Seeing the traces of the rope rubbing against the tree trunk, Chen Fan became more certain that the murderer must have tied Wang Xiaoli to the hill and violated her.

Chen Fan took out a special camera and photographed the trace.

Since there are traces on the tree trunk, it means that there must be many traces in other places.

Chen Fan lowered his head and searched carefully on the ground.


Chen Fan found a footprint on the grass.

He recognized his own footprints, and he had never been to this place before, so this footprint was most likely left by the murderer.

Chen Fan measured the length of the footprint with his hand, which was probably a size 42 shoe.

Similarly, Chen Fan also photographed the footprint.

Now that it has been discovered, it seems to be the suspect's footprint, so the suspect must have left more than one footprint.

"Three hundred and fifty."

Chen Fan continued to explore forward.

Half an hour later.

Chen Fan walked out of the small hill.

Old Song, Maimai and Xu Tong, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately looked at Chen Fan.

Old Song asked first:"Have you found any clues?"

Chen Fan nodded, took out the camera used to shoot clues, and played them one by one for Old Song to see.

While Old Song and the others were watching, Chen Fan said beside him:"This time I found a total of traces of a tree trunk being rubbed by a rope. I carefully compared the scratches on Wang Xiaoli's body, and some of the scratches did match those on the tree trunk. In addition...some of the marks on Wang Xiaoli's body were caused by the rope."

"And... I found a total of more than a dozen footprints, but it's strange... There are three different footprints. One is a size 42, another is a size 36, and another is a size 35."

Old Song pulled up the photos of these footprints and looked at them, frowned deeply, and guessed:"Could it be... there is more than one suspect?"

"Otherwise, why are there three different footprints, one from the murderer, one from Wang Xiaoli...could the other one be from another suspect?"

Chen Fan did not deny this idea.

But...if the 35-yard footprints are from another suspect...then it is very likely a female... for what reason would a a man violate a 15-year-old girl?

Chen Fan couldn't figure it out...

Mai Mai said:"So it a gang crime?"

【Are these the legendary black and white evil spirits? They actually raped a girl together? How abominable!……】

【Do you remember... Chen Fan had asked Wang Xiaoli's parents before... about the strangeness of Wang Xiaoli's clothes when they first found Wang Xiaoli's body?】

【The person above... what do you mean... could it be that... the difference in clothes... is related to another suspect?】

The audience in the live broadcast room had many different speculations.

Chen Fan said:"It is not certain whether it is a gang crime, but I can be sure of another thing... this murderer... may be a patient with sexual dysfunction."

Old Song was surprised and said:"Sexual dysfunction? Why do you think so?"

Chen Fan began to explain, saying:"Today when I went to ask Wang Xiaoli's parents, they said that when they saw Wang Xiaoli's body, Wang Xiaoli's pants were pulled down to the middle of her buttocks. According to common sense, it is impossible to complete the traditional sense of violation, but many scratches were found on Wang Xiaoli's thighs, which is very likely to indicate that the murderer violated Wang Xiaoli with tools or hands."

"Mainly because the murderer took out all of Wang Xiaoli's organs, we can't get more information."

"That's why I guessed so."

Mai Mai and Xu Tong were silent.

It was not an invasion in the traditional sense...

The murderer originally wanted to use Wang Xiaoli to satisfy his sexual desire, but he lacked tools or hands to commit the crime, which could only indicate one direction.

Just as the idea proposed by Zen... The murderer is a patient with sexual dysfunction.

With this point, it seems that many aspects make sense.

The pants were pulled down to the middle of the buttocks, and some scratches on Wang Xiaoli's body... all matched this point.

The four people were silent.

Mai Mai couldn't imagine how painful Wang Xiaoli was at that time.

The atmosphere became solemn again.

【Oh my god... No wonder the murderer is so perverted... He is incapable of sexual intercourse... That's why he killed Wang Xiaoli so cruelly.……】

【Chen Fan's idea... completely matches the murderer's mentality... I am a male doctor... I have seen many patients who are incapacitated... They all have psychological problems to a certain extent... Severe cases may even cause domestic violence against their wives and parents... It is conceivable that such people would do such terrible things. 0 】

【I am so disgusting... so unimaginable……】

Chen Fan said,"Let's not waste time here. Let's go to Wang Xiaoli's house and take back all the clothes that Wang Xiaoli had at that time. I think... even if the murderer threw Huang Xiaoli back into the river just to clean up the traces... there will always be clues for us to find."

Lao Song nodded.

The four of them walked towards Wang Xiaoli's house together.

At this time.

In a bush behind the four of them, there was a man secretly following Chen Fan and the others.

Seeing Chen Fan walking towards Wang Xiaoli's house.

The man followed closely again.

Chen Fan suddenly stopped halfway.

As a policeman, Lao Song also felt something strange, and he questioned Chen Fan with his eyes.

Only Mai Mai asked out loud,"Why don't you leave? Aren't you going to Wang Xiaoli's house to get clothes?"

Xu Tong also noticed the gazes of Chen Fan and Lao Song, and then made a shushing gesture to Mai Mai.

Mai Mai immediately shut up, looking a little nervous, and looked around.

Could it be... the murderer is nearby?

Thinking of the murderer who had done such a perverted thing to Wang Xiaoli, 2.0 Mai Mai couldn't help but feel horrified.

She naturally approached Chen Fan and tightly grasped Chen Fan's arm.

【Why are you so nervous all of a sudden... What happened... Chen Fan and Lao Song look very strange.……】

【Could it be that... the murderer has come looking for us?】

【The man upstairs...what are you thinking...Chen Fan and Lao Song are police officers...the murderer is there still a chance he can run away?】

【I don’t know whether he ran away when the murderer found him, but I only know that Chen Fan must have been very excited... Haha... I think... Chen Fan must also want to dissect what the brain of a murderer who could do such a perverted thing looks like, right?】

【Damn... the guy above, your idea is very dangerous... are you a pervert? 】.

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