District 9

Chapter 1014 Trapped in Dragon City

The off-road vehicle rushed out of the compound on the right. It didn't start very fast. Fortunately, it didn't hit the middle part of the motorcycle, otherwise its legs would have lost the ability to move in an instant.

Years ago, the United States filmed a war documentary and invited some veterans who had participated in World War II to be interviewed. According to their oral accounts, some of the military qualities trained in peacetime during war are not controlled by the brain at all. When the gunfire rings, how can you have time to think of countermeasures? It is always the subconscious instinctive reaction that controls military literacy and combat ability.

Although the experience at this moment is not related to war, the urgency of the situation is the same. After being knocked down, he lost hearing in his right ear, his face was covered with blood, and his eyes were so dizzy that he had no time to think about how to continue escaping. He only relied on his strong instinctive reaction to roll sideways under the off-road vehicle.

The middle of the street is empty. If you get up and run away, you will definitely be shot down.

When Li Zhan rolled to the side of the motorcycle again, the other vehicle had already rushed up and tried to crush him.

In the car, a strong man waved his hand and shouted at the driver: "Don't let him crush him to death, capture him alive."

It was this sentence of "catching people alive" that saved Li Zhan's life.


The off-road vehicle braked suddenly and pushed forward less than two meters on the snow, when its tire was caught by the motorcycle.

Li Zhan shook his head and pulled out his spare gun with his right hand.


Several gunshots were fired, and two tires on the front side of the off-road vehicle burst instantly.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The sound of the car door rang, and Li Zhan listened to the sound to identify the direction. His right foot suddenly stepped on the car tire, and his body instantly slipped on the snow.


Three gunshots were fired, and the strong man who had just been spared his life in the battle was beaten to death as soon as he got out of the car.


A young man in the passenger seat shot Li Zhan's shoulder blade with his head.


Li Zhan pulled his arm horizontally, holding the handle of the gun with both hands, and directly burned out the gun in the shuttle, killing the young man in the passenger seat.

The driver in the car never expected that Li Zhan would be so violent. He was so frightened that he was killed. He couldn't even see clearly where the former was, so he could only reverse the car and drive backwards.


Li Zhan reached out to his motorcycle and pulled the sniper hanging on the car. He only pulled the bolt of the gun and lay motionless on the ground.

After the car backed up three or four meters, the driver lowered his head and shouted: "He's on the ground."


Gunshots fired.

Zid penetrated the windshield, passed through the driver and passenger, and directly killed a man in the back seat!


Li Zhan stood up covered in blood, crooked his neck, pressed the muzzle downward, and fired blindly!


The sub-d penetrated the mechanical cover of the off-road vehicle and the protective panel in front of the driver, and shot under the driver's seat with a pop! !


The driver roared in fright, lay down on his back and picked up the pistol.


"Bang, bang!"

Li Zhan held a sniper and aimed at the direction of the street not far away. After shooting down three people in a row, he was just about to run when he saw at least thirty cars rushing towards him!

Everyone attending the funeral rushed over!

Li Zhan was desperate at this moment. Once his motorcycle broke down, he knew that he would never be able to leave!


He bent down and ran to the off-road vehicle, Li Zhan suddenly stood up and fired a shot, piercing the right shoulder of the driver who was driving, completely rendering him unable to resist!

"Don't kill me, don't kill me...!" the driver yelled.

Li Zhan ignored him, placed the sniper rifle in front of the car, hunched over, and prepared to fight to the death!

On the car.

Xiao Cai held the phone and shouted with a solemn expression: "There were gunshots inside, and I had no idea what was going on... Li Zhan asked me to wait for him at the north entrance. Do you think I need to go in to pick him up?!"

In the area, Lao Li heard the sound and looked up at Qin Yu, and asked briefly: "Li Zhan is blocked inside, can you save him?"

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment and replied without hesitation: "Help!"

"Go and save him, my people may not be able to get out." Lao Li said in an extremely rational voice: "The one million I gave Li Zhan was for his life!"

"If he is caught, what should he do if he confesses everything?" Qin Yu already knew Lao Li's plan at this moment.

"He will commit suicide, but he will not be caught." Lao Li replied with a firm gaze: "Besides, once the patriarch dies, it becomes a matter of people's hearts rather than the truth!"

After Qin Yu paused for a moment, he twisted his eyebrows and replied: "It's me, I will save him!"

"How long will it take for your people to arrive?" Lao Li asked.

"It should be nearby already." Qin Yu replied.

Lao Li took the phone, licked his lips and said to Xiao Cai: "Go and pick it up!"


Xiaocai hangs up the phone.

Lao Li stood on the side of the road, looked at Qin Yu from the side, and nodded slightly. He was completely able to decide what happened just now. It was a bit abrupt to ask for Qin Yu's opinion. It is this kind of abrupt question that often elicits many people's true reactions.

North side of Dragon City.

After many battles, he lay on the front of the car and used a large sniper to act like a mortar. The cars and horses that were being chased by the other party were still some distance away, and at this distance, the sniper's effect was obviously stronger than that of an ordinary sniper. Rifles and shotguns!

"Bang bang bang...!"

Every shot is fired in the battle, and fixed-point blocking tactics are used to blow out the tires of the front, middle, and numerous cars in the opponent's convoy, causing them to lose their braking ability, and blocking the chasing vehicles in different areas!

People are fierce!

The gun is also a good gun!

But the amount of ammunition is limited. The canvas bag is hung on the motorcycle. Taking it now is tantamount to seeking death!

The sniping battle lasted for less than a minute and a half, and just as I was saving my ammunition, when I was fighting to the death with the opponent, the roar of a car came again from the right!

Li Zhan suddenly looked back and saw two off-road vehicles stopped at the intersection, and a dozen people charged forward!

"damn it!"

Li Zhan abandoned the heavy sniper without hesitation and ran to the door of the compound. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes for a second. Then he drew the thunder with his left hand, held the gun in his right hand, and turned his head to glance in the direction of Changji. , eyes dim!

"He's at the corner. He's gathering. Slow down and get there!"

"Watch out for thunder!"


There was a shout from the direction of the road.

"cnm, I protect my family and my country. I'll shoot wherever you point me. In the end, I only lost a broken gun. You didn't even give me a way to survive! On the contrary, it's this big family that drinks human blood outside the area and kills them continuously. No one cares about the person who brought the robbery, and he is treated as an honored guest!" Li Zhan yelled with red eyes: "Fuck me, in this era of shit, it's better not to have me...!!"

Li Zhan was angry, roaring, and desperate, and was about to rush out of the alley.

“Da da da da!!”

Before anyone could get out, gunshots rang out first, and two armed off-road vehicles came out from the left!

Xiao Cai waved his hands and shouted: "Fall back and push forward to cover the flanks. The lead car slows down and prepares to pick up people!"

Li Zhan suddenly looked to the left and said with disbelief: "Is there... anyone to pick me up?"

Xinxiang, the third room of the Wang family.

Wang Zongtang hurriedly walked into the main building lobby from the outside and said concisely: "The old man's death letter has been confirmed! I received the news that after Wang Zonghan came back, he contacted many people in the big house and wanted to forcefully deal with us! Fourth brother, second brother, gather the people from Xinxiang immediately, if something happens, we will refuse to listen to all orders from the big house!"

"Will you break up?" Lao Si asked.

"It's early!" Wang Zongtang waved his hand and responded: "Once the old man is gone, it's just the beginning of the complexity."

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