The little girl was so angry that she was lying on the ground.

"Where did this kid come from?" Tsunade was disheveled in the wind, the light of the medical ninjutsu on her hand dissipated with the wind, and the emotion and sadness in her heart were instantly numb.

Naruto jumped out from the center of the explosion, and landed in front of Tsunade in a very showy manner, posing a strange pose that ordinary people couldn't twist at first glance: "It's you, Naruto, you easily did what others couldn't do."

Happy cooperation, Kurama!

"Happy cooperation, Naruto!" Kurama laughed very unscrupulously.

Even Orochimaru would probably feel uncomfortable for a while.

It doesn't matter whether he can kill or not. Anyway, Kurama didn't think he could kill Orochimaru, but he was very concerned about whether he could disgust Orochimaru. Thinking of Orochimaru's next expression, Kurama was full of expectations.

Naruto was similar. He twisted his posture and stood on the edge of the smoke and dust. The flying stones and bricks did not fall on him at all. Although using Kurama's chakra made him feel painful, it was worth it when he hit Orochimaru.

The demon fox robe gradually dissipated, and the smoke and dust slowly dissipated with the storm. All that was left was a huge pit, in which lay Orochimaru, whose life or death was unknown.

"Yes!" Naruto clenched his fist to celebrate.

He turned his head excitedly and looked at the dazed Tsunade, and put his hands on his waist as if to ask for credit: "How about it, Tsunade? This is the ultimate secret of Konoha-style ninjutsu that I learned from Kurama. If I can't kill you, I will disgust you to death!"

Tsunade: "..."

She was in a very complicated mood now, as complicated as the headphone wires.

The only thing that comes to mind is... Nawaki, I'm sorry, this kid is nothing like you, at least he is much more shameless than you.

"Stop talking, don't you see Tsunade is dumbfounded." Kurama watched this scene happily, then suddenly froze and yelled, "Wait! What do you mean by learning from me! Naruto, you guy, explain it to me clearly!"

Naruto picked his nose nonchalantly: "Didn't you tell me after the battle with the Raikage a few days ago that if you can't beat the enemy, then disgust the enemy, this is the ultimate secret of Konoha's ninjutsu."

As he said, Naruto smiled happily: "I have now learned two ultimate secrets of Konoha's ninjutsu."

Yes, one secret of physical skills and one secret of ninjutsu.

Well, without saying too much, light a lamp for Naruto's future enemies.


At this moment, the remains of Orochimaru in the pit suddenly raised his head, and his snake eyes stared at Tsunade: "Why... why did you betray me! Tsunade!"

Tsunade wanted to say something sentimental, like although she couldn't forget Dan and Nawaki, what she couldn't forget was their dream. She was a fool, but the two of them would definitely not be willing to watch her continue to be a fool.

To be honest, this scene should have been very touching, but Tsunade just felt like she couldn't get excited, as if she was wearing a layer of Boruto, making her feel uncomfortable all over.

She sighed, and couldn't say the long speech she had prepared. She could only reply unhappily: "Don't ask me, I didn't plan to treat you, I just wanted to sneak attack you when you weren't paying attention."

Orochimaru; "..."

Just admit it like that? No, can you at least give me a reason?

Orochimaru's face turned pale with anger. It was already pale, and now it was even paler. He stood up with his broken body, and his broken body mixed with unknown liquid and blood flowed on the ground, looking extremely miserable: "I didn't expect it, Tsunade. I always thought that I was the smartest among the three of us, but now I have to admit that Tsunade, at least in acting, you are smarter than me."

"You are talking nonsense." Tsunade learned Naruto's catchphrase, and she proudly puffed out her chest, "I never lie."

Kurobuta: "..."

Naruto quietly approached Kurama: "Kurobuta, is what Grandma Tsunade said true?"

Kurobuta recalled silently. In his memory, Tsunade relied on the Yin seal to change her appearance and age to escape debt collection countless times, told Shizune countless times that she would not gamble anymore, and told Sakura countless times that you can catch up with those two people.

Apart from these, it seems that she really didn't lie.

Thinking of this, Kurama replied: "Don't trust women, especially beautiful women. Women are creatures that are more deceitful the more beautiful they are."

Naruto widened his eyes, then nodded seriously: "I understand."

Orochimaru stared at Tsunade, and a cold smile appeared on his broken face: "Really? Then what about your hemophobia?"

Tsunade was stunned, and she was completely dumbfounded.

Yes, what about my hemophobia?

Fuck, I was just shocked by Naruto and forgot about it.

Now look at Orochimaru covered in blood, Tsunade's body began to tremble completely out of control.

When Orochimaru saw this scene, his smile became even more gloomy: "Are you still acting now? Tsunade, this is enough once. I actually believed that you have hemophobia. Now think about it, I am the same as Jiraiya. I am a fool in your heart."

"No." Orochimaru raised his head, his bright red pupils full of blood, reflecting Tsunade's figure, "In your heart, everyone is a fool."

At this moment, Tsunade, who was in hemophobia, could not answer. She just hugged her body tightly and held on without falling down.

"Tsunade is the most powerful medical ninja, how could she have hemophobia." At this moment, Naruto's voice sounded beside her.

Hearing this firm voice, Tsunade subconsciously turned her head to look.

Naruto's face was full of smiles, confident and firm: "The more powerful the ninja, the more they can understand the pain of separation, but they will not escape, because separation is to meet more people in the future. Although I don't know what kind of person Uncle Duan is, he is willing to believe in Granny Tsunade and the medical ninja system. Even if he has left forever at this moment, Granny Tsunade, whom he believes in, and the medical ninja system he believes in, with his trust, he has saved and met more people."

"How can someone like you who doesn't even know what trust is understand Uncle Duan's thoughts."

Tsunade was stunned, and this time she was really stunned.

But Naruto did not stop, but continued to look at Orochimaru and said: "There is also Nawaki brother, although I don't know him, since Tsunade-san, his sister, said that I am very similar to him, then I believe that he also dreams of becoming a Hokage like me."

"Protect everyone, even if you die."

"Remember everyone, even if you are forgotten."

"Never give up, because this is our ninja way!"

Naruto took a deep breath: "Retreat will only age, and cowardice will inevitably lead to death... Only those who stand in front of death without retreat will know that dying with faith is more difficult than living with fear."

"I believe in Tsunade-san, she is a person who will not continue to live with fear even if she dies."

Naruto's eyes were full of determination.

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