District 9

Chapter 7 Meeting with Team Yuan

Although Qin Yu enjoyed some benefits from the Panasonic case and received praise from Li Si, his status in the team has not been improved. On the contrary, the entire No. 45 team and most of his colleagues have Treat him like air. Except for Qi Lin, Lao Mao, and some marginalized colleagues who got closer to him, the other core members of the team basically faced him with a cold face.

If it was just people outside who treated Qin Yu like this, he could tolerate it, but the roommates in the dormitory who needed to get along day and night also played cold violence with him. Although these people didn't find any trouble with him, they didn't talk to him either. As soon as Qin Yu entered the room, everyone either fell silent for a moment or went out collectively. But as soon as he left, everyone came back to play cards and chat.

The reason why everyone treated Qin Yu like this was simply because he offended the third child, looked like a thorn in the side, and took the credit as soon as he came out, which inevitably made some people jealous.

If it were someone else, he might regret offending the third child, but Qin Yu didn't feel that way at all, because he had a somewhat cold personality, and not everyone could get into his heart. In addition, he doesn’t think that he can integrate into any circle by licking others, nodding and bending. He only feels that if people live in such an environment, if they are too weak, they will develop a tendency to demand excessively from others. psychology. If the third child can crush him once, he can crush him a hundred times. Today he waited for three more days without saying a word. If the third child doesn't make trouble, let him wait for four days in a row next time. If he goes further down, he may have to wash other people's clothes for the hygiene in the dormitory, which Qin Yu will never accept.

Although Qin Yu felt indifferent to the cold violence from his colleagues, it was indeed a bit awkward to continue to stay in the dormitory. After all, everyone lives under the same roof, so no one looks down on anyone else, and facing each other coldly every day will definitely affect their mood.

The Panasonic case gave Qin Yu a bonus of 3,000 yuan, and he had not budgeted for this windfall before, so as soon as the money was paid, he decided to go out and rent a house alone. Since we can't get along, let's just be out of sight and out of mind. However, Qin Yu didn't know the local situation, so he could only ask Lao Mao to help him find a house. The conditions are that the price is not too expensive, there is a supply of electric lights, and there are enough people to live there.

Lao Mao felt that Qin Yu was tough and cheerful, and he could get along with him, so he agreed immediately.

The next day.

Qin Yu had just entered the office to find someone to hand over. When he officially took up his post, someone suddenly shouted from outside the office: "Qin Yu, Captain Yuan asked you to go to the restaurant."

Qin Yu turned around when he heard the voice. He was about to ask the person who called out, but found that he had already left and had no intention of continuing the conversation.

"Haha." Qin Yu smiled, picked up his coat and walked out of the office.

Inside the Si Li restaurant.

After Qin Yu asked the staff, he looked up and saw Captain Yuan sitting at the window.

Yuan Ke is about 1.78 or 79 meters tall. He is thin but has fair skin and handsome appearance. In addition, he has a pair of peach blossom eyes. The inner corners of his eyes are slightly downward, like crescent moons, and the ends of his eyes are slightly upward. It always gives people the feeling that his eyes are smiling, and he is very popular when they first meet.

"Hello, Captain Yuan? I'm Qin Yu."

"Haha, hello, hello." Yuan Ke smiled and stood up to shake hands with Qin Yu: "Originally, when you arrived at the team the day before yesterday, I was supposed to pick you up, but unfortunately, I was not in Songjiang a few days ago. Just came back today."

"I heard that you went to Fengbei for a meeting."

"Is everything settled?" Yuan Ke waved his hand for Qin Yu to sit down.

"Well, all the necessary procedures have been completed." Qin Yu sat opposite Yuan Ke.

"That's good." Yuan Ke poured a glass of water for Qin Yu himself, and said with a smile: "Haha, I heard about the kidnapping case, and you have embarrassed the first captain."

"We just bumped into each other. There's a bit of luck involved." Qin Yu grinned.

"As soon as I came here this morning, I had a chat with Director Li, and he also told me about your situation." Yuan Ke intervened and naturally went around the topic: "Originally, a gangster like Panasonic could If you are arrested, the main person who solves the case will definitely be asked for credit, and everyone from the sergeant to the police can at least take a step forward. So what Li Si means is that he wants you to directly become the team leader and become a second-level police officer. But you haven’t done that since you first arrived. It happened one day, and it seems a bit coincidental. If you mention it forcefully, it will inevitably make people think too much. So Li Si and I thought about it and decided to let you wait a little longer. Don't worry, we have a long way to go. "

"Yes, Li Si told me about this situation. Haha, I'm not in a hurry." Qin Yu responded according to the other party's wishes: "I've just arrived, so I'd better adapt to the environment first."

"It's okay, it's yours, I will fight for it for you."


While the two were chatting, the restaurant staff brought two plates of hot dishes and two plates of cold dishes, including not only beef, but also very expensive vegetables. This made Qin Yu feel that Yuan Ke was quite generous in his work, at least he looked like an open-minded person.

"During the on-duty period, you are not allowed to drink. Let's just have a quick bite." Yuan Ke refilled Qin Yu's water again.

"That's good."

"Don't look at it, eat it while it's hot."


While talking, the two of them moved their chopsticks, and Yuan Ke looked at Qin Yu from the corner of his eye. He found that this young man who had rushed out of the planning area was not timid. He was not gobbling up his food, but he also showed no restraint at all.

"Xiao Qin, you go to the third group of the team." Yuan Ke was silent for a long time, and suddenly opened his mouth and said: "The leader of this group was dealt with internally for malfeasance and corruption. There is no one to manage it now. It just so happens that you Become the acting team leader.”

Qin Yu was stunned: "Isn't this possible? Li Si said that I should be the deputy team member?!"

"The acting team leader is actually at the deputy team level, and Li Si's original intention was to promote you to the second-level police officer. When you get your title, we will remove the code." Yuan Ke responded with a smile: "Myself Things in the team are easy to handle."

"Then thank you, Captain Yuan, for your support."

"Xiao Qin, this superintendent is not hired by my own family, but this captain is promoted by everyone. Without a team of brothers No. 40 and 50 working hard for me behind the scenes, what can I, Yuan Ke, do with Director Li? Chatting?" Yuan Ke's words were concise, full of generosity and righteousness, and he said: "When you come here, you are mine. You support me and I take care of you. This is what you should do. We don't need to be polite... From now on, you If you have any questions, just mention it to me. It’s what you deserve, and I will try my best to get it for you. We eat from the same pot, but our roles are different, but the essence is the same, that is, in this messy environment, we must live A little better."

Qin Yu originally thought that he had offended Lao San, but he was a thorn in Yuan Ke's eyes. Even if he didn't deal with him openly, he still had to throw a pair of small shoes for him to wear, so as to show his prestige.

Unexpectedly, what Yuan Ke said today was very down-to-earth, without any official pretense or melodrama, which was very heart-warming.

"Captain Yuan, you've said so. Let me offer you a drink with water and wine." Qin Yu was not a ungrateful person. He picked up the cup and said seriously: "From now on, in the first team, I try my best to get things done.”

After the words fell, the two drank it all in one gulp.

Putting the cup down, Yuan Ke wiped his mouth, looked up at Qin Yu and said, "Okay, enough about making friends, let's talk about work."

"Okay, you say."

"This morning, a wanted order was sent from the police station. Several gangsters have arrived from the planning area and may show up on the underworld. This job has been handed over to the first team. I will organize the manpower when I come back. Prepare to arrest them." Yuan Ke frowned and said to Qin Yu: "But I still have an important case in hand that requires manpower to handle. And you have just arrived and have no experience in directly handling the case of a big bandit, so I want to You lead three groups to handle this case first."

"What case is it?" Qin Yu asked.

"It's a drug trafficking case." Yuan Ke narrated after taking a sip of water: "Recently, a large number of smuggled drugs have appeared in our underworld, some are fake, and some come from informal channels... Originally, no one took care of this matter, because After all, where there is demand, there is a market. Nowadays, major cases cannot be caught. How can anyone control this kind of thing? However, two major drug companies in Fengbuk capital jointly put pressure on the government, saying that this matter affected them The market... you also know that the more chaotic the world is, the more say the profession of rescuing people has. The top management has no choice but to press down, which makes us, the leaders of Songjiang Medical Department, call the police station every day, and the police department presses Li Si, because the main areas where illegal drugs are prevalent are in the underworld. So Li Si was almost bewildered. During the meeting, he announced that within a three-month deadline, our team must wipe out all the drug dealers in the underworld."

"Is it really a clean sweep, or is it just a chat in a meeting...?" Qin Yu blinked and asked cryptically.

Yuan Ke was stunned for a moment, and responded with a slightly surprised look in his eyes: "It's a real arrest, it's not just a talk, it's a clean fight."

"Are those three groups of people enough?"

"You guys go ahead and find the main clues, and then our team will concentrate our firepower to capture them." Yuan Ke responded softly: "But until we don't have the main clues, we'll still catch those big bandits."

"Okay, I understand." Qin Yu knew very well that as soon as he put on these clothes, he had to obey the orders here. This was an iron rule, and he currently had no right to choose.

"You also know that the current coalition government is cracking down on counterfeit drugs with unprecedented intensity. This is also to ensure the interests of drug companies that are still engaged in scientific research, as well as the interests of many patients. Therefore, the sale of smuggled drugs, regardless of whether they are true or false, as long as they exceed five kilograms , that is the death penalty..." Yuan Ke frowned and reminded: "So you must be careful when doing things, the case must be solved, but the safety of the members of the team and yourself must also be guaranteed."

"I see."

"The information will be sent to three groups in the afternoon. You should understand it thoroughly as soon as possible, and get familiar with the members of the group as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, you can give some blood first, treat everyone to a meal, and connect with each other. Haha, they are all young people, easy to get in touch with." Yuan Ke stood up and was about to pay the bill when he suddenly turned around and said to Qin Yu: "Oh, I forgot to mention it. The third child has such a temper. Sometimes he does things without thinking clearly. Don't talk to him." It’s the same. I’ll come out with you two later and sit down together, and things will be over again.”

Qin Yu was stunned: "That would be troublesome."

"Haha, I'm going to check out. It's time to go to work later." Yuan Ke smiled at Qin Yu and walked to the cashier.

Qin Yu looked at Yuan Ke's back and murmured softly: "Haha, you are quite generous."


As soon as Qin Yu was about to return to the third group, Lao Mao informed him to go to No. 88 Tongbai Road, a black neighborhood, because he had found a new house.

Qin Yu looked at his phone and felt that it was still a little busy before work time, so he immediately went out.

After walking for about fifteen minutes, Qin Yu hurriedly arrived at the gate of No. 88 Tongbai Road. He didn't see the old cat, but heard someone shouting from behind: "There is no distinction between men and women? Is it you?"

Qin Yu turned around when he heard the sound, and saw Lin Nianlei wearing a slim-fitting woolen coat, standing at the foot of the steps with a smile on her face. The look of panic on her face was gone, with her back facing the bright sun. She was as beautiful as a woman walking out of a painting. generally.

ps: Two chapters will be updated this morning, and five chapters will be updated in the evening. It will be a small climax directly to make everyone excited. In addition, the update time is still the same as before, 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Readers who haven’t read the prologue don’t worry, I will send a link to the WeChat public account shortly.

Finally, I would like to thank so many brothers for their enthusiastic support. The book ranked first in the popularity list within two hours of reading it! The leader will send out updates at night. Please continue to ask for votes. You can get as many recommended votes as you want! Thanks, thanks.

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