Ma Yunxin's death made everyone present more convinced that the murderer of the two cases was the same person.

Suddenly, a police officer ran out of the hospital's monitoring room in a panic, as if he had discovered something.

As soon as he reached the door of the ward, the police officer shouted inside:"Captain Song, Captain Song! When I was watching the surveillance just now, I found that at around 2:00 in the morning, a man with suspicious behavior approached this ward and opened the door to go in."

This sentence immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Chen Fan stepped forward first, and Old Song followed.

Old Song couldn't wait to ask:"Is that man lame?"

The police officer nodded quickly and replied:"Yes, he is thin, walks with a limp, and has a hunched body. He looks like a middle-aged man in his 40s."

Disability... hunchback... over 40 years old... all the characteristics of the murderer in Wang Xiaoli's case match!

And some of the characteristics of the murderer in the 8 girls' cases also match.

Because the couple in 0518 didn't see the murderer's age, they just knew that he was disabled.

Chen Fan then asked:"Did you capture his face?"

The police officer said:"The man was wearing a hat, so his face was not captured."



It should be said that the murderer was too cautious.

He knew that the hospital was full of surveillance cameras, so he dressed very tightly to prevent the police from seeing his face through the surveillance cameras.

This is exactly the same as the characteristics of the murderers in the two cases.

But... since the murderer didn't want to be caught, why did he take the risk to come to the hospital to kill Ma Yunxin?

Is it just because he is a pervert?

This is definitely not the case!

Lao Song said:"It's a good thing that we can find the murderer in the surveillance camera!!! The case has finally made a breakthrough!!! I will apply for an arrest warrant from above immediately!"

"Even if it takes countless police forces, I will catch this murderer!"

Old Song was extremely excited, and immediately began to order his subordinates to set up a dragnet.

Because Ma Yunxin died in the hospital, there was no need for Chen Fan to perform an autopsy.

And there was no need.

Ma Yunxin must have been killed by the murderer.

Boss Yang comforted Xu Tong, and Old Song asked Xu Tong's family to take Xu Tong back.

After all... Xu Tong had a good relationship with Ma Yunxin, and she must be very sad.

Chen Fan and Boss Yang also returned to their home.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Boss Yang sighed heavily.

"Ma Yunxin is so pitiful. She was supposed to have a bright future, but she never expected... the murderer would kill her again!"

"This murderer!! He is simply not a human being!"

Boss Yang was indignant.

Chen Fan had been silent, and no one knew what he was thinking about.

After Boss Yang scolded for a while, because he didn't hear Chen Fan's voice, he turned around and saw him and said,"Why don't you speak?"

Chen Fan then said,"I think... the murderer is taking revenge on Ma Yunxin... His purpose in killing is not because of a mental disorder, but simply revenge."

Boss Yang didn't quite understand and said,"Why do you say that?"

"You say... is it possible... that the murderer has been watching us?"

Chen Fan did not answer Boss Yang's question, but said calmly.

But Boss Yang felt it was creepy. After hearing what Chen Fan said, he always felt that even at home, there were people hiding somewhere watching them silently.

Boss Yang hugged Chen Fan's arms unconsciously.

Chen Fan felt the turbulent waves of Boss Yang and said,"Your breasts hit me……"

Boss Yang stared at that place blankly, and then said:"It's not important... What's important is... Why do you say that?"

Chen Fan then began to analyze:"Now we can basically confirm that the murderer who killed Wang Xiaoli and the murderer who killed the eight girls are the same person. The two people's methods and characteristics are the same."

"Then... Ma Yunxin came to our house on her own. She said that she had been raped by the murderer many times. She said that she was afraid that the murderer would retaliate after she found the police. We were also worried about her safety, so we asked Xu Tong to take care of her. She lived with Xu Tong, but she suddenly became pregnant."

"To be precise, it was not sudden. When they were in the hospital, Xu Tong said that Ma Yunxin was already three months pregnant and had signs of threatened miscarriage."

"Ma Yunxin didn't want to keep the child, so she had the baby removed. Ma Yixin was murdered that night."

"Don't you think that the murderer chose to kill Ma Yunxin because he knew that Ma Yunxin didn't want his child?"

Boss Yang thought about it seriously.

Chen Fan's logic is indeed correct.

" did the murderer know that Ma Yunxin was pregnant and took the initiative to abort her?"

Boss Yang asked without thinking.[]

Chen Fan was a little speechless and said,"Are you still asleep and your brain has become stupid? Of course I'm watching the live broadcast. The progress of the police investigation was all broadcast live."

"Of course the murderer would know."


Boss Yang knocked his head. Why didn't he react just now?

"I think what you said is very likely. The murderer wanted to take revenge on Ma Yunxin."

"Moreover... he even knew that the hospital had so many surveillance cameras, but he still risked being arrested to kill Ma Yunxin."

As soon as he finished speaking.

Chen Fan stood up abruptly and said,"Not good... I think the couple of 0518 are in danger!"

Boss Yang also remembered that during the live broadcast today, although Chen Fan did not bring a photographer to the police station to listen to the couple of 0518 to tell the truth.

But later, after Chen Fan returned to the forensic department, he told Mai Mai about the couple of 0518.

If... the murderer could kill Ma Yunxin, then he would definitely not let the couple of 0518 go.

Chen Fan immediately picked up the phone and called Lao Song.

It happened that Lao Song answered the call quickly.

Chen Fan said quickly:"Lao Song, quickly send some people to protect the couple of 0518. I suspect the murderer is going to attack them!"

Old Song was also a little shocked when he heard what Chen Fan said, but he immediately sent several police officers to rush to Chengwan Community to protect the couple.

But he didn't expect that when the two police officers rushed to Chengwan Community, as Chen Fan said, the murderer attacked the couple of 0518.

But this time, because the police arrived in time, the murderer ran away immediately after realizing that someone was coming.

The murderer did not succeed completely.

The couple of 0518 were only seriously injured, and the police immediately sent the couple to the hospital for rescue.

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