The couple worked hard for most of the night.

They thought that since Boss Yang had turned down work today, they should be able to sleep in.

Unexpectedly, Old Song, the hardworking model, called them at around four in the morning. It was still dawn, and Chen Fan answered the phone in the dark.

"Brother, you are really my brother."

"I only slept for more than three hours!"

Old Song on the other end of the phone laughed.

"Take it easy, this great country is waiting for you to conquer."

"Don't fall into Boss Yang's arms!"

"Even though you are young, you can't stand such ferocity!"

Chen Fan found that Boss Yang had widened his beautiful eyes and stared at him, and he shuddered.

"Ahem, that's enough, stop talking nonsense and get down to business. Is there any progress in the case?"

Old Song said in a serious tone,"I'll send you a location, come quickly.""

"A body was found in a cold storage here. Come and identify it."

"Is it the same person as the body parts in Chen Manli's store?"

Chen Fan hung up the phone and quickly stood up with Boss Yang.

Reba looked very motivated. She had been waiting downstairs for the two of them and drove her sports car straight to the scene.

The photographer and Mai Mai had been waiting here for a long time.

When Chen Fan took Boss Yang and Reba out of the scene, the live broadcast room was filled with comments.

【Ahaha! Isn't this the real girlfriend of Chen Dajian? What's the wind today? Has it blown our boss Yang 467 back again?】

【Wow, Chen's first wife and second wife came together!!】

【It’s interesting, the Shura field is definitely online!】

【Goddesses come and go, but Chen Fan remains forever!!】

【Alas, these years it’s so dry that people are dying of drought, and so dry that people are dying of floods!】

【He is a great male star, and he can change actors even when there are three women in the play. Do you think he is angry? 】

It can be seen that the old otaku fans in the live broadcast room are really jealous.

Mai Mai was also stunned when he saw this scene.

""Boss! Sister Reba, why are you all here too?"

Old Song heard the voice and followed.

He brought Chen Fan and the other two to the warehouse door.

From a distance, they could smell the strong stench in the warehouse.

What was even more terrible was that the walls of this dark corridor were covered with bloodstains.

It looked chilling and cold.

"Wait a minute."

Chen Fan called everyone and turned to look at Boss Yang who was wearing a fleece jacket.

"The temperature inside is too low. You are wearing too little. Don't go in, or you will catch a cold."

Then he looked at the photographer who was wearing a short-sleeved shirt next to him.

"You follow me."


The photographer had a dumbfounded expression on his face, his neck stretched out.

He seemed to be doubting his ears.

He looked at Boss Yang, then at his short-sleeved shirt.

Suddenly he felt like crying but couldn't.

【Hahahaha, I feel sorry for the photographer for 5 seconds. This time he was treated as a tool. It's really making me laugh to death.】

【I suspect Chen Fan is killing people.】

【This photographer is the big brother, not the previous one. I don't have any feelings for him, so I made a spoof of him.】

【Good man, if I were this big brother, I would always take photos of Chen Fan as an emoticon, otherwise I would never be able to relieve the hatred in my heart.】

【Why are your focus so strange? Am I the only one who thinks that Mr. Chen is handsome for protecting his wife?】

【Boss Yang is really so happy.

As expected, when Boss Yang heard this, her face immediately turned red.

She could clearly feel the dagger-like eyes that Reba and Mai Mai cast at her. They wished they could bend a piece of meat off her.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Boss Yang deliberately cleared her throat and said softly:

""Honey, I'd better go in with you. I'm a little scared. The door is covered in blood!"

Chen Fan said calmly.

"Then leave the hot bar here to ward off evil spirits for you." (To read exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Hot bar:???


The girl was petrified on the spot.

Aren't you being polite, brother?

This is a live broadcast, and I didn't stop you from pampering your wife, so why do you treat me as a tool? []

Deng Chao:"Hahaha! This is really hilarious."

"You say it's hot, right? The guest is pretty good, why did he go out to appear on camera?"

"As a result, he was severely verbally abused by Chen Fan (dafg)."

Teacher He laughed so hard that he covered his stomach and his whole face fell on the table.

"I can't bear it anymore, oh my god. Feel sorry for our family for 5 minutes"

"If I were her, I would go back to the company this afternoon to sign up for resignation!"

Han Hong:"Chen Fan is such a jerk. I've never seen a man who dotes on his wife so much! But I like it!!"

The comments were filled with hilarious sympathy for Reba.

In the end, it was Old Song who stepped out to smooth things over, smiling and glancing at the girls.

"Come on, all of you stand at the door. The situation inside is a bit complicated, there are too many people, I am worried about ruining the scene."

Chen Fan stopped joking and immediately regained his serious expression, following behind Lao Song.

He came to the bloody area of the storage cabinet.

Although the camera was mosaiced, it still disgusted those netizens.

【Oh my god, after watching this episode, I probably won’t eat meat for two weeks!】

【This scene is too cruel. How many parts are the human body divided into?】

【It's really hard for our great male god Chen Fan. This kind of work is really not something that ordinary people can handle! 】

At this time, Chen Fan was unusually calm.

He picked up a bloody bone and said to the camera

"Now we should be sure of two things"

"First, these body parts here belong to the same person as the hand bones found in the store yesterday."

"And we can tell that the deceased is a young woman."

Old Song was stunned:"You can tell even if it's cut into pieces like this?"

Chen Fan pointed at the pelvic bone in his hand and explained.

"There is a clear difference between the pelvic position of men and women."

"For any professional forensic doctor, this is not a difficult task."

"But according to my observation, there are only a few stones here.���point"

"Judging from what happened yesterday, it is impossible for us to completely restore the skeleton of this woman."

"Anyway, let's ask someone to pick up these broken bones and take them back."

"I'll see if I can help you find more clues through autopsy."

Old Song nodded.

Everyone quickly returned to the unit. Boss Yang looked at Old Song and asked

"Officer Song, how was the warehouse discovered?"

"Did my friend give any explanation? Besides her, who else is the suspect in this case?"

Old Song responded to the camera.

"After interrogating the lady boss, the team took control of her shop assistants last night."

"Big data investigation found that one of the female shop assistants had a close private relationship with a large chicken supplier nearby."

"So I followed the clues and found the boss of the supplier."

"The cold storage we just went to is one of the storage rooms of this store!"

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