District 9

Chapter 1134: Drawing fire from the bottom of the cauldron

It's eight o'clock in the morning.

Qin Yu stood in the bathroom holding a toothbrush and asked: "How is the situation?!"

"Most of the police forces are in Xinyuan District, but they did not dare to have direct conflicts with the people and only maintained order." Ma Laoer stood aside and said in a hurry: "From the time you fell asleep to now, Fengbei has opened fire. Four special trains have come, and there will be about three to four thousand police officers when they arrive, but no additional police officers have been dispatched to the scene in Xinyuan District!"

"They are holding back a big move and want to solve the problem at once." Qin Yu finished brushing his teeth and rinsed his mouth and said: "Today, let the parade teams from the Black Street and Pingdao districts also show up to escalate the incident again! "

Ma Laoer thought for a while and replied: "Xiao Yu, if Changji and Fengbei support Songjiang so much, we will be very uncomfortable! The military and government will not help us, and the power of the official media is much greater than ours. If this continues, ordinary people will If we are bored, we are in a very dangerous situation."

"Before we start, what do you think I'm talking to Uncle Li about?" Qin Yu asked, wiping his palms.

Ma Laoer was stunned: "Shouldn't we let him start a stir in Xinyuan District first?!"

"If I only take one step to do something, I would have died a long time ago." Qin Yu patted his shoulder and said succinctly: "Just go big, this is just the beginning!"

Ma Laoer was stunned for a long time: "Do you have any other tricks?"

"I'm going out for a while. Keep an eye on what's going on on the ground!" Qin Yu gave up and walked out of the bathroom directly: "When I come back, everyone from Changji and Fengbei must get out of here. !”

ten minutes later.

Wu Di picked up Qin Yu, sat in the car and asked, "Who's there?"

"Old Li's side." Qin Yu stepped in and replied: "I looked for him before the matter started."

Wu Di rubbed his palms: "Are the conditions too harsh?"

"No." Qin Yu slowly shook his head: "Believe it or not, even if I don't look for the other side, they will help me secretly."

Wu Di pondered for a while: "That's right. When you attacked Dragon City, these people also spoke to the party and government!"

"What they want to see is a tripartite alliance, not a dominant one. If I fucking fall in Songjiang, then this place will be completely under the banner of the party and government." Qin Yu intervened and said: "Brother Di, I asked you to come. What I mean is to make my position clear again and let the higher-ups understand that I am not a young person and I will kiss anyone who can help me. I am just disobedient!"

"Cao Ni Ma, if you say this in front of me, don't you think I will be very angry?!" Wu Di yelled.

Qin Yu looked at him: "Why don't you want to do it?! They have done this to Tiancheng several times, can you swallow this breath?"

Wu Di pondered for a long time: "When you tell me, I really want to do it!"

The two looked at each other for a long time and smiled knowingly.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the hundreds of empty seats in the Xinyuan District Council's subordinate venue were slightly deserted. Qin Yu was sitting in the middle, and even if he spoke slightly louder, there would be an echo.

Mr. Wu Di sat paralyzed next to Qin Yu, lowering his head and fiddling with his mobile phone without saying a word.

The two waited for a short while, and then Lao Li led two middle-aged people in.

"Xiao Yu!"

"Hey, Uncle Li!" Qin Yu stood up and replied with a smile.

"Let me introduce you...!" Lao Li stood aside and introduced the three of them softly.

During the conversation, Qin Yu learned that a slightly fatter middle-aged man named Lin Tao was the boss of a trading company in Fengbei. The other one was also engaged in the real economy and seemed to have nothing to do with the system.

After the two parties got to know each other, they slowly sat on the empty chairs in the venue.

Lin Tao lit a cigarette and the conversation was very direct: "Director Qin, I would like to ask you, how far are you going to take this matter?"

Qin Yu thought for a moment and replied: "Fight to the end!"

"Where does it end?" the other party asked again.

"Recognize me, acquiesce in me, and respect me, that's all it takes!" Qin Yu replied with a chuckle.

Lin Tao pondered for a long time: "Songjiang is fifty-fifty?"

"Yes." Qin Yu nodded.

"How confident are you?" Lin Tao asked again.

"Either I achieve my goal or I accept my judgment, haha!" Qin Yu said the most serious words in a joking way.

Lin Tao took a puff of cigarette: "Actually, our positions are also relative."

"It was true before, but not now." Qin Yu replied bluntly: "The downfall of Vice Mayor Xu was due to me as well as the party and government. It's just that I was the villain on the surface."

"What conditions can you offer?" Lin Tao asked again.

"Xinyuan District Council, I will give you ten places, and the three superintendents will also promote some of your people." Qin Yu intervened and said: "If the future is really open, or I take the initiative, then I will give up some key positions!"

"Haha, this is very vague." Lin Tao smiled: "If you don't implement it by then, there will be nothing anyone can do."

"Mr. Lin, every word I, Qin Yu, said in Songjiang was 100% honest. I believe you are aware of this." Qin Yu put his palms in his hands and said calmly: "And the two I might lie to you when the two families are fighting, but with three families sitting at the table, I can't lie unless I don't want to live anymore."

Lin Tao took another puff of cigarette: "Your conditions are a bit weak, our side...!"

"Mr. Lin, I can still continue this matter without your help, so I am not begging you, but you and I have the same appeal. We have the possibility of cooperation!" Qin Yu interrupted very seriously. : "Secondly, after Vice Mayor Xu's incident, you are well aware of the situation of the academic faction in Songjiang. To put it bluntly, if I don't get into trouble with the party and government to this point, it will be difficult for you to recover. ! Right? What I am giving is not a condition, but an opportunity! Xinyuan District will give you a quota, and the three major superintendents will also give it. If the May 5th is opened in the future, or I take the initiative, I will give up some of my positions. This condition If it still doesn’t work, then there’s no need to talk about it, I’ll do the rest myself!”

"The conditions you proposed can also be imposed by the party and government!" Lin Tao also retorted honestly: "If I go to negotiate now, they will only agree to more than you, not less than you."

"I give up. The Songjiang party and government are the only one. What's the point of you taking a few idle positions?! Do you want to continue to be the party and government's younger brother?" Qin Yu stared at the other party and asked: "A balance between the three families is the general trend. Otherwise, why would you be sitting here!"

While the two were talking, Lao Li kicked Qin Yu's calf several times, but the latter ignored him.

After being silent for a long time, Lin Tao said slowly: "You talked very thoroughly, I want to react!"

"If the police forces from Changji and Fengbei arrive in Songjiang, there will be no point in cooperating." Qin Yu smiled and extended his palm.

Lin Tao was startled for a moment: "You are really strong."

"You've been beaten all the way here, and you've lost your temper. Don't be surprised!"


The two shook hands.

About ten minutes past three in the afternoon.

When police forces from Fengbei and Changji were about to head to Songjiang, more than a dozen universities and colleges in the two areas held demonstrations and protests at the same time!

A large number of students took to the streets, shouting that the judiciary was corrupt and incompetent, and shot and killed people, leading to unrest in Songjiang! !

The chaos in one city has not yet been resolved, but the other two cities are suddenly boiling!

The academic faction suddenly blocked the attack, which no one expected! !

The police forces from the two places had not even reached halfway to Songjiang when they suddenly received an order to withdraw and immediately control the local demonstration incident!

"CNM's!! Academics also want to get involved, shameless, obscene, despicable!!" Director Xin stood in the police station and yelled angrily.

at the same time.

In the office building of a military unit in Fengbei, Wu's father laughed and said: "What the fuck, this script is a bit exciting! Let's see, it takes three years for the party and government to be prepared, so Qin Yu was at least four years ago I just want to defend him! This kid is disobedient, but he is indeed a person who can be cultivated! "


Three chapters have been updated today.

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