Disaster Shelter

Chapter 33 Loss of Maternal Body

Mother of zombies... Furonghe City is going to have zombies? Wen Wen's eyes widened, and he had already started planning how to escape from Furonghe City. Influenced by various zombie movies, Wen Wen knew how scary zombies are.

Calm down, why are you so timid as a grown man, thanks to the fact that you are still a superpower. Gu Panxi said disdainfully.

On the contrary, Wen Wen felt that Gu Panxi was abnormal: It is impossible for a normal person not to be afraid of zombies...

Correct, it's the loss of the loss, not the corpse of the corpse. There is a big difference between the two.

The so-called loss of the mother refers to the only monster that carries the loss virus. This special toxin is called the loss virus. Ordinary people will be infected as long as the body fluid of the loss of the mother invades the body. will also be infected.

Once infected with the loss virus, it cannot be reversed. The first symptom is the loss of the self-discipline that is born as a human being.

Morality, compassion, sense of justice, and even the most basic ability of self-discipline will all disappear, leaving only a body driven by desire. If you want to eat, you will take whatever you want, and if you want to kill, you will do it.

And the second stage is to completely lose self-will and become a puppet that has lost its mother.

After listening to Gu Panxi's description, Wen Wen calmed down again. Although it still sounded dangerous, if it wasn't the zombies in the movie, everything would be fine.

Those two people before should also be infected, but they were just weak chickens killed by him at will, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

You said that the mother is the only carrier of the virus, so the virus can only be transmitted through the mother?

Yes, once the loss virus leaves the mother's body, it will lose its effect. Gu Panxi nodded.

Wen Wen weighed it for a while, and then said, In this case, the threat isn't too great, does it need you hunters to do it yourself?

Indeed, only maternal transmission is doomed to prevent the virus from spreading too widely, but you should not underestimate the danger of this virus. The last time the mother appeared was in Haibei Province, thousands of people were killed or injured!

Even if you don't mention these things, the strength of the mother body alone is enough for me to dispatch. If you let the people from the Furong River branch catch it, there may not be much loss. With a little superpower like you, in a few minutes become its puppet.

In the Hunter Association's database, monsters are rated not according to their strength, but according to how much damage they can cause, and the loss of a mother body is the type of monster that poses a relatively high threat.

After listening to Gu Panxi's narration, Wen Wen thought for a while alone, and then said to Gu Panxi:

It's okay if you need my help, but you have to pay me enough. I don't know how much you need to pay me for a task of this level, but you can't fool me.

The appearance of Wen Wen asking for money made Gu Panxi shake his fist angrily. As a demon hunter who protects ordinary people, is money the driving force behind taking on the task?

Even if you hit me, I will have to pay you what you want. Wen Wen said, shrinking his neck.

Gu Panxi said helplessly, Don't worry, there will be plenty of things that should be given to you.

Then I am satisfied, I will help you pay attention...

After leaving the bar, Wen Wen scratched his head in distress, and then he chatted with Gu Panxi for a while, before realizing that she was the woman wearing the retro cloak in the roundup.

She came to Furonghe City to lose her mother's body. The members of the secret organization who were rounded up before were only temporarily arrested by Lin Zheyuan.

Last time I wore a cloak, this time I wore a maid outfit... This woman is not only a masochist, but also a transvestite!

Wen Wen rubbed his chin and said to himself.


After feeding the female vampire as usual, Wen Wen continued to search for clues in the old town.

Fortunately, whether it is the loss of the mother, or the scavenger he is looking for, the clues to both are in the old city.

In this way, he can put all his energy in the old city.

The more he searched, the more irritated Wen Wen became. He had no way of finding any information about the lost mother except for the name, and the scavengers remained the same without any breakthrough.


Taking off his tie and throwing it into the trash can, Li Shuyue walked on the street in a daze.

He didn't know why he was walking down the street like he was broken in love, and he didn't know why he threw away the tie that he bought for a lot of money.

His last memory is going to work in the morning and taking a shortcut because he missed the bus.

Then he was on the street, and it was evening now!

He doesn't know anything!

But it's okay if he doesn't know, he doesn't need to worry about anything, just go home, the home is very comfortable.

He took out the key and opened the door. His wife Zhao Xiyue opened the door enthusiastically. The smell of food filled the room. The baby son Li Zhixue came and hugged his leg. Everything was so beautiful.

Hmm...he's a little hungry.

The food in the pot should be cooked and ready to eat.

Li Shuyue took out a pair of chopsticks, lifted the lid of the pot, took a piece of beef directly from the pot, stuffed it into his mouth, and tasted it carefully.

Why are you in such a hurry, you must be hungry today, don't burn yourself. Zhao Xiyue said softly.

Of course the food you cook is delicious.

For his wife who made delicious meals, Li Shuyue has never been stingy with words of praise. After taking a bite, he continued to wave his chopsticks, and after a while, he picked out all the beef in the pot and ate it.

Zhao Xiyue's face is a little bit ugly. There seems to be something wrong with her husband today. Their family is not rich. The beef is specially bought for the son who got good grades in school today. As a father, how can he eat it all by himself first? .

Li Shuyue, you are sick today! Zhao Xiyue complained.

What's wrong with me? Li Shuyue hiccupped and asked suspiciously.

It was bought for my son, why did you eat all of it yourself? Zhao Xiyue asked.

I'll eat what you cook, is there a problem? Li Shuyue said naturally.

You...you...you! Zhao Xiyue was so angry that she couldn't speak. Li Shuyue has always been the pillar of the family, and he is usually a gentle and nice man. What happened today to become like this.

Li Shuyue was a little annoyed by what was being said, and said impatiently: What are you, do you believe me or not...

Believe it or not? Li Shuyue, you still have a temper today, let me see what you can do?

Zhao Xiyue was out of breath, pointing at Li Shuyue and yelling, she ate some beef as well, but if he was left with this attitude, how would he live in the future?

Li Shuyue picked up the iron pot, and immediately put it on Zhao Xiyue's head. The hot vegetable soup flowed down her face, and the huge force made her faint.

Believe it or not, I put the blame on your head? Li Shuyue said with a flat face, not feeling that there was any problem with her movements.

Li Zhixue, who had been by the side watching his parents quarreling and dared not speak out, finally couldn't help crying after seeing his mother lying on the ground.

Cry, cry, cry, cry every day, I will beat your mother, why are you crying?

Li Shuyue was irritated by the crying, and looked at Li Zhixue with dangerous eyes.

Sew your mouth shut and you won't cry...

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