Mai Mai originally wanted to go to Chen Fan's house before he woke up, just like the previous two days.

But today.

Because he ate too much last night and couldn't sleep at night, he got up a little late this morning.

When he and the photographer arrived at Chen Fan's door, they found that Chen Fan had left long ago.

Mai Mai immediately contacted Chen Fan and learned that Chen Fan rushed to the crime scene after receiving Lao Song's call.

Mai Mai immediately went to the crime scene mentioned by Chen Fan.


At the same time,

Chen Fan had already arrived at the crime scene.

When he saw Chen Fan coming, Old Song's frown relaxed a little.

Old Song said,"You are finally here... We have been waiting for you for a long time.……"

Chen Fan nodded and said,"What's the situation? Let me explain it first."

Old Song told Chen Fan the background he had learned first, and said,"The deceased is named Wang Xiaoli, 15 years old, studying in a nearby middle school, currently in the first year of high school."

"Last night, Wang Xiaoli had a conflict with her family and left home. She did not return home all night. Wang Xiaoli's family was very worried, so they went out to look for her. Finally, they found Wang Xiaoli on this dam."

Only fifteen years old..."

Chen Fan approached the body expressionlessly and carefully examined the surface of the body.

At this time, the forensic intern brought by Lao Song came over and greeted Chen Fan first:"Hello, forensic doctor Chen, I am Xu Tong, a forensic intern who graduated from the Police University."

Chen Fan looked up at Xu Tong who was speaking, and then said:"Okay, you are responsible for recording."

Xu Tong quickly took out the file to record.

Chen Fan's name has long been spread within the system and has become an idol for many forensic students.

Now that Xu Tong can work with Chen Fan, he naturally treats it with 300% attention.

While checking the surface of the body, Chen Fan said:"The face of the body is bruised and swollen, there are needle-like bleeding spots on the conjunctiva, the oral mucosa is partially damaged, and there are many bleeding spots on the neck.〃ˇ "

After checking the head, Chen Fan unzipped Wang Xiaoli's shirt.

At this time,

Mai Mai arrived with a photographer.

As soon as Mai Mai approached, she saw the condition of the body.

This made her cover her mouth, obviously unable to accept it.

Out of respect for the deceased, Mai Mai said to the photographer:"Cameraman, don't take pictures of the girl's body."

The photographer understood Mai Mai's concerns and nodded. He only took pictures of the girl's head and mosaiced the girl's head.

In the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room, the body was a mosaic in front of them.

While Chen Fan was checking the body.

He slowly learned about the case from Lao Song.

Lao Song repeated the background that he had told Chen Fan.

Mai Mai couldn't help frowning again when she heard that the deceased was a fifteen-year-old female high school student.

Fifteen years old...

What a good age... But she suffered an accident and was separated from her parents forever.

Mai Mai couldn't bear to see what happened to Wang Xiaoli.

After hearing the background of the case, the audience in the live broadcast room expressed their opinions.

【A fifteen-year-old girl? Oh my god...what on earth happened?……】

【Could it be another murder... Was it because of lust? ? ? If it was true... then the perpetrator should die.……】

【No wonder Mai Mai's face is so ugly... This girl is so pitiful……】

Chen Fan, who was doing an autopsy, continued,"There are some scars on the chest of the corpse, accompanied by epidermal sloughing and subcutaneous bleeding, and strip-shaped abrasions can be seen nearby."

Xu Tong, who was recording, said,"Does this mean... that the deceased was sexually assaulted before her death?"

Chen Fan did not answer Xu Tong's words.

Mai Mai, who was standing by, walked over quickly, but she couldn't bear to look at Wang Xiaoli's body.


Chen Fan pulled down Wang Xiaoli's pants, and the next scene was shocking to all the investigators present.

Wang Xiaoli's lower body bled a lot, and her thighs were covered with marks.

This scene.

Made Xu Tong, who had just come here for an internship, look reluctant.

Mai Mai, who was also a girl, was even more surprised and said,"How could... how could this be... this girl... did she suffer some inhuman torture?"

【I am so surprised!!! What did you see? Everyone has this expression……】

【I feel like it should be something very bloody... Currently, the only one who can maintain an expression is Chen Fan.】

【Please police, please find the murderer! Bring the murderer to justice! 】

Chen Fan did not answer Mai Mai.

The scene in front of him clearly pointed to a fact.

Wang Xiaoli must have been abused before she died!

Judging from the wounds on Wang Xiaoli's body, covering her mouth and nose, strangling her neck... these are considered minor...

The most important thing is... why did Wang Xiaoli's lower body bleed so much?

The surface inspection of the body was over, and Chen Fan stood up and said to Lao Song:"` 」I suspect that the deceased had been sexually assaulted before her death. There are traces of friction at the base of her legs. Of course... I need to take the body back to the autopsy room and take a closer look."

Old Song nodded and said,"Okay, I'll send someone to bring the body back to you."

Chen Fan looked back at the reservoir and said,"I'll also check the area around here to see if the suspect has left any traces."

Old Song nodded and said,"Okay, then Xu Tong and I will stay and look for it with you."

After the two finished chatting,

Old Song asked his subordinates to protect the crime scene, and then transported the body back to Chen Fan's autopsy room.

While doing this,

Chen Fan began a carpet search nearby.

After seeing the body being taken away, Mai Mai approached Chen Fan again and asked,"Can I look for clues together?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said,"Finding clues (of Li Qian) is the police's job……"

"I know... but I just think... the murderer is so abominable... he actually attacked a 15-year-old girl... I also want to get involved and bring the murderer to justice."

Xu Tong, who was with Chen Fan, found it difficult to understand Mai Mai's mentality.

But handling a case is handling a case... it needs professional personnel to handle it.

Xu Tong said:"Please leave professional matters to professionals. Please rest assured that we will find the murderer and will never let him go unpunished."

Since Xu Tong said so, Mai Mai couldn't insist any more.

Chen Fan continued to look for clues.


Chen Fan found some clues on the grass by the water.

They were: a bracelet, a size 36 women's sports shoe, and a pair of glasses.

Chen Fan wrapped the evidence he found in a transparent plastic bag and handed it to Lao Song.

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