District 9

Chapter 1101: Escape from inside and outside

Food and accommodation in the area to be planned.

"What's going on?" Guan Qi asked urgently.

Qin Yu frowned and replied: "Someone wanted to touch his dick, so they shot him in Songjiang."

"How about the dick?!"

"Two people around him died, and the target was also shot." Qin Yu responded anxiously: "He himself has nothing serious to do."

"Everything was fine before, why did someone suddenly want to touch his dick?" Cha Meng stood up and said solemnly: "Is Fengbei unable to bear it anymore and wants to punish us?"

"The matter is not clear yet, and it's hard to say anything." Qin Yu waved his hand: "Let's wait for Zhu Wei's news first."

In fact, before Zhu Wei called Qin Yu, he had already asked people to stay at Songjiang North Station, so when he arrived here, the police officers who were already here immediately gave feedback.

In the square in front of the station, a deputy captain said softly: "There were two trains just now. We strictly checked the passengers entering the station and verified their identities using the system. No suspicious persons were found."

"Are you sure it's not there?" Zhu Wei asked.

"No." The deputy captain shook his head and replied: "There were injured gangsters at the scene of the shooting, but we didn't see any injured here. Moreover, these two trains departed relatively late, and there were very few passengers. We I verified their identities one by one and checked their belongings, but nothing suspicious was found."

Zhu Wei frowned: "Then where did he go? Can he evaporate?"

"Zi la la!"

There was a burst of electric microphone sound on the intercom, followed by someone shouting: "Zhu Si, the gunman's car was found. It was at a construction site not far from the North Station. The two cars were doused with gasoline and burned."

"Are you sure it's those two cars?" Zhu Wei asked.

"I'm sure. I've checked the license plate number, body color, and bullet holes in the body. It must be those two cars." The other party replied with great certainty.

Zhu Wei stood there and thought for a while, then immediately asked the deputy captain in front of him: "Besides ordinary passengers passing through the station, are there any official people from any unit taking the light rail train tonight?"

"I didn't pay attention to that," the vice-captain shook his head: "I was stuck at the ordinary entrance."

"Yes." A police officer from the periphery squeezed into the crowd and said: "There was a special passage for more than 20 people at the police station just now. They seemed to be going to Fengbei to attend some meeting. I saw it."

"Are you sure?" Zhu Wei asked.

"I'm sure, I saw it when I entered the hall. More than 20 people left together." The police officer nodded.

Zhu Wei trembled when he heard the sound, and immediately asked the deputy captain: "Is the car started?"

"It opened three minutes ago." The vice-captain glanced at his watch and replied.

"Fuck you!" Zhu Wei cursed through gritted teeth, immediately took out his cell phone and dialed Qin Yu's number again.

In the hotel room.

Qin Yu opened the door and left the room, standing outside the courtyard and asked, "How was it?"

"The person should have run away from Songjiang North Station." Zhu Wei gasped and said, "We found the vehicle used in the crime at the construction site next to the station. When the police checked the passengers at the station, although they did not find anything unusual, someone saw it with their own eyes. , more than 20 people from the police station got on the latest train, saying they were going to Fengbei for a meeting."

"What the fuck, you really made me guess." Qin Yu frowned and said, "The gunman is probably among these twenty or so people."

"I'll call a friend in Changji and ask them to get on the bus and check it when they pass the station. What do you think?" Zhu Wei asked immediately.

"It's useless." Qin Yu shook his head without hesitation: "The police station has helped. This shows that someone in the upper echelons of the Fengbei party and government wants to take action. The person you find may not be reliable. Once they alert the snake, they will He got off the car from Changji and ran away, so where did you catch him?"

"What should we do? It's too late to rush to Fengbei now!" Zhu Wei replied with eyes wide open.

"You immediately set up a task force for this shooting case, select some key members, book tickets for the nearest light rail, and rush to Fengbei immediately." Qin Yu immediately ordered.

"Isn't it appropriate for us to set up a special task force? The case happened in Xinyuan District."

"Then you say hello to Xinyuan and ask them to set up a task force. We will assist in the investigation, but they will not be in charge. We will handle the case ourselves." Qin Yu responded quickly and said: "We and Xinyuan We are a family, we can do whatever we want.”

"Okay, I understand." Zhu Wei nodded.

On the light rail train.

A middle-aged man with thick eyebrows, big eyes and dark skin, wearing a police uniform, stood in the bathroom and said: "Be patient!"

"Brother Xing, things haven't been done yet. Should the higher-ups... have to deal with us?" A strong man asked with a pale face as his arm was bleeding.

"It's normal for us to clean up the work if it's not done well." Brother Xing frowned and said, "Don't think so much, let's go back first."

"Yeah." The strong man nodded.

Brother Xing took medical pliers, dug out the deformed bullet in the strong man's arm, and flushed it away down the toilet.

The blood was dripping. Brother Xing held the sterile cotton between his hands and poked his wound back and forth several times before wrapping it up with gauze.

After everything was done, the two of them carefully wiped the blood stains in the bathroom with alcohol before leaving one by one.

After Brother Xing returned to his seat, a police officer who was reading a book said softly: "We didn't know each other before. We met at the entrance. You said you were from the Kaiyuan District Police Superintendent. We verified it. I felt there was no problem with my status, so we left together."

Brother Xing was stunned: "I understand."

"Get off the car and separate, each going his own way," the police officer added.

"Okay." Brother Xing nodded.

In the courtyard of the boarding and lodging shop, Qin Yu thought for a long time before dialing a number with his mobile phone and explaining to him softly.

After chatting for about five or six minutes, Qin Yu hung up the phone, returned to the room and said: "Let's not go to Yanbei now, just turn around and go to Fengbei, right now, right now!"

"Are you going to Fengbei?" Cha Meng asked in shock, "Are you not mistaken?! The higher-ups are targeting you now. What if something happens if you go there?"

"I'm just running to get into trouble!" Qin Yu replied with his eyes blank: "If you touch Ma Lao Er, you'll touch me! Go to Fengbei, don't leave the ink mark!"

After everyone looked at each other, they immediately packed up their things, paid and left.

Inside the hospital.

After Ma Laoer learned that the gangster might have followed people from the police station and ran back to Fengbei, he stood up and said, "Call Uncle Liu, I'm going to Fengbei now."

"Dip Lingling!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Laoer's cell phone rang.


"Stay well at home. I can't let you be wronged. I'll take care of the matter. Just wait for the result." Qin Yu's steady voice sounded.


There are still 4 chapters left, please be patient, we are working hard on typing! Two chapters will be updated at 10 o'clock, and two chapters will be updated at 12 o'clock. Please subscribe and vote for recommendations!

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