Disaster Shelter

Chapter 9 The First Actual Combat

The monster was stuck there, moving slowly, and it was the best time to attack.

When it completely enters the real world, it will not be so easy to deal with, God knows if it will dodge bullets.

All the bullets penetrated into the monster's body, spurting out foul-smelling green blood, but the monster became even more berserk, staring at Wen Wen as if it wanted to tear off his flesh and blood.

Well, my marksmanship seems to be quite accurate, and I hit them all from this distance... But, at least your target is fixed on me now.

Wen Wen put the gloves back into the gun bag, and the pitch-black gloves emerged, holding the watermelon knife with both hands, staring at the monster with eyes fixed on it, faintly excited.

Come on, if you want to talk about monsters, I am also a monster now, whoever is afraid of whom!

Aw~ow~hou! the monster echoed angrily.

The monster's voice was very strange, like the cry of a whale, very penetrating, and made Wen Wen, who had a very sensitive hearing, a little uncomfortable.

However, few residents around the hotel heard the sound, and a few people heard the vague sound, but they dared not come out to check.

In fact, even if they came out to check, it was difficult to see this monster. Apart from being clear to Wen Wen, this monster had very little sense of existence in the eyes of ordinary people!

After waiting for a while, the monster finally broke free from the invisible barrier, its wings flickered slightly, and it landed crookedly on the roof. The snake-like lower body twisted strangely, and quickly approached Wen Wen.

On its human-like arms, there are half-foot-long, sharp fingers like sharp knives, which look very intimidating.

It had the opportunity to come to this world because it met Wen Wen's eyes, and was shot by Wen Wen, so his first target was Wen Wen.

Wen Wen's body leaned forward slightly, and his palms holding the watermelon knife were sweating. This was the first time he had faced such a threatening monster.

He didn't show his face during the whole process of catching the vampire, and the ghost Qin Shuang couldn't threaten him, but now this monster who doesn't know what it is can really threaten his life!

Before the monster rushed in front of him, Wen Wen jumped up on tiptoe, so fast that ordinary people could only see afterimages.

Wen Wen only needs to glance at the movement of the monster rushing towards him, and Wen Wen can tell that the speed of this monster is not as fast as him!

Just like Wen Wen would test what he could do after acquiring the ghost ability, after acquiring the basic ability of a female vampire, he also tested himself in an all-round way.

What he lacks is actual combat.

Wen Wen's figure quickly passed the monster, and the slender watermelon knife left a foot-long wound on its armpit. Green blood splashed out and fell to the ground with a squeak.

I'm much faster than it, I can win!

There was a distorted smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes started to become bloodshot. Wen Wen was already very excited. If the opponent was not a monster, others would probably regard him as a villain when they saw Wen Wen's appearance.

This is what I've been looking for, excitement!

Obtaining super powers and catching monsters all gave Wen Wen a pleasure that Wen Wen had never experienced before, but none of these can compare to directly fighting monsters at close range!

The monster's dark green eyes glanced at the wound, and it spit out its long tongue from its mouth, and licked the wound, and the wound stopped bleeding.

Then it roared angrily and rushed towards Wen Wen, its sharp claws splitting the floor tiles from time to time.

Can't you tell who is strong and who is weak? It really is just a beast without wisdom. Even if you can heal your wounds, as long as I cut a few more times...

Wen Wen stood calmly in front of the monster, looking at the rushing monster, and even looked forward to it, but he suddenly felt that the weight in his hand seemed a little wrong.

MMP, where's my knife?

The watermelon knife that cut through the monster's skin just now has only one handle left!

The blood of this monster is highly corrosive!

At this time, the monster had already rushed in front of Wen Wen. In desperation, Wen Wen could only jump high and directly hit the monster's forehead with the handle of the knife.

Even without a weapon, in vampire mode, Wen Wen's strength is stronger than that of a top human boxer.

Then... Wen Wen was directly hit by the monster's forehead and flew backwards, crashing into the fence of the rooftop and falling down.

Oh, my old waist.

Wen Wen stood up clutching his waist, feeling like he was going to fall apart. Even with the strong physique of a vampire, it would not feel good to fall from a height of four floors.

He gave the monster a bitter look, and it turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the street.

Yes, Wen Wen ran away without a weapon in his hand, so he couldn't deal with this guy.

The monster lost Wen Wen's figure in its eyes, and roared towards the sky, and then its chilling eyes began to scan around again, looking for new prey.

In that world, there are not so many fragile foods.

Because of the gunshots and roars just now, there were no pedestrians on the street, but there were residents in the nearby buildings, and the monsters were cruising around, looking for easy targets.

Suddenly, two figures, a man and a woman, stood in front of it.

Damn it, my hunch was right. This new superpower is troublesome. It has attracted the residents of the 'Inner World' so quickly.

The man wearing a cowboy hat and leather boots frowned, looked at the drooling monster, and said with a headache.

And ran away.

On the side, the red-haired girl in white stockings shrugged and said.

This monster is a resident of the other world, it will kill people indiscriminately if left alone, Lin Lu, go and deal with it!

Alright, captain.

The girl bounced to the side of the monster, looked up at the monster, showing a surprised expression.

The monster didn't think about it, and scratched at the girl with its claws. If the claws were strong, it would be able to scratch through even iron sheets.

But the girl just bent her knees and dodged it with a light jump. Her speed didn't look as perverted as Wen Wen's, but her flexibility was even better.

Captain, this seems to be a new species. Do you need to send it to the headquarters for research? The girl seemed to have springs on her legs, and she easily dodged the attack while chatting with the man.

No need, this is a feathered basilisk. The blood is highly corrosive and the IQ is not high. How many times have I told you to always read the information. The cowboy boy sighed.

Hurry up and get rid of it. I still have to hurry up and find that new superpower. It's too dangerous to let a superpower who doesn't understand anything move freely.

Yes, Captain!

The girl stood at attention and said, and then her slender legs suddenly doubled in thickness, and the white stockings showed a clear outline of muscles.

After the legs became thicker, the girl's speed increased sharply. She kicked the feathered basilisk in the stomach, making a muffled sound like hitting a tire with a hammer. The bend!

The power of this kick is comparable to the impact of a heavy truck!

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