District 9

Chapter 1044 The Night Before

Li Zhan took a puff of cigarette and nodded slowly: "Okay, I'll do it with you."

Qin Yu patted Li Zhan on the shoulder and said succinctly: "My principle for making friends is that virtue should be greater than talent. No matter what your position was before, as long as we sit at the same table and eat, I recognize you. , then there will be no barriers. You first get familiar with our side... When the overall situation is decided, I will hand over Yaoguang to you and Qi Lin."

Li Zhan was stunned.

"The biggest reason why I'm curious about you is, on the one hand, the things you did in the district were very irritating to me, including your behavior of exchanging life for money, compensating your friends' families, etc." Qin Yu acted like a gay He praised him: "On the other hand, you are very suitable for a soil like Yaoguang. The anti-terrorist brigade is reluctant to give you the ladder, so I will give it to you."

Li Zhan was confused for a long time: "...Don't touch Sosou, I'm not selling my fucking body."

"Haha!" Qin Yu grinned: "That's it, go back and find Zhang Liang and the others."

After saying that, the car left the entrance of the Wang family compound and headed straight for Songjiang.


Qin Yu called Zhang Liang, Guizi, Ding Bin and others to a meeting, and said succinctly: "Dragon City is in chaos, and the development situation is far beyond expectations. I am a little struggling here, brothers... stretch out your hands to help. Bar."

"Okay, let's fix it." Zhang Liang nodded without hesitation.

"It starts in the early morning, right?" Ding Bin asked.

"Yes." Qin Yu nodded.

"Okay, then you should go about your business. We don't need you to worry about it. We will use as much strength as we can." Ding Bin expressed his stance.

Qin Yu cupped his fists at everyone and said, "Thank you, everyone."

In the past year or so, the business of Xiang'er and Yao has been completely stable. In addition to Ma Laoer, the gang on the ground in Songjiang, Zhang Liang, Guizi, Ding Bin and others are also making a lot of money.

Qin Yu helps them maintain official relations, and Qin Yu provides goods on the ground. Although these big bosses are doing independent accounting and have not officially joined the Tiancheng Group, several people have actually worn a pair of trousers for a long time.

Therefore, Zhang Liang and others always support Qin Yu whenever something happens. On the one hand, it is the accumulation of feelings, and on the other hand, it is also the relationship between the two parties. One is prosperous and the other is deprived. Helping Tiancheng is infinitely close to helping himself.

The meeting took less than twenty minutes in total, and Qin Yu left Songjiang again to arrange other matters.

after an hour.

In a warehouse in Pingdao District, Songjiang, Zhang Liang was smoking a cigarette, sitting on a worn-out wooden chair and shouting: "Don't even button swish, take out all the inventory in the warehouse and distribute it to the people below. At two o'clock in the morning, Exit the district from Nanguankou and rush to Xinxiang as quickly as possible!"

"Brother Liang, we definitely want to help Boss Qin in the lottery. It's okay to send people, but we still have to use our own goods to fight. This is unacceptable." A young man said with a smile: "We also have two hundred goods. If we lose tens of thousands... how will we settle the accounts then?"

Zhang Liang raised his head and glanced at him: "How much money could you make in a month before? How much money can you make now? For more than a year, people have been stuffing money into your pockets. Now it's a bit difficult. How much money can you make now?" Are you still plotting against a broken gun?! It’s just over JB 2 million, what else can I do if I don’t want it?”

The young man smiled and scratched his head without saying a word.

"Hurry up and gather people, let's make some noise!" Zhang Liang stood up slowly, waved his hands and shouted: "After finishing the work, drive the convoy into Xinxiang immediately, hurry up!"

Around Dragon City, more than 20 vehicles coming from an uninhabited area in the northwest were parked on the roadside.

In the first car, a middle-aged man with yellowed teeth and messy hair spat out the window and said, "Fuck, there are people coming over from Qingzhou. It's really making a lot of noise this time."

"Brother, why did the Eighth District talk to you?" the driver asked.

"Twenty cars, one million." The middle-aged man licked his chapped lips: "I can do this job well."

"What's the reason for going to war?"

"I heard that a large compound is splitting up, and there is official support behind it. No one will accept it, and they will fight to the death." The middle-aged man took out a dirty cigarette case and said, "Oh, whatever the reason is, it has nothing to do with us. , just work and make money.”

"Yes." The driver nodded.

After everyone waited for more than twenty minutes, two off-road vehicles drove up on the oncoming road and slowly parked on the side of the road.

Han Yao stepped out of the car and walked over in a hurry.

"Who are you?"

"Introduced by Old Hu from the Eighth District, my name is Han Yao."

"Oh, Mr. Han!" The middle-aged man immediately opened the door and got out of the car, stretched out his hand to shake his hand: "Old Hu, just call me and we'll be here. It's not too late!"

"Just right!" Han Yao patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work, brothers."

"It's okay, this is what we do."

"Okay, come with me, let's go to Dragon City first!" Han Yao turned around and glanced at the group of people in the car, and nodded with great satisfaction.

Qin Yu relied on the relationships he had accumulated over the years in this matter, while the Han family started the Jinyuan model, using their various relationships in the Eighth District to transfer many people from outside the district to help Longcheng University. Over there.

In the courtyard of the Wang family in Longcheng.

Wang Zonghan found the fourth child, sat on a chair and said softly to him: "It's a small fight, the people below can do it, but now the situation is a bit out of control. Once a conflict starts, there is no one here who understands." , so I discussed with Han Sanqian and the others and let you take charge, what do you think?"

Wang Zongxiao nodded obediently: "No problem."

"We are almost ready here. What do you think is the next step?" Wang Zonghan asked.

"We have to take action first." Wang Zongxiao said without any doubt: "Hold them inside Xinxiang and hit only one spot. As long as the opening is opened, this matter will be over."

"When will we do it?" Wang Zonghan asked.

"I still have something on my hands that I haven't figured out yet." Wang Zongxiao thought for a moment and replied, "Let's do it tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Wang Zonghan nodded slowly and asked, "Where should we hit it?"

After Wang Zongxiao heard the sound, he responded without thinking: "Shahe Life Village!"

It's about three o'clock in the morning.

A large number of convoys gathered in Xinxiang Life Village, and Zhang Liang, Guizi, Ding Bin and others were all in place.

In the main building of the three-bedroom compound, Lao Li called Li Zhan and asked shamelessly: "If we move first, where can we do it?"

Li Zhan lowered his head and scanned the map on his tablet. After looking at it for a long time, he said: "Shahe Life Village is a key point. If we fight it out, people can disperse and attack Dragon City with more points! If we can't fight out, we will retreat here. It will be difficult for us on the other side." Get in!"

Upon hearing this, Lao Li glanced at the location of Shahe Life Village, nodded immediately and said to Wang Zongtang: "It starts from here!"

Half an hour later.

Yaoguang's first batch of people marched into Xinxiang Living Village.

For a time, the surroundings of Dragon City were turbulent, and the stage of troubled times after the end of the world officially began.


There will be additional updates in the early morning.

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