District 9

Chapter 1113 Su Yong

Xiao Su slowly put down the coffee cup, looked up at the relationship diagram on the wall, and said with his hands behind his back: "Since you can contact him at any time, just call Songjiang and we will go there in the evening."

"Going in the evening, so urgent?" The person next to me was a little surprised.

"After the incident in Fengbei, the time given by the superiors was very tight. I have spent so much money in vain. It's time to come up with a qualified report card." Xiao Su turned around and replied: "I'll go there tonight, I want to see you people."

"Okay." The assistant nodded immediately and replied.


Since Lin Chengdong came back this time, the family has changed a lot. His wife has remarried, and his father is also seriously ill. The joy of reunion has been diluted a lot, so everyone did not go out to have fun and wine in the evening, but left early to let Lin Chengdong accompany his father. time.

In Gu Laogou's apartment in Tianhong Building, Qin Yu took a shower in his bathroom. While wiping his hair, he walked out and said, "Chengdong's return this time was originally a happy event, but the situation at home has made it difficult for him. The blow is not light."

Gu Laogou sat on the sofa, drinking red wine and replied: "Chengdong has the highest IQ among the three of us. I think he has foreseen the situation at home since he has not been back for more than four years."

Qin Yu agreed with Gu Laogou's words, because he had always felt that Lin Chengdong's mind was stronger than his and Gu Yan's. It can be seen from the moment he first entered dormitory 404 that his achievements in various aspects of the college and his professional level are actually quite different from ordinary people. It's just that he was a very Buddhist person before, and his exposure to society was somewhat narrow, so he lacked vision and experience in some matters.

"There are two different things between having foresight and things actually happening." Qin Yu put down the towel, frowned and said, "I feel like this time it was a big blow to him."

"That's for sure." Gu Laogou agreed.

"He's back, he won't be reinstated, right?" Qin Yu asked.

"That's disgusting." Gu Yan shook his head: "The person has been gone for four years. When the case was closed, it was also determined as a suspected death. It is estimated that the police registration has been sealed."

"To be honest, Cheng Dong's situation today has a lot to do with us." Qin Yu rubbed his palms: "This man is back, so we have to make arrangements!"

"I have been thinking about this matter today," Gu Yan took a sip of wine and replied softly: "In the end, I still feel that the choice should be left to him. We can just do our best to help."

"Yeah." Qin Yu nodded.

Gu Yan was half lying on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling and asked: "Chengdong said that he was imprisoned in Yandao for four years. His words were quite vague and he didn't explain clearly... Xiao Yu, you said that he has been imprisoned in Yandao for four years... What is it?"

Qin Yu thought for a long time and slowly shook his head: "Where the hell can he figure it out? Maybe only he knows it!"

"My brother Chengdong's life is so miserable." Gu Yan closed his eyes and sighed.

In the urban area, inside the dormitory compound of a certain police system.

Lin Chengdong sat at home, staring blankly at his paralyzed father, speechless for a long time.

The house was extremely deserted. Lin Chengdong took off his coat and turned around to go back to his former bedroom and change into looser clothes. However, he accidentally saw a photo of a family of three on the TV cabinet in the living room.

Everything yesterday was like a mirror, as unreal as a dream.

It's around nine o'clock in the evening.

Director Xin personally received Xiaosu's team at Songjiang North Station, stretched out his hand very politely and said: "Hello, hello."

Xiao Su brought a total of more than 20 people, almost all of them men. After seeing Director Xin, he only politely replied: "Hello, Director Xin, I am going to trouble you these days."

"The imperial envoy handles the case. If there is any trouble, local cooperation should be done." Director Xin is one level higher than Xiao Su in terms of administrative level, so he said this completely politely. After all, the other party is the capital police. It's from the service unit.

"What kind of imperial envoy? I'm just doing something under orders." Xiao Su responded very stiffly, and his words were very boring.

After being startled, Director Xin immediately patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, I've booked a hotel, and Director Geng from the Government Affairs Department will come over. Let's have a meal first and get together."

Xiao Su frowned, and after obviously hesitating for a moment, she softly replied: "Okay."

"Come on, get in the car."

Director Xin only brought four people with him, and they were all direct descendants who had been with him for many years. The five people greeted Xiao Su's team from Fengbei and got into the car together.

after an hour.

When everyone arrived at the hotel, Director Geng from the Government Affairs Department arrived with only one secretary, and he also greeted Xiao Su politely.

Xiao Su's name is Su Yong. He graduated from a regular police academy, but his grades in school were very average. After graduation, he was assigned to the divisional superintendent position. After a few years, he first showed his talents and had the experience of solving several major and important cases. However, his police rank and position have not been raised for a long time. Now he is only at the level of a principal, and that was the year before last. Mentioning.

Su Yong's chief minister level looks very intimidating, but in fact he is completely incomparable to Qin Yu. In the capital of Fengbei, the leader of an idle department randomly pulled from the general bureau may be the director or deputy director, but his actual power is not great. And a director like Qin Yu who is in charge of an entire division has thousands of people under his command, and he also has extremely high discretion.

However, although Su Yong didn't do well, he was very famous in the Fengbei police circle. Three years ago, a leader of the General Administration decided to activate him and put him in charge of a relatively special task.

When drinking and socializing, Su Yong behaved a bit stiffly. During the dinner, Director Xin and Director Geng's secretary were talking. Most of the time, he responded perfunctorily.

Director Xin was an old man. He saw that he had no interest in drinking and communicating with each other, so he planned to arrange for him and his team to find a place to have fun at night, but unexpectedly Su Yong said directly: "Director Xin, I'm here. We are here to do business, so let’s try to be pragmatic and low-key, and we can talk about entertainment and entertainment after the matter is over.”

Xin Shu didn't get angry after being scolded, and even praised Su Yong for being more enlightened than him.

After the banquet ended, Su Yong repeatedly asked: "The news about our arrival must be kept secret for the time being, and let me see the person we have communicated with as soon as possible."

When Director Xin heard this, he naturally responded politely and said there was no problem.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Su Yong and others were sent to the residence specially arranged for them by Director Xin. After everything was settled, Director Xin left with his entourage.

As soon as he got in the car, Director Xin immediately dialed the number of Director Geng of the Government Affairs Department: "Can this guy do anything? Why do I think he's dead?!"

"Haha, just the opposite. I think such a person is a bit interesting." Geng Shu smiled and replied, "You try your best to cooperate with him."

"Okay." Xin Shu nodded.

The next day, it was about ten o'clock.

After Zhan Nan left home, she immediately dialed Qin Yu's mobile phone: "There is news about Chengdong's wife. Let's get together and see if we want to go to EU3 together."

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