on the roadside, Yuan Hua stood behind the wall, staring at Yongdong, and dialed Qin Yu immediately.

"Dip Lingling!"

A phone rang.

The old cat stood nearby, frowning and reminding: "You answer the phone."

Qin Yu looked at the screen of his mobile phone without moving.

"Fuck, what are you thinking about?" Lao Mao urged again: "Will you answer the phone?"

Qin Yu shook his head: "It's Yuan Hua's call, I won't answer it."

The old cat was stunned when he heard the sound. He didn't know what Qin Yu was thinking, so he didn't say anything.

Qin Yu licked his lips and pressed the hang up button. After a while, Yuan Hua called again and he hung up again.

In the alley.

Yuan Hua cursed a little anxiously: "Fuck, what on earth is the other person trying to do? Why didn't he answer the phone all of a sudden?!"

The other end.

Qin Yu waited for less than two minutes, then suddenly turned around and shouted: "Come on, old cat, get the phone I gave you."

Under the exit sign.

Yongdong put his right hand in his trouser pocket, touched his phone, and looked left and right.

"Dip Lingling!"

Just then, a phone rang.

Yongdong was stunned, and he lowered his head to the left following the sound, and suddenly saw a light shining behind the stones on the roadside.

In the alley.

The bald man ran over panting, frowned and asked Yuan Hua, "Why is there suddenly no movement on the other side?"

"I called, but he didn't answer." Yuan Hua immediately turned around and said, "Don't worry about anything else, just keep an eye on Yongdong. Regardless of whether he answers the phone or not, he must answer Yongdong. Do you understand?"


After the bald man nodded, he immediately walked to the side and contacted his brother through the intercom.

Yuan Hua hid behind the wall and continued to stare at the exit sign.

On the road.

Yongdong looked at the light behind the stone, hesitated briefly, walked over, bent down and picked up a phone.

After thinking for a long time, he pressed the answer button.

"Hello? Brother Dong." Qin Yu's voice sounded.

Yongdong stared at the phone screen in silence.

"Brother Dong, why don't you speak?" Qin Yu asked again with a smile.

"Where's Xing Zihao?" Yongdong asked.

"Haha, I'm just confused. It was you who fought the defensive battle on Tuzh Street. You kept the company's sales. It was you who planned the Ma family to be in such a miserable state." Qin Yu said with a smile. He said on the phone: "But at the end of the matter, Yuan Hua didn't give you much of the certificate, but instead made you take the blame. I'm a little confused, why do you want to cooperate with him so much? Are you two related?"

Yongdong was silent for a long time, then responded in a low voice: "What do you want to say?"

"Brother Dong, I can't stand it when Yuan Hua treats you like this." Qin Yu suddenly smiled and responded: "Haha, how about you turn off the intercom and let's work together to deal with him?"

"Are you trying to sow discord with me?!" Yongdong asked with a sneer.

"Believe it or not, if I shout now, the z-bomb will hit your head right away." Qin Yu replied firmly: "I will leave after the beating. In two days, I will find Yuan Hua to replace the bald man."

Yongdong gritted his teeth when he heard the sound, sweat dripping from his forehead.

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