Disaster Shelter

Chapter 230 Lishui Villa

After arriving in Yanling City, Chu Wei arranged for Wen Wen to stay in a hotel dedicated to entertaining demon hunters from the past. The environment here is superior and the service is thoughtful, which is much better than the hotel Wen Wen found himself.

Most importantly, room and board are free!

When they parted, Wen Wen asked Chu Wei for the phone number of the Yanling Hunter Association.

He estimated that he would do some things in Yanling City, so he needed someone to finish him up occasionally.

Generally speaking, there is only one thing Wen Wen has to do in Yanling City, and that is to rescue the young man who was imprisoned by the profane blood.

That young man has traits that Wen Wen is optimistic about, so Wen Wen wants to make him an inmate.

However, in addition to this, Wen Wen is also planning to do some other things in Yanling City.

Yanling City is different from Furonghe City. The density of monsters here is still that of a normal city. To Wen Wen, it is a piece of fertile land that has not been developed, and he can take this opportunity to have fun.

After dinner, Wen Wen greeted the Yanling City Association, and Wen Wen left the hotel.

If a demon hunter is in a city outside his jurisdiction, if he wants to do things related to superpowers, he needs to report to the local hunter association.

This is not a mandatory requirement for hunters, but Wen Wen is not yet a hunter, so any action must be reported.

He had asked the Yanling City Hunter Association for instructions to hunt ghosts here, and the Yanling City Association agreed.

Like the situation in Furonghe City, many ghosts here can only wait until they are unified.

Of course, it was said that he was going out to catch ghosts, but that was just a cover-up for Wen Wen's real purpose.

Wen Wen is going to see the situation of Lishui Villa, which is the branch of Blasphemy in the Washington area!

He was not prepared to go deep into the enemy's camp alone, even though he had already almost possessed the strength of the assimilation realm, but this kind of strength was not enough to look at in front of the Blasphemy Blood branch.

So he was only going to simply check the situation without revealing his purpose.

But although catching ghosts is only a secondary goal, Wen Wen is not prepared to simply muddle through.

He wants to get some beads that condense the power of ghosts here. Those beads can be used to cultivate his own ghosts and sell them for money.

It's a little slow to obtain demon hunting coins only by hunting monsters, so Wen Wen plans to sell things on the website of the Hunter Association.

He checked on the website that the beads he made were called resentful soul beads, which were very difficult to form under natural conditions, so Wen Wen planned to use the resentful soul beads as his main product.


Lishui Villa is built next to Lishui Lake on the edge of Yanling City. It is a place for the dignitaries and dignitaries of Yanling City to communicate, and it is very lively no matter it is day or night.

During the day, they come to relax and discuss business, and at night, many people come to learn foreign languages...

Wen Wen parked the car beside the lake, looked at the Lishui Villa across the lake and sighed a little.

Who would have known that this kind of high-end club turned out to be the headquarters of lunatics like Blasphemy Blood.

However, among the cities in Dongshan Province, Yanling City has always been a city where supernatural forces are not very active. For this reason, the demon hunter team in Yanling City has also received awards.

It seems that even the lunatic of the blood of blasphemy knows the reason why rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests.

Just as he was sighing, Wen Wen's body stiffened a little, and then he continued to admire the scenery of Lishui Villa for a while, then looked away.

For a moment just now, Wen Wen felt that someone was staring at him, but after careful perception, that person disappeared without a trace.

They were all being watched on the other side of the lake, but fortunately no disguises were found to infiltrate their lair.

Thinking about it, Lishui Villa is the headquarters of Blasphemy in the Washington DC region. Wen Wen, a strange superpower approaching here, will definitely attract their attention.

Just because he knew that this place must be heavily guarded, Wen Wen just used the pretext of driving away the ghosts and came here to observe from a long distance, but he didn't expect to be targeted.

He took a deep breath, walked a distance by the lake, and came to a long pavilion built along the water.

This pavilion is called Lishui Pavilion, and usually many tourists come to visit it, but recently, people often slipped and fell into the water near this place, and even the bodies were not found in the end.

The Yanling City Hunters Association detected the ghost's breath near here, and thought there might be a water ghost here, but they never caught the water ghost's tail.

So Wen Wen took out the inmate's badge, and a topographic map with a radius of 50 meters was quietly displayed in front of him.

Sure enough, there was a vague shadow in the lake water.

That should be the water ghost in this lake.

But judging by the color, this water ghost is too weak, it is probably difficult to even make a scary jump, let alone pull people into the water and drown.

Of course, Wen Wen didn't really pay much attention to what happened to this ghost.

Thirty meters away from him, there was a figure that was much more eye-catching than a ghost, hiding behind a tree and looking at Wen Wen gloomily.

Judging from the color of the figure, it should have disaster-level strength, but Wen Wen is not sure whether he is a monster or a superpower.

Even on the topographical map, his figure was looming. If it weren't for the detection artifact such as the containment officer's badge, Wen Wen wouldn't have seen this person at all.

But Wen Wen just pretended not to notice him, and continued to do his own thing.

That guy is probably the profane blood's spy outside. If Wen Wen dares to attack him, he will tell the profane blood that Wen Wen has discovered their lair, and he probably won't be able to escape safely from here.

So Wen Wen sat directly on a rock by the lake, put his feet into the lake and dangled back and forth.

Don't say it, the scenery here is really good.

The breeze blows faint ripples on the lake surface, reflecting the sparkling waves under the moonlight, and the frogs and insects on the shore make melodious chirping.

Wen Wen admired the scenery for a while, but there was still no reaction in the lake, and the ghost was still wandering in the water blankly, as if he hadn't found Wen Wen.

It shouldn't be, low-level ghosts are simple-minded things, and they act according to instinct. I am here alone, and they will not attack me. Have you discovered that I am a superpower?

Wen Wen has done a simple mask of breath, it is absolutely impossible to rely on this headquarters that is close to the blood of blasphemy, but this kind of little ghost should not find Wen Wen.

That's not right. The breath of this ghost is so weak that it is not as strong as the presence of fish in the lake. How can it find me?

...Wait, the presence of the fish in this lake is too strong.

Wen Wen finally thought of the crux of the matter, took out the Baiwei cup, filled it with some lake water and dangled it, and the lake water inside was transformed into blood.

Then, Wen Wen poured the fishy blood into the lake.

After a while, the fish in the lake started to stir, and a huge catfish over three meters long quietly approached Wen Wen at the bottom of the lake.

Of course, this catfish thought he was very hidden, and in fact he was quite secretive, but Wen Wen could see it clearly on the topographic map.

This catfish is a little different from ordinary catfish. Its fat body is full of scars, and its cheeks have whiskers that are almost as long as its body.

The beard quietly stretched out of the water, wrapped around Wen Wen's feet, and directly brought Wen Wen into the lake.

Its movements are very skillful, and it must have been done countless times. To ordinary people, it is really similar to slipping and falling into the water.

After Wen Wen entered the water, fierce splashes appeared on the lake, as if a fierce struggle was going on.

Then it gradually returned to calm...

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