Moreover, the clues they found at the crime scene were all from Wang Xiaoli.

This put the case in a dilemma.

Old Song said,"Why don't I go to the village to search again? If it was a revenge killing, the enemy of Wang Xiaoli's parents should reveal their true colors."

Chen Fan immediately denied this statement. According to Chen Fan's embarrassing inference, the murderer who tortured Wang Xiaoli should be an old hand.

That means... even if he is found by the police... he should not show his face.

Chen Fan said,"You should find a few plainclothes police to search, and never reveal your identity as a police officer."

Old Song quickly agreed on the other end.

Chen Fan returned to the autopsy room.

Mai Mai and Xu Tong also heard the conversation between Chen Fan and Old Song just now.


Chen Fan still needs to continue the autopsy.

Because Wang Xiaoli was found by the water"790", and there are some signs of drowning on the surface of his body.

The real cause of death may not be the murderer, but Wang Xiaoli was tortured inhumanely.

Chen Fan opened Wang Xiaoli's mouth and cut open Wang Xiaoli's trachea.

Chen Fan found some sand in the trachea.

Chen Fan said,"There are injuries in the oral mucosa, and there is some sand in the trachea. These are signs of drowning."


Mai Mai's eyes widened and said,"That is to say... the murderer tortured Wang Xiaoli and then threw her into the river?"

"Then... Wang Xiaoli was not washed to other places?"

Chen Fan said:"It is very likely that after Wang Xiaoli drowned, the novice fished Wang Xiaoli to the shore."

Xu Tong frowned and said:"Why did the murderer do this?"

In fact.

The perpetrators of such torture and death of the victims are quite perverted, and their behavior cannot be inferred from the perspective of ordinary people.

Chen Fan could not answer Xu Tong's question.

His profession is a forensic doctor, and his role is to find relevant clues from the video to help the police find the direction to solve the case.

Mai Mai suddenly said at this time:"Is it possible... that after repairing the handbag committed the crime... he wanted to use the river water to wash away the traces of himself on Wang Xiaoli... so he threw Wang Xiaoli into the river... and Wang Xiaoli was not really dead at this time... so after being thrown into the river, she breathed instinctively, causing choking, and there were signs of drowning."

Mai Mai's guess is not unreasonable.

【I think Mai Mai's guess is right... Didn't Chen Fan just say that the murderer might be a veteran? Then he definitely didn't want his traces on the body to be discovered, so he threw the dead body into the river to clean up the traces. And the police did not find any traces of the murderer at the crime scene.】

【If this is true... then the murderer is too powerful.��…It can also perform counter-reconnaissance!】

【This kind of criminal must be caught as soon as possible, otherwise there will be more victims in the future. 】

Chen Fan nodded, looked at Mai Mai, and praised her seriously for the first time:"Not bad... You finally have a brain now... If he is really a veteran criminal, he will indeed clean up his traces of the crime."

"Otherwise, she wouldn't have escaped from pursuit again and again."

Mai Mai blushed slightly, and she didn't expect Chen Fan to really praise her.

But Xu Tong, who was standing by, noticed Mai Mai's expression and smiled meaningfully.

So that's it...

In fact, she had watched this show before she came here for internship.

She knew that Jiang Shuying and Boss Yang both liked Chen Fan, but she didn't know that Mai Mai was also attracted to Chen Fan.

The woman's gossip soul was burning.


Xu Tong was still a relatively professional person.

What she had to do now was an autopsy, and she put her mind back on Wang Xiaoli's body.

According to the surface of the body observed before.

In addition to inhuman torture on Wang Xiaoli, the murderer also violated Wang Xiaoli.

Then... the murderer must have left traces in Wang Xiaoli's body, such as: semen stains.

Xu Tong immediately said:"Forensic doctor Chen, should we check Wang Xiaoli's lower body? If the murderer really violated Wang Xiaoli, then there must be certain traces left on her body."

In fact, Chen Fan had thought of this a long time ago.

In all cases of sexual assault, sperm stains would be tested.

But Wang Xiaoli... her organs were taken out from below. Even if the murderer left traces in her body, they would have been taken out along with her organs.

Chen Fan shook his head and said,"I just checked... all the organs in Wang Xiaoli's lower body were taken out... including the reproductive system......... Even if the murderer sexually assaulted Wang Xiaoli, there would be no trace left."

"We can only know the murderer's behavior through the friction marks on Wang Xiaoli's body."

After listening to Chen Fan's words,

Xu Tong felt a little disappointed.

She hadn't thought of this just now.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Mai Mai guessed,"Could it be that... the novice wanted to prevent us from finding the traces he left... so... he took out Wang Xiaoli's organs?"

Xu Tong looked at Mai Mai. In fact, he had the same idea.

However, as a forensic intern, she had learned a lot about sexual assault cases, and this guess was obviously untenable.

Xu Tong said:"In fact... if the murderer just took out Wang Xiaoli's organs to erase his own traces, it would be a waste of effort."

"In many cases, if the murderer sexually assaulted the victim and did not want to be discovered, he could have taken protective measures beforehand."

Before he finished speaking,

Chen Fan, who had just carefully examined Wang Xiaoli's body, raised his head and refuted Xu Tong's remarks, saying,"You have become stupid because of reading... It is true that some murderers will take safety measures before committing a crime, but this is only limited to special cases."

"Many murderers act on impulse before committing a crime, so they don't take any protective measures."

"If he did, it is possible that he had already made preparations and was ready to commit the crime."

"A murderer who hollowed out organs to remove traces must be a person with a habit of killing people. He hollowed out organs just to create pleasure."

This is the evil of human nature.

Mai Mai and Xu Tong fell into deep thought.

The age difference between them was not big, and neither of them had met such a person in real life.

【At first, I had the same idea as Mai Mai, but after thinking about it carefully... I had the same idea as Chen Fan.】

【If the murderer just wanted to clear the traces, he had other ways and there was no need to remove all of Wang Xiaoli's organs. This murderer is too cruel!】

【I hope girls can protect themselves.……】.

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