District 9

Chapter 1048: The momentum is like a rainbow for ten kilometers, and the leader of the Zhan Tiangang

Four rounds of howitzers destroyed almost a third of the cars on the opposite side.

A blast of mortars almost instantly made the opponent's heavy firepower position lose its ability to counterattack!

If we don’t launch a second attack now, when will we wait?

The eight hundred Yaoguang brothers, relying on their good mobility in the convoy, killed the opponent's crowd almost as soon as they started to disperse again!

The machine gun roared, and the Zids fired at both sides of the road as if they didn't want money!

Li Cheng is a cunning character. He was on the side of the road just now, and his people were not attacked at all. Now as soon as Yao Guang's people came up, he immediately shouted: "My people, stop me with all your strength and cover the convoy behind. Retreat!! Tiangang, Tiangang, we can’t hold you back anymore, run away!”

Wang Tiangang has no military service experience, and has never participated in any armed conflicts outside the district. He is a kid from a wealthy family who was raised in a wealthy family. He is exposed to many things, and he always thinks that he can be better in everything. .

But when howitzers and mortars hit him on the head, he was completely confused. He ran to the main road behind him in embarrassment, pulled his neck and shouted: "Cover, cover, everyone goes first!"

on the road.

Qi Lin sat in the car, always paying attention to the movements of the fleeing crowd, and almost instantly locked onto Wang Tiangang's side where there were more people around.

"Did you see it? There must be a leader over there!" Qi Lin's eyes were cold and he immediately ordered: "Ask the three cars to come over and I'll fuck him myself!"

"Second echelon, three vehicles are coming up, pay attention to firepower matching!" The person on the co-pilot shouted immediately.


Three cars immediately drove out from the convoy at the rear and went straight to Qi Lin's position!


Qi Lin moved the bolt of his gun, stared at his eyes and shouted: "Speed ​​up, hit him!"


The young man in the co-pilot opened the roof cover, got his upper body out, and instantly propped up the roof steel plate to protect his vitals. He held the automatic and started shooting wildly!

"Boom, boom!"

Two young men in the third pickup truck set up an RPG and started a fire!

On the road, it was already a chaotic scene with the crowds dispersed. As soon as the four cars on Qi Lin's side were brought out, the surrounding crowds were dispersed again in an instant.

There was an explosion, and the two cars next to Wang Tiangang were blown to pieces by the RPG. A dozen guys turned around and counterattacked!

Zid came over like a downpour, Qi Lin bent down and hid in the car, and kept shouting: "Watch out for thunder, watch out for RPGs!"

"Hurry up and stick it up!" The young man on the roof of the car urged again.

"Run, run!"

When Wang Tiangang saw that the opponent's four vehicles seemed to be committing a suicide attack, he immediately lost his mind to resist and ran into the field in a panic.

Seeing that the gunshots in front of him had weakened, Qi Lin slowly stood up and ordered: "It's a bit far away from the convoy. Let's leave a car behind and block the main intersection so that we can get out later!"

"Okay!" The driver nodded.

Qi Lin used the handle of his automatic rifle to smash open the broken car glass, leaned out half of his body, and started shooting at the opponent's crowd.

Above the roof.

The young man who was shooting with an automatic rifle turned his head and saw the Li family horses not far away diagonally opposite.

"Damn it! Take the RPG and smash it to pieces by the leader!" Li Cheng directed the young man behind him and shouted: "Quick, save Wang Tiangang!"

The young man heard the sound and stood up and down, half-kneeling, setting up the rpg.

On the roof of Qi Lin's car, the young man fired while turning his head and shouting: "There is an RPG!! Get the heavily loaded pickup truck from behind and resist this shot!"


The second medium-sized pickup truck rushed up instantly and got stuck directly on the side of Qilin's car!


The RPG rocket shot straight over!


There was a loud noise, and the heavily-equipped pickup truck that had been modified with various fenders was directly paralyzed, the wheels flew off, and a fire broke out on the side of the car, but the people in the car only suffered some injuries, but no one died!


Qi Lin's vehicle took advantage of this moment to accelerate and rush forward!

Thirty meters!

Twenty meters!

Ten meters!

The car arrived at the edge of the field. Before the car could stabilize, Qi Lin and his men rushed down with guns!

"Da da da……!"

Six or seven people stood on the edge of the field. After shooting at a distance, the only four people on the opposite side fell to the ground one by one!

Qi Lin held the gun and rushed to Wang Tiangang's side in less than ten seconds: "What the fuck, I thought he was a big character, but he turned out to be a brat!"

Wang Tiangang fell to the ground and shouted urgently: "Don't kill me... I am Wang Zongtan's son, don't kill me!"

Qi Lin looked at him coldly: "One round of artillery fire destroyed six of my vehicles, cnm, you are the son of God today, I have to kill you too!"

"Don't, don't...!"


Qi Lin lowered his head and shot three times.

"What are you doing? He is Wang Zongtan's son. He will be of great use if caught." The young man next to him yelled urgently.

Qi Lin turned his head when he heard the sound: "Do you know how many sons Wang Zongtan has? Seven or eight! If you catch one, what can he do? Can he rebel, or can he help you stab Wang Zonghan in the back?"

The young man was stunned.

"Kill this brat and the people he brought here will be useless!" Qi Lin turned around and left: "Keep fighting in!"

After the second bombardment, Yaoguang's men pushed all the way and dispersed the enemy's troops who wanted to regroup several times along the way. Within half an hour, they marched towards Longcheng with great momentum and penetrated nearly ten kilometers! !

Special Operations Brigade.

The information officer was eating instant noodles and said to Lin Xiao with a very relaxed posture: "There is no one on the other side who understands. I guess the overall situation has been decided."

"Can it be so early?"

"If there are too many people and they don't know how to use it, what else can we fight?" The information officer replied with a smile: "With their strength, if we let our special operations brigade go up, I can break into Dragon City with a hundred people. Do you believe it or not?" ?”

"Stop bragging." Lin Xiao curled his lips and said: "The skills and quality are different, but the number of people is there after all...!"

The two sat opposite each other and talked very relaxedly. They seemed to have seen the armed conflict in the Longcheng area at a glance.

Inside Baoli Life Village!

Wang Zongxiang scolded with a gloomy face: "Who asked Tiangang to direct the counterattack? Does he know anything? Can he fight? The opponent obviously has eyes. Is it difficult to see this?"

"Don't talk about this now." Wang Zongxiao waved his hands with a calm expression, turned his head and suddenly looked at Wen Beiliang and said: "Brother Wen, we need to adjust our strategy!"

"Ah, tell me!" Wen Beiliang nodded.

"It's a fact that the other party has attacked Shahe. I'm afraid there will be changes in Dragon City, so you should immediately bring people to support Brother Dong to prevent them from playing dirty tricks." Wang Zongxiao said softly.

"Okay!" The strange look in Wen Beiliang's eyes flashed away.

"Go now!" Wang Zongxiao urged, and immediately said to the others: "Don't panic, we have an absolute advantage in numbers. As long as we make a slight adjustment, it will become more difficult for them!"

"How to adjust?" Wang Zongxiang asked.

"Everyone, come here, let's do this...!" Wang Zongxiao called everyone and began to give instructions one by one.


There’s another chapter around nine!

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