District 9

Chapter 998: Dragon Awakens, Unstoppable

Inside the Black Street Superintendent.

After Qin Yu came out of the stairwell, he immediately put his hands on his hips and shouted: "Xiaohao, Zhenzhen!"

There was a sound of footsteps, and Fu Xiaohao asked like a police dog who was always ready: "What's wrong? Ancestor!"

"You two will dispatch ten key police officers each to go out with me." Qin Yu ordered in a hurried tone.

Fu Xiaohao was stunned: "Didn't you say you have to wait for two days? There is something happening so soon?"

"Yeah, it's much faster than I thought." Qin Yu sighed: "He is a ruthless person, what a pity."

Within the city.

Han Fei, who had hardly slept for two days, could no longer spare his attention to the affairs of the Wang family. Since he had survived the battle, the matter was completely out of his control. Whether he has his own evidence or not is uncertain. If he reports the case, it will be a question of whether the Han company can retreat safely in Songjiang.

Inside the hotel.

Han Fei took a puff of cigarette and, following Director Xin's instructions, dialed the number of the captain of the Anti-Terrorism Brigade: "Hello? Come out and have a chat?"

"Okay, I'll be there right after the meeting." The captain nodded in agreement.

"I'll wait for you at the hotel."

"that is it."

After the words fell, the two ended the call.

In the small conference room of the anti-terrorism brigade, the brigade captain sat at the head and whispered: "The arrest warrant from the police station has been passed over. We have dispatched two squadrons here to cooperate with the task force to arrest Li Zhan. At the four major checkpoints, A temporary checkpoint and the Songjiang Station Checkpoint will be fully deployed. As soon as his traces are discovered, we will immediately follow up and report him and round him up."




Everyone nodded.

"I have worked in the anti-terrorism brigade for many years, and I have experience as an instructor. I am an absolute elite who has personally awarded several medals by the Police General Administration. So everyone must pay attention to safety when deploying control." The brigade captain reminded again: "The grouping must be clear, and the firepower deployment must be scientific. If encountering uncontrollable situations, you can shoot to kill."




"Okay, let's adjourn the meeting." After greeting the captain, he took a follower police officer and left the conference room first.

About five minutes later.

The captain led the police officers out of the main building and walked along the street to the parking space on the left.

"Can you catch him? Has he run out of the area?" the police officer asked tentatively.

"It's hard enough to catch him." The captain shook his head: "Don't you know the quality of the battle? It's not difficult for him to run out of the area."

"It's a bit embarrassing that he made such a big noise and he wasn't arrested." The police officer replied softly.

The captain stopped when he heard the sound, suddenly turned around and said: "Li Zhan has a family member in Changji, but I don't know if his family has moved in such a long time. If you do this, go back and check the files in the team. Let’s find someone in Changji to confirm.”

"We found it. Are we going to talk to the team?" the police officer asked, stunned for a moment.

"You're stupid!" the captain replied speechlessly: "How can we talk to someone in the team? He won't cooperate. Is there anything you can do? Let Han Fei and the others handle this matter themselves!"

"That's right." The police officer nodded after hearing this: "These people on the ground do things without scruples. If they can catch Li Zhan's family members, it will be easier to round him up."

"Go to the hotel first, I'll meet Han Fei." The captain urged.

While the two were talking, they came to the edge of the left side of the main building. The police officer took out his car key and pressed it. Just as he was about to walk in the direction of the car, a figure rushed over from the corner of the building.

When the police officer heard the footsteps, he instinctively turned his head and glanced at the figure, but what he saw was Li Zhan raising his head and looking at him with red eyes.

The two looked at each other for less than half a second before the police officer reached out to draw his gun.


The military dagger flashed with cold light, and it went straight to the policeman's neck and stabbed it.

"Captain, Li Zhan, run!" the police officer yelled.

The captain turned around when he heard the sound, bowed back in a standard movement, and drew his gun very quickly.


Li Zhan kicked the captain on the shoulder of his right arm, causing the latter to take three steps back.

The police officer staggered to avoid a shot, and his right hand had already touched the holster of his gun.


Li Zhan put his right hand around the police officer's neck and held a military dagger in his left hand. He raised and lowered his right arm with very small movements: "cnm! I taught you how to play with guns. You are worthy of me." ?!”




After the blade cut the policeman's right wrist four or five times in a row, his hand tendon was completely broken, and the knife edge on his wrist turned upward, drawing blood like a fountain.


Li Zhan's right hand touched his holster, and when he drew the gun, he bent down.



Zid passed over the police officer's head.

Li Zhan stood in front of the police, holding a gun in his right hand, bending down and lowering the muzzle of the gun.



The captain was shot in the right leg and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Kang Kang!"

Li Zhan bent down again and fired two more shots, both of which hit the captain's right elbow.


Li Zhan let go of his hand, the police officer fell to the ground, and the captain fell next to the car. He tried to raise his right hand several times, but his arm was unresponsive.

"You...you're fucking crazy...!" The captain gasped and looked at Li Zhan, his eyes filled with horror.

"You are eating delicious food from all over the world every day, collecting money, blowing the air conditioner, and sitting in the office. How the hell can you still hold a gun?" Li Zhan walked over slowly, ignoring the alarm that had sounded in the anti-terrorism compound at this moment.

"Li Zhan, Li Zhan, something happened to you...!" The captain explained in a hurried tone, hoping to delay time.

Li Zhan bent down and took out his mobile phone from the captain's pocket, squatted in front of him and said, "Who asked you to find me? You call him."



After fighting for a long time without allowing the other party to speak, a shot was fired into his lower abdomen.

The captain's whole body convulsed with pain. He picked up the phone with his left hand, pressed the screen lock, nodded repeatedly and said, "It's Han Fei, Han Fei, he asked me to find you!"

Li Zhan stood up, looked down at the captain and said, "I'm not looking for the gun or the car anymore. I'll kill you."

The captain was stunned.

Li Zhan turned around and left, with his right hand back, he pulled the trigger continuously.


Three gunshots rang out, and the deputy director-level captain died on the street.

Li Zhan quickly turned along the street and dialed Han Fei's number with the phone in his left hand.

"Hello? Where have you been?"

"I fought hard, but he died."

"...!" Han Fei was stunned.

"CNM, listen carefully. I know what happened to you, but I will not call the police. Within three days, I will kill you single-handedly." Li Zhan said this and hung up the phone.

In the hotel, Han Fei sat blankly: "He... was killed by the captain?!"

Several private cars were parked outside the construction site in Xinyuan District. Qin Yu, wearing gloves for on-site investigation, waved his hands and shouted at Ding Guozhen and others: "Follow the ruts and look for three stones arranged in a triangle."

Half an hour later.

Lao Li suddenly stood up, took the phone and shouted: "What, the captain of the anti-terrorist brigade was killed?! Who did it?"

"Fight through battles."

"...!" Lao Li was silent for a while: "I know him."

"The Fengbei General Administration is furious and has sent people down." The other party replied in a hurried tone.

Lao Li was silent for only a brief moment, and then immediately said: "This guy is a warrior, he can help first."

After the two talked on the phone for five minutes, Lao Li hung up the phone, turned around and said to Lao Leizi, who was from outside the district: "You guys should withdraw and go outside the district."

"Do you need to give the Wang family another blow?" Lao Leizi asked.

"The death of the child is just an inducement, and it is certainly not enough to determine the situation of the Wang family. Old Wangtou is capable of handling this problem." Old Li shook his head and said softly: "I still have big cards to play."


3 chapters were updated in the early morning and 6 chapters were updated in the evening. A total of 9 chapters were updated today! Please subscribe and vote for recommendations!

In addition, there will be no update tomorrow morning, and 3 chapters will be published in the evening.

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