District 9

Chapter 1109 Sweet

When Daya was a recruit in his first year, every time he had a day off, he would think of making a call to Sister Hua. Because Xiangxiang didn't have a mobile phone at that time, but Sister Hua had the character of a streetwalker. She basically stayed away from home during the day and was in the store at night, so Daya didn't have many opportunities to talk to Xiangxiang.

After the recruit period ended, Qin Yu helped Daya find connections in the army and let him participate in the army's officer training for the first time to supplement his cultural courses. After a certain foundation was established, the superior leaders saw that Da Ya was young, smart and clean, so they asked him to work as a guard at the division headquarters.

Later, relying on the clever character developed by living alone in the area to be planned since he was a child without a father or mother, as well as the secret help from Qin Yu, Daya was admitted to the Army University and officially became a commissioned officer.

These things can only be talked about in a few words, but the real experience is far more complicated and more difficult than this. There are a lot of young master soldiers in the army. Children who come out of ordinary military and political compounds must at least have a formal regiment background at home. But like Daya, who is in his early twenties and has a regular battalion cadre with the rank of major on his shoulders, He also completed Army University, which is also unusual.

Therefore, Da Ya did not have much private time these years. When he was a guard at the division headquarters, the company did not allow the use of personal communication devices on non-holidays. In the first two years of Army University, the school strictly prohibited students from carrying mobile phones. And it was precisely because of these factors that Daya cut off contact with Xiangxiang.

However, although the two have not seen each other for six years, the agreement and feelings they had when they were young have always lingered in Daya's heart. The world had not given him much warmth. Except for Qin Yu, Daya always remembered that when he first arrived in Songjiang and during the days when Qin Yu left home, Xiangxiang would steal some food every day and come to No. 88 Courtyard. Eat with him...

The warmth of having a home and being with someone made Da Ya, who had been helpless since childhood, feel extremely happy.

The entrance of the college.

Daya looked at Xiangxiang blankly, suddenly feeling a little strange. She changed and became a big girl, with short hair, and she spoke fiercely just now, completely different from the girl she imagined in her mind.

"You...why did you come back suddenly?" Xiangxiang became a little reserved inexplicably, holding some courseware in her arms with her pretty face flushed.

"I...I'm on vacation, and I happened to meet my brother on business in Fengbei, so we came back together for a few days." Da Ya was obviously a little nervous, and kept rubbing the sides of his pants with his palms.

"Oh!" Xiangxiang blinked her big eyes: "You...are you here to find me?"

"Yes." Da Ya nodded.

"Why...are you looking for me?" Xiangxiang felt like a bit of an idiot after asking, but she didn't know what to say. The two hadn't seen each other for six years, and the feeling of familiarity yet distance was really hard to describe.

Da Ya scratched his head: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to see you."

Xiangxiang was stunned when she heard this, her little heart was beating loudly, and she kept thinking about what she should say to dilute the embarrassment of such a sudden meeting.

"...You...are you going home? Shall I take you off?!"

"Oh, I'm going home." Xiangxiang lost her fierceness when she challenged her female classmates and nodded obediently.

"Let's go." Daya greeted.

After they finished speaking, the two walked down the street in front of the Industrial and Commercial University, keeping a distance of more than one meter, and walked slowly towards the direction of No. 88 Courtyard.

On the way, Da Ya asked three times are you cold, two times are you hungry, and five times said, look there is a car in front of the road, but almost never said anything useful again.

The two of them were walking awkwardly and at a loss. It wasn't until they walked two streets that Xiangxiang couldn't help but say: "Brother, Kaiyuan District is more than 20 kilometers away from my home. Are you sure we want to go there?" Walk back?"

"Ah?!" Da Ya was confused: "Oh, yes, let's call a car!"

Xiangxiang tilted her head: "Why do I feel that you don't have the energy you used to have now? You're stupid..."

"I...I'm a little nervous."

"Why are you nervous? I don't eat people."

"It's just... I just saw you were a little nervous." Da Ya began to rub his palms on both sides of his pants again, and immediately changed the subject and said, "I'm going to call a taxi."

"Oh!" Xiangxiang nodded.

Daya turned around and ran to call a taxi, but he didn't notice that the curb was covered with ice skates. He accidentally stepped on the ice and fell flat on his back.

"Are you...are you okay?" Xiangxiang stretched out her hand to help him.

Daya suddenly stood up, patted his butt and replied: "It's okay, I don't feel any pain at all."

After saying that, Daya ran towards the roadside.

Xiangxiang looked at his back and couldn't help but smile, as if she was instantly transported back to the scene six years ago when Daya led her around No. 88 Courtyard.

In school, Xiangxiang is a very strong girl. She joined the tennis team and held a position in the student union. On her first day at school, she had a fight with a girl in her class and even went under the knife. She was almost kicked out of school because of this.

At that time, Sister Hua didn't understand why Xiangxiang, who was very obedient when she was a child, seemed to have changed after going to school. She often caused some incredible troubles and her personality became much stronger. But no matter how she asked, Xiangxiang seemed to be a different person. He didn't even tell her what happened in the school.

But the actual situation is that because Xiangxiang is a single-parent family, and her mother's industry is easy to be criticized, and she grew up in that environment, she found that if she was always weak in school, , it is difficult to integrate into the group and easily bullied. For this reason, her personality changed in order to protect herself.

But what Xiangxiang didn't expect was that after she became stronger, not only were there fewer people bullying her, but she also became more open-minded. She gradually made many friends and became a lot more cheerful.

The electric tricycle slowly stopped in front of No. 88 Courtyard. Daya got off the car first, stretched out his hand and said, "Slow down, the ground is slippery."

After Xiangxiang hesitated for a moment, she jumped down holding Daya's hand.

The two looked at each other for a long time, then Da Ya scratched his head and said, "Then...then you go home."

"Haha, you traveled so far just to pick me up from school?" Xiangxiang asked.

Da Ya was not a good person either. After the two of them got along for a while, he slowly let go and replied rather meanly: "When I left your house just now, my aunt specifically told me not to check out a room." .”

"Get out!" Xiangxiang punched her big teeth.

"Hehe!" Da Ya smiled.

"I'm leaving." Xiangxiang turned around and left.

Daya looked at her back and after hesitating for a long time asked: "...Can I treat you to dinner tomorrow?"

On the empty street, the wicker branches were stained with frost and snow. Xiangxiang turned around slowly and suddenly asked: "Wang Henan, do you still keep the things I gave you?"

Da Ya was startled: "What?"

When Xiangxiang heard this, she replied with a slightly disappointed look in her eyes: "It's nothing, I'm going home first."

After saying that, Xiangxiang turned around.

Daya suddenly shouted: "Is this it?"

Xiangxiang looked back again and was stunned when she saw Daya taking out a pair of very worn woolen gloves from his pocket.

Before leaving that day, she had nothing to give, so she knitted a pair of gloves and gave them to him, and he... kept them for six years.

"I'm home." Xiangxiang shook her short hair and walked into the house with a smile.

Daya stood where he was, feeling happy in his heart, but he didn't know that his eldest brother Qin Yu and Lin Hanhan were actually in love through a pair of gloves.

The two brothers...the double kill with gloves can be considered a legend.

"Dip Lingling!"

The phone rang for a while, and Daya took out his phone and picked it up: "Hello, brother?"

"Where did you go? I'm here to pick you up. You're gone and you don't answer the phone. Are you going to make me mad to death?" Qin Yu cursed with a broken heart.

"Oops, I forgot." Da Ya slapped his forehead: "You guys eat first, eat first, I'll be there soon!"

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