District 9

Chapter 1155: Four thousand people, crossing the border from north to south

In the office of the General Administration of Military Supervision, Wu's father had a heated discussion with more than a dozen senior officers from the First War Zone. Some of the more conservative elders still insisted on their own views and did not agree to use troops to forcibly intervene in the Songjiang incident. They felt that Qin Yu was difficult to control, and they were even more afraid that the coalition government and the Asian Alliance government would forcefully intervene and cause a larger-scale military conflict.

After all, these people are a little hesitant and don't want to fight now.

The radicals are very resolute in supporting Qin Yu. They feel that with Songjiang in trouble at this level, their side has a good chance of winning. If they don't take action now, they may miss the opportunity.

There are also neutral factions. They feel that once the academy gets involved and the Self-Defense Forces also join the war, the future situation will be unclear, so they recommend waiting and watching.

In short, the leaders of the upper military and political circles all had their own judgments on the current situation and specific logical reasons. Therefore, all parties were in a stalemate, and no one could persuade anyone until the end of the argument.

After Wu's father thought about it for a long time, he was about to express his position when his landline phone suddenly rang.


"Hello Bureau Wu, I am Chen Jun from District 7."

"...!" Wu's father was stunned for a moment: "Oh, it's Xiao Chen, what's wrong?"

"Qin Yu has reached some agreements with me. Regarding the issue of Songjiang, I would like to seek the opinions of the First War Zone..." Chen Jun explained his purpose clearly on the phone with extremely polite words.

Father Wu was overjoyed after hearing this. After pondering for a long time, he said: "Since you and Xiao Qin have reached an agreement, I can't say anything. I will ask the opinion of the highest commander of the First Theater Zone later, but the problem is not big. You can watch it first. Deal with it.”

"Okay, after this is over, I will visit you in Fengbei." Chen Jun obviously expected that the other party would have this attitude in advance, and he replied happily.

Songjiang South Pass.

There were bursts of shelling and gunfire.

The second battalion of Tiancheng Security Company launched a fierce attack and reached a position less than 300 meters away from the special zone wall.

In the defensive position inside the pass, the joint defense officer in charge shouted with his neck stretched out: "When will the support arrive?! Hurry, these people are red-eyed, we can't hold on for too long."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of motors was surging on the streets in the district. Other police forces and security members deployed by Ruan Jingshan all arrived at the south gate defensive position, and thousands of people quickly joined the battle.

On the highway outside the area.

Qi Lin Mao Yao hid behind the armored vehicle and asked with ringing ears: "Is the attack blocked?"

"Yes, they are here to recruit more people. There must be more than a thousand people." Wang Tianhui nodded.

"Fuck, hit me harder and attract them to increase their numbers a second time." Qi Lin gritted his teeth and said, "Ask the third battalion to go up and replace the wounded with me."

"Zi la la!"

There was a burst of electric microphone sound from the walkie-talkie, Li Zhan scratched his neck and asked: "How is the situation over there?!"

"More than a thousand people have been attracted here. I am preparing to launch a third wave of charges and attract their support." Qi Lin replied truthfully.

"Are you sure there are more than a thousand people?" Li Zhan asked.

"OK," Qi Lin nodded and replied, "The observer reported it immediately."

"Then don't wait any longer. You start the final attack. I'm going in." Li Zhan gritted his teeth and said.

"If you wait a little longer, I can still attract their reinforcements."

"I can wait, but the people in the building can't wait any longer." Li Zhan shouted urgently: "Judging from the number of people they put in to stop the attack, there were at least nearly a thousand troops besieging Tiancheng Building. Xiao Yu couldn't hold it. of."

"There are at least three to five thousand people left on the opposite side. You have to pass a hurdle. What will you do if you are delayed?!" Qi Lin asked.

"Within five minutes, either I go in, or everyone is annihilated at the pass." Li Zhan said succinctly: "That's it, you prepare for the final impact."

"Okay!" Qi Lin gritted his teeth and responded.

In the group building, the two sides entered into a fierce positional battle.

Qin Yu's side had few people, so it gradually became difficult to defend on three floors. He could only shrink the number of people to block the defense on one floor, and even people like Lao Li were already holding guns and taking fire. At this time, no one can protect anyone. Everyone must make the final struggle in their own position.

In the hall downstairs, the captain ran in personally and was escorted up the stairs by everyone. His face turned pale, and his words were very urgent and he shouted: "This is the last level, attack from up and down, rush in! Don't save on blasting equipment, just pinch a spot and make a hole to win."


Qin Yu stuck his gun at the top of the stairs, stretched out his hand to pull down the injured Cha Meng, and still stubbornly shouted: "cnm! I'm right here, at the front, you die first! Hold on for a while, support will be here soon. Don’t think so much, let me tell you, even if the special zone wall in Songjiang falls, I will still be able to stand in the end!!!”

"You all listen to me. There is not only Tiancheng Security Company outside the district. I have contacted people from District 8 and District 7. I know there are Self-Defense Forces on the other side, but I am not afraid. I still have cards. As long as this Stop, cnm, all the party and government must get out of Songjiang!" Qin Yu desperately encouraged everyone: "Fight, everyone stand behind me and fight."

Everyone present was the core of Tiancheng. They saw that Qin Yu was risking his life and refused to retreat even to the death. So what reason did they have to retreat? !

When the enemy attacks, no one can escape the disaster of death. If they risk their lives, they may still have a chance to survive.

At the entrance of several stairs, gunshots continued. One person fell, and another person was immediately replaced. The last madness and last breath never left.

North Pass.

Li Zhan still had 500 men, a battalion, and he knew that success or failure at this moment depended entirely on him.

In the first car, Li Zhan took the intercom and said: "Why are there five hundred people? Why is there only one battalion following me?! Because Tiancheng Security Company, the number of front-line combatants is very clear to the other party. I want to lead Two battalions came over. They felt that the number of people was wrong, so they would never divide their troops to increase the number of troops at the south gate. But just now, Qi Lin had already replied to me, and my strategy worked. Most of their police forces rushed towards the south gate. , the north side is empty, and what we have to do is to attack in a straight line. This time, we will not reinforce Tiancheng Building, because it is too late, we will go straight to the joint defense compound and attack their command post. My request is very simple , resolve all military conflicts within fifteen minutes.”

"One battalion and one company received it!"

"First Battalion and Second Company received it!"


All the officers responded one after another.

Li Zhan held the walkie-talkie and shouted concisely: "The First Battalion is the main combat force of Tiancheng Security. All company-level officers, instructors, and battalion-level commanders were all trained and promoted by me. In the past three years, you If you want money, I will give money; if you want people, I will give them. The differential treatment is visible to the naked eye for all members of Tiancheng Security Company. Okay, now I have no other requirements for you. There are about 4,000 people in the joint defense headquarters, waiting for more people to be added at any time. In my eyes, they are just a bunch of trash, just an ordinary security company that gets paid to do things. I have to get rid of them within fifteen minutes. The whole battalion is here, let me pass through Beiguan quickly and start the war. Got it!"

Two minutes later.

Four vehicle-mounted howitzers shelled the north gate indiscriminately.

The violent sound shook Songjiang, and the joint defense officer at Beimen immediately took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Headquarters, this is Beimen, requesting support!"

At the fork in the road a hundred meters away, Li Zhan waved his hands and shouted: "The vehicle-mounted howitzer, continue to carry out covering strikes in the six o'clock direction, and the battery will attack after the sound of the gun."


The sound of shelling sounded again, and a piece of the special zone wall was directly blown down, followed by a series of thirty armed pickup trucks, maintaining a speed of more than 80 miles, impacting the pass like lightning, completely ignoring the opponent's defensive positions.

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