Disaster Shelter

Chapter 239 Taking advantage of the fire to rob

Wen Wen put his hand on the containment officer's badge, and a topographic map with a radius of 50 meters appeared in his eyes.

At this time, the density of superpowers here is far lower than when he came last time.

Those power users were either fighting the Hunter Association on it, or they had already run away secretly, so within a radius of 50 meters, Wen Wen only saw one power user who had assimilated the realm.

The place guarded by the superpowers of the assimilation realm has a large number of items with superpowers, and those items are disappearing little by little. It seems that they are trying to find a way to transport the foundation of the blasphemy blood outside.

However, Wen Wen doesn't plan to touch that super user's bad luck for the time being, as he doesn't have much time to be active here.

Once he gets entangled with that power user, no matter whether he wins or loses, he won't gain much.

If the Hunter Association notices him, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Of course, Wen Wen can also send a mouse over there, directly blast that super user, and then take all the treasures away.

But this means that the cataclysmic powerhouse 'Black Cross' declares war on the existence behind the blasphemous blood. Although there may not be any bad consequences, Wen Wen has already offended the 'Great Mother', so this vest should not cause trouble as well.

The most important thing is that the 'Black Cross' appeared in Yanling City just after Furonghe City stopped, and he just came to Yanling City from Furonghe City...

It is so obvious that it is strange not to be listed as a key focus.

Suddenly the ground trembled, Wen Wen's expression was slightly dignified, and a huge energy collision could be felt above his head, it should be the real sequence strongman in the assimilation realm started to do it.

Speaking of which, the high-order hunters like 'Ginghe' are already very powerful, how amazing will the strength of the assimilation realm true-order be?

However, this also made Wen Wen more motivated. Now that the upper echelon is in full swing, even if Wen Wen goes too far, there may not be enough strong people to stop him.

After thinking for a while, Wen Wen rushed towards a disaster-level aura on the other side. There were many ordinary people around that aura, and there might be something good about it.


At this moment, Liu Yan shivered among a group of ordinary people. Those ordinary people were all the core employees of Lishui Villa, and he was the middle-aged man who reported to the rotting blood man, the general manager of Lishui Villa.

Originally, he still had a certain status in this headquarters, and those monsters would not humiliate him easily because of the face of the blood rot.

But now that the headquarters is being attacked by the Hunter Association, those monsters still have a chance to escape, and ordinary people like him are useless.

In front of him stood a goat monster walking upright. This goat monster said that it was sent by the blood rot to protect Liu Yankai and them.

The rest still had extravagant hopes that this monster would send them to a safe place, but Liu Yankai knew that they would not survive tonight.

None of the ordinary people here are clean, and the monsters here can live in this city without attracting the attention of the Hunter Association, and they have also contributed to a certain extent.

Many monsters need blood to eat, and they can't go out to hunt, so these ordinary employees have to go out to lure humans over. In a few years, these employees have helped monsters to entrap countless innocent poor people.

But even so, their status was like slaves in front of these monsters.

It is certain to transfer the headquarters now, and those monsters will not send them away without effort, and they know some information about the blood of blasphemy, so there is actually no suspense about how the monster will deal with them.

But even if he knew it clearly, Liu Yankai couldn't do anything about it, he had no ability to change the situation, as long as there was a slight change, he would be the first to die!

Soon, the monster sent more than thirty of them to a spacious room. The sheep-headed monster stood at the door and looked at them with a cruel smile.

It used its weird goat lips to take a light breath, the oxygen in the room suddenly became thinner, and then simply disappeared completely!

All the employees, including Liu Yankai, felt it was difficult to breathe.

I've thought of many ways to die, but I didn't expect to die of suffocation in the end. Liu Yankai thought to himself mockingly.

He had known that such a day would come when he became a dog of the Gorero for the first time in order to survive.

Without oxygen, everyone's consciousness gradually blurred, and they all showed expressions of despair.

And the goat monster's expression became more ferocious, it likes to see others when they are suffocating.

Suddenly a small stone hit its forehead, causing it to suspend its abilities, and turned to look in the direction the stone came from.

Liu Yankai and the others also took the opportunity to take a big gulp of air.

I saw a philosophical man wearing rivet leather pants and a belt around his upper body standing opposite him. This man carried a 20cm wide sword on his shoulders. At first glance, he was no different from other monsters.

This man is none other than Detective Wen Da.

The goat monster stared at Wen Wen gloomyly with small mung bean eyes and said in a cold voice: I am the oxygen-absorbing goat demon under the command of Lord Rotten Blood, and I am performing the task of Lord Rotten Blood. If you don't want to die, don't bother me. If you want to eat blood, go in and catch it yourself.

Then, he turned his head back, ready to kill these humans.

But Wen Wen flexed his fingers, snapped his fingers, and then stretched out his hand in the direction of the oxygen-absorbing sheep demon, and a dark green acid sprayed out.

The goat demon easily dodged the acid, turned his head and glared at Wen Wen, and the goat's head showed a tyrannical expression.

Are you looking for death... wait, I haven't seen you, who are you?

Wen Wen took a step back and said in a philosopher-like tone: I grew up under the banner of the Federation, and I shouldered the heavy responsibility of making the Federation prosperous and strong. I heard that your blasphemous blood killed innocent people indiscriminately, so for the harmony of the society and the progress of the people ...

The goat demon opened its mouth full of sharp teeth and roared, Get to the point!

Well, to put it more simply, I am an intruder!

Wen Wen chuckled, then put down the giant sword from his shoulder, and looked at the oxygen-breathing goat demon with a smile.

The goat demon's small eyes narrowed, and all the hair on its body exploded, because it suddenly felt a great crisis in Wen Wen's body!

It is very clear that a group of powerhouses such as the blood rot are fighting those demon hunters outside, and what it means to have an intruder whose strength cannot be seen clearly appear inside at this time.

Don't squint your eyes, your eyes are smaller than mine, if you squint any more, it will disappear.

It can be said that other people's eyes are small, Wen Wen has a different kind of pleasure, such an enemy is hard to find.

The sheep demon threatened: I am stronger than you look, if you are willing to retreat, I will not make things difficult for you.

While saying the words of peace, he secretly took a breath, and Wen Wen felt that the oxygen around him became thinner almost instantly, making it difficult to breathe.

Even a strong physique of a philosopher needs to breathe.

But Wen Wen is not in a hurry. A strong man like him can live for a long time even without oxygen.

So he snapped his fingers with his left hand in a calm manner, and a pink cat-ear water glass appeared in his hand, which had been filled with water before.

Then Wen Wen shook it casually, and then opened it, and you can see that it is full of light blue liquid.

That's liquid oxygen!

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