"Wang Xiaoli's death is an extremely sad thing for you, and for us as well, but now the case has fallen into a dilemma. If you know something but don't tell us the police, it is equivalent to preventing us from continuing to investigate."

Xu Tong said earnestly:"We have made great efforts and found many clues on Wang Xiaoli's body, but the information provided by these clues is very limited."

"I would like to ask you to tell us all the information you know, and even if you have any concerns, please try to explain them to us clearly."

"Don't let our police run around like headless flies, and finally let the murderer go unpunished. While you are hiding the truth, the murderer might have killed other people."

The atmosphere in the meeting room was solemn.

Wang Xiaoli's parents lowered their heads, and became even more silent in the face of Xu Tong's words.

After a while,

Xu Tong looked at Chen Fan, and his eyes seemed to say,"What should we do? They still don't say anything."

Chen Fan didn't say anything.

But Mai Mai, who was standing aside, couldn't help but feel sad when she thought of the miserable appearance of Wang Xiaoli's body that she saw today.

She believed Chen Fan. Chen Fan said that Wang Xiaoli's parents might know some clues, which meant that Wang Xiaoli's parents must have concealed something.

But why don't Wang Xiaoli's parents say anything now?

Is there anything more important than finding the murderer who killed their daughter?

Seeing that Wang Xiaoli's parents were like ostriches, Mai Mai finally couldn't help it and said,"Uncle and aunt...

I don't know if you have seen the scars on Wang Xiaoli's body.

Oh, yes, the main thing is not the scars on the body, but the organs of Wang Xiaoli's body.

Uncle and aunt...

do you know...

that murderer...

took Wang Xiaoli's organs out of her body alive...

I am also a girl...

When we had our periods, we were in agony...

taking the organs of a living person out of the body alive...

that kind of pain…` 「…"

"Can you imagine it?"

Mai Mai's eyes were red when she said this, and she felt sad for what happened to Wang Xiaoli.

When she saw a stranger who was jealous of her daughter, Wang Xiaoli's mother raised her head, obviously moved.

Wang Xiaoli's mother opened her mouth and prepared to speak.

But Wang Xiaoli's father immediately grabbed her hand and stopped Wang Xiaoli's mother directly.

Chen Fan noticed these actions and said,"It seems that you two really know some clues."

"Even if you don't tell us... we respect you... but whether we can find the murderer... our police have already tried their best."

"If you don’t want your daughter to die peacefully, then don’t say it."

Wang Xiaoli’s mother said immediately:"No, no, no… We really want to find the murderer… You just said… He took out all the organs from my daughter’s body?"

"You guys are not lying to me, are you? When we found our daughter, there was nothing special about her except some scars."

Xu Tong immediately said,"Why would we lie to you? Auntie, you have also given birth to a child, you know how painful it is, right?"

"Medically, pain is divided into 10 levels, and the pain during childbirth is level 7. The pain your daughter suffered is three times more painful than childbirth."

Hearing this,

Wang Xiaoli's mother couldn't help but burst into tears.

She thought her child was violated at most, but she didn't expect that the murderer was so cruel as to pull out her daughter's internal organs?

Wang Xiaoli's mother said:"My poor daughter... please... please help us find the murderer!!!"

"My daughter is so miserable...……"

Wang Xiaoli's father also showed a look of grief and disbelief, then suddenly sighed and said,"What do you want to know... Ask... The murderer treated my daughter like this... What else can I say?……"

Seeing that the two were finally about to speak,

Chen Fan said,"We found that your daughter's body had many scars, but your daughter's clothes must be intact."

"We found clues at the crime scene. You said it was from your daughter, but when we went to the crime scene, we found that your daughter's clothes were very neat and tidy, and those things didn't seem to have fallen from her clothes."

Wang Xiaoli's father sighed again and said,"When we and the villagers found Xiaoli, her clothes were already torn, and the scene was very unbearable."

"` 」His mother and I both felt that it was too shameful for a girl to die tragically after being raped, and we didn’t want the police to see our daughter in this state. So we used the clothes we brought from home to change our daughter into."

I see."

No wonder the clothes on Wang Xiaoli’s body were clean and not damaged at all.

Chen Fan suddenly stood up and said,"Do you know how terrible it is for us police officers to destroy the crime scene?"

Wang Xiaoli’s mother cried and said,"We…we didn’t think so much at the time…As a mother…I felt so sad to see my daughter in that state…It’s okay for the villagers to see it…After we called the police, there will definitely be a lot of people who will see Xiaoli’s appearance…We want Xiaoli to be decent."

Chen Fan couldn’t help cursing and said,"You are so stupid!!!"

【So this is ah……(Mama Zhao) This couple is really weird... When their daughter got into this situation... The first thing they did was to change her clothes... to save their own face……】

【This couple is really amazing... Is it more important to save their daughter's dignity than to find the murderer who killed her? Once the crime scene is destroyed, many important clues will be lost, which will create a great obstacle for the police to solve the case.】

【I'm speechless.……】

【Although, I can understand the parents... No, the parents don't want others to see the girl's miserable state. But this is about finding the murderer... There are priorities, don't they know?】

【I hope everyone will be kind. The parents had good intentions and they didn’t know that what they did was wrong.

Xu Tong and Mai Mai didn’t expect this result.

Xu Tong asked,"What about the clothes your daughter was wearing?"

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