District 9

Chapter 1142 Cruel but effective

Two days have passed, and the parades in Songjiang City are still continuing sporadically, but the movement is much quieter than the previous few days. Fengbei's tough attitude, as well as the active cooperation of the local police force, joint defense, and security companies, have achieved certain results.

A large number of leading people on the ground were arrested, resulting in a decline in the organizational ability of the marchers. The fact that the suppressive officers dared to shoot and kill also made a large number of marchers feel guilty. They took to the streets to help Tiancheng Company because of money and personal relationships, and these two reasons alone would not allow most people to risk their lives to do it with you.

In the past two days, Qin Yu was also in a hurry, because such an action could only be carried out in one breath and could not be delayed at all. It cannot be won in a short period of time. Once it falls into a tug-of-war, in terms of resource consumption, how can a small Tiancheng compete with the huge ruling party in the nine districts?

To put it bluntly, the 7,000 security company members transferred from Fengbei can stay in Songjiang for three to five years. Because the upper management can afford the money, the security company itself is willing to spend it, but Tiancheng Group cannot. Personal capital is too small compared to the resources of the entire nine districts. Qin Yu said that he could make Songjiang chaotic for ten years, but it was not such a face-to-face consumption.

Therefore, Qin Yu also frequently communicated with Lao Li and asked him about the progress of the matter. But the latter kept telling him not to rush, not to lift the table immediately, but to wait for the dust to settle on his side.

Qin Yu's trust in Lao Li is unquestionable, and he also believes in the quality of his actions, so he can only temporarily suppress the originally prepared plan and use the two-day gap to readjust the ground energy and give everyone a rest. Take a break.

During these two days, Wu Wenqun and dozens of other arrested leaders suffered inhumane abuse. The man who called Lao Li Master was not wrong at all. Miller had changed a bit at work. The interrogation method he formulated not only tortured the suspect's body, but also tortured the suspect's spirit.

Wu Wenqun and others have not slept at all since they were arrested. Every time they are extremely sleepy and their spirits become a little slack, the forced interrogation comes. At first they were beaten, but later they found that these people were also very tough and beating simply had no effect, so they started to use other methods.

Pour water into the ears; stick an iron rod against the skin and rub the ribs on both sides back and forth; use very thin and long medical steel needles to nail into the joints of Wu Wenqun and others' limbs, causing them to tremble every time they move. It hurt so much that I almost fainted...

This kind of interrogation, which completely ignores human rights, is cruel to the extreme, but it is very effective. The will of many leading personnel began to collapse and they gradually gave up their confessions. It's not that they "betray" too easily, but that this kind of torture is indeed intolerable to ordinary people.

No matter how tough you are, you can withstand a day or two days, but can you withstand a week or a month of non-stop interrogation?

I can’t stand it!

In a single room of the anti-terrorism brigade, Wu Wenqun had a high fever and lay on the ground in a state of unconsciousness, his body twitching from time to time.

The police officer at the door glanced inside the door and saw that Wu Wenqun was motionless. He immediately took a steel needle and quietly pushed the door open and walked in.

The police officer came to Wu Wenqun, bent down, pointed the needle at his armpit, and suddenly inserted it.


Wu Wenqun woke up in pain, looked around with fearful eyes, and said with a ferocious expression: "I...I'm cnm, kill me!"

The police officer looked at him with a smile: "Don't shout at me, I'm just making a living just like you. The interrogation method given to you was formulated by Director Miller himself, and I'm the one who implements it."

Wu Wenqun was covered in sweat and motionless.

"If you don't vomit, it's impossible to let you sleep." The police officer continued: "Director Miller has approved the death quota. During the interrogation, if you couldn't bear it and died, we are not responsible. So, I can't do anything to you." You let your guard down, do you understand?"

Wu Wenqun's expression was dull and he wanted to curse, but found that he no longer had the strength to struggle.

In the backyard of the anti-terrorism brigade, a three-story building was temporarily allocated to house Miller and other leaders from Fengbei, as well as senior executives of the security company.

In a room on the third floor.

Miller took a shower, wiped his hair and walked out of the bathroom. The two young women on the bed were already dressed.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door, and Miller turned around and shouted, "Who is it?"

"Chief Miller, this is Xiao Yan from the police station."

"...!" Miller slowly walked to the door and opened the door: "How is it?"

"There are three more suspects who couldn't hold it anymore and gave up." Xiao Yan said happily: "Currently, the criminal suspects who can be targeted again include Liu Zishu, Zhang Liang, the Japs from Jiangnan, and Xinyuan's Wang Zongming and Wang Tianxiong. , Chen Runtao of the Parliament..."

"Is there enough evidence?" Miller asked.

"That's enough. Each of them has been accused by at least a dozen people." Xiao Yan nodded.

Miller nodded with satisfaction: "Inform Lao Xin of the police station and the anti-terrorism brigade to make another list of people who can be moved, and we are ready to make a second arrest."

"Okay." Xiao Yan nodded.

"Did Wu Wenqun drop the case?" Miller asked with his hands behind his back.

"Not yet, but I think he's about to snap."

"...!" Miller thought for a long time, frowned and added: "Let the information team look for insiders to see if they can dig out Wu Wenqun's relatives. He is a big character. He is going to vomit. We can target the Wang family. Take some action.”

"I understand, Director Miller." Xiao Yan nodded immediately: "Then I'll get to work first."

"Wait a minute." Miller shouted, pointed at the two girls in the room and said, "You pay them the fee and put it on the expense account."

"...!" Xiao Yan was stunned.

Miller loves whoring, but he is also an out-and-out miser. He spread his hands and looked at Xiao Yan and said, "The work is very stressful, I need to relax."

"Oh, yes, yes, relax!" Xiao Yan waved to the two women in the room with sweat: "Put on your hat and coat, I will take you out."

In the detention building of the anti-terrorism brigade, a new round of surprise interrogations began, and screams broke out again in each room.

After Miller finished in the room, he came here to check in person. When he saw that several men still refused to give up the case, he rolled up his sleeves and went out in person to start a brutal interrogation.

At the entrance of the corridor, several police officers who came from the police station to do business could not help but feel their pores standing up as they watched the interrogations in various prisons.

"This ghost guy is so damn cruel," a police officer lowered his head and said, "He is completely treating people like they are not human beings."

"Shh, don't discuss this matter, it's not good for others to hear."


Several core police officers in the police station just watched and beeped quietly.

Under the bright light and in the noisy detention building, no one noticed that there were two slight beeps in the corridor...

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