District 9

Chapter 1120 Start defense

The local police officer did not dare to get angry with Su Yong, so he could only try his best to explain: "The living village he went to is dedicated to private armed forces. Our people can't follow him. As soon as a stranger enters that place, he will be captured at a glance. I recognize it... We do have difficulties here!"

Su Yong glanced at the other party coldly, changed the topic directly and asked: "Have you found the spy?"

"We've already got him under control. We finished the phone call and he's already on his way back. I've notified the communications attack company and he's...!" the local police officer nodded and replied.

"Conduct control immediately. We must successfully trap him before dawn." Su Yong said without any doubt: "You only need to assist. We will arrest him here!"

"Okay!" The local police officer nodded.

Inside the apartment.

Wu Dihan's pores stood up and he said with a very solemn expression: "If they really attack this point and control Lao Zhang in advance, then... it will be difficult for us to defend."

Since its early days, Tiancheng Baofeng Pharmaceutical Group has paid large dividends and rebates to upper-level relations every quarter, and this dividend is based on shares.

When the shares were divided, at least half of what Wu Di got was held on behalf of the upper-level connections. Since these people were in high positions and could not name themselves in Tiancheng Company, they had no choice but to ask Wu Di to help them take care of the matter. part of the assets.

But it is necessary to mention that although Wu Di helps these people manage their shares, he is not a white glove, because his own military and political background is also extremely strong, so he plays the role of sharing the cake.

To put it simply, Wu Di jumped out to run something, but everyone helped, so it is only natural that he should share some profits.

At the beginning, most of the upper-level connections who received Tiancheng Company's dividends were military and political officials, that is, the group of big guys who supported Wu Di in the beginning. But slowly, the pharmaceutical group officially emerged in Songjiang and accumulated a lot of money. Other upper-level relationships.

For example, in the past three or four years, the position of the Pingdao District Superintendent has gradually become a bit subtle. Whether looking at big or small matters, they are very close to Qin Yu, although they are not as close to Qin Yu. On the Black Street side, the situation with the police station is already very tense, but on some matters that require taking sides, Pingdao District either abstains from voting or always supports Qin Yu intentionally or unintentionally.

Why is this?

Why should people get close to Qin Yu?

It’s not because the Pharmaceutical Group is located in Pingdao District, and Zhang Liang himself, as a lower-level distributor, also started his career in Pingdao District. He has a very deep background relationship here, so on this basis, the two parties slowly Slowly we came together.

The Pingdao District Superintendent, including the council, supports your pharmaceutical group, provides you with various conveniences, and helps Qin Yu intentionally or unintentionally within the police system. So maybe the pharmaceutical group won't give you some feedback?

In addition to the fact that the pharmaceutical group has made various donations to the superintendent and the parliament, does the power relationship also need to be arranged?

Therefore, in the pharmaceutical group, some of the shares of Wu Di, Qin Yu, and the Yu family were leaked out, and they were used exclusively for supporting relationships and giving large kickbacks to the upper management, and that Lao Zhang was specifically responsible for this The finance of the matter, and he was directly in charge of Keke.

Some people may be confused, asking why there is a problem in such an important position like Lao Zhang. Why doesn't Ke Ke arrange an absolute confidant to take care of this matter?

This is easier said than done, because the capital market is different from the ordinary people. The top management of the pharmaceutical group are all elites with education, background and connections. The work they do cannot be done by others. Yes, it requires a strong level of professionalism, and these talented high-level people all have extremely complex thoughts. They are not just social brothers on the ground. If you give someone a few words to brainwash them, they will yell at you and kill them. , so the loyalty of the capital market is relatively weak, and it pays more attention to personal pros and cons.

Secondly, Lao Zhang stabbed the pharmaceutical group in the back and was forced to do so because in addition to serving as a senior executive in the financial department of the pharmaceutical group, he also privately invested in two financial companies and was involved in various power-money transactions. Er, Fengbei had been targeting him two years ago. The other party was targeting him just to mess with Tiancheng. If he didn't spit out his words, he would be punished severely and would even be implicated in many relationships. In the end, he might even lose his life. Can't keep it!

Of course, these are things that happened in the blind spots of Coco and Wu Di. They still don't understand why Lao Zhang suddenly rebelled.

Inside the apartment.

Coco urged with a trembling voice: "Lao Zhang must have bitten me after the accident, otherwise the investigation team would not have come to the company so quickly to alert the snake!"

"Fuck!" Wu Di clenched his fists: "Manulife is the key! His company is specifically responsible for connecting with Lao Zhang. If Lao Zhang bites you, he will also bite the bottom line!"

"Call Manulife and tell him to run away!" Coco immediately responded: "As long as nothing happens to him, the case will be on me at most, and there will be no higher-ups involved!"

After hearing this, Wu Di immediately ran to the coffee table, picked up his mobile phone and dialed Manulife.

In fact, given the current situation, what Coco and Wu Di are most worried about is not the military and political leaders, because even if the money they took is found out, the investigation team can't do anything to them, nor can they judge them. The most they can do is attack them through public opinion. The protective umbrella of Tiancheng Group, but in this direction, Coco and Wu Di are sure to be able to defend it.

On the contrary, what the two of them are most worried about is their relationship with the upper echelons of the party and government. Once the money taken by these people is leaked, who knows how many people who helped Qin Yu and Tiancheng will suffer. Feng Bei investigates The butcher's knife of the group will not be the least bit soft, because from their standpoint, these people are traitors and should be killed eight hundred times to relieve their anger.

What's more important is that these people must have stepped on the line when using the convenience of the pharmaceutical industry group, which means that many of Tiancheng Company's assets may be classified as illegal income and thus frozen by the relevant departments!

If this happens, the pharmaceutical group will be completely doomed.

In the living room, Coco looked at Wu Di and asked, "Did you get through?!"

"Can't get through, it keeps showing that it can't be connected!" Wu Di shook his head.

"Call his driver, call his connections, and contact Manulife as soon as possible!" Coco reminded: "Don't panic. As long as Manulife is fine, the most they can do is me."

Wu Di lowered his head and fiddled with his phone, and immediately contacted the people around Manulife.

at the same time.

After Coco figured out where the other party might attack, she also had a defensive idea. She lowered her head and took out her phone and dialed Ma Laoer's number...

At this point, Coco and Su Yong began to fight from afar.

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