Open the box, there are some chess pieces and a board, which should be a board game.

However, this game does not have an instruction manual, and there is no necessary information such as the manufacturer. It is obviously a three-no product.

Among the chess pieces, the biggest one was in the shape of a bronze statue. As for the rest of the chess pieces, there were impressively printed cartoon images of everyone present!

Just as Wen Wen wanted to study it further, the box and its contents turned into fireworks-like light spots and dissipated in the air.

And the little girl who had been struggling in front of Chu Wei also stopped moving, and looked at Wen Wen indifferently with a sneer on her lips.

Tsk, you are the boss of this hotel.

Wen Wen sat down on a table, looked at the little girl and said, We should be in that game right now.

The little girl didn't say a word, but her face became more and more gloomy.

And you are the initiator of this game, and everything is controlled by you. Wen Wen said, pointing at the little girl.

After seeing the box, Wen Wen roughly understood the situation he was in, and he said to the little girl seriously: End this game, or I will destroy it forcibly!

After finishing speaking, Wen Wen pulled out the Burning Tiger, and fired a shot directly at the ceiling.

The powerful bullets blasted a big hole in the ceiling, and outside the hole was not the sky, but something vague and indescribable.

The thing was torn a small hole by the bullet, and a ray of sunlight as thick as a cucumber shone into the hotel.

But that small gap disappeared quickly, and the damaged hotel was also being repaired.

Look, I have the ability to destroy this place. Wen Wen put the gun in his pocket and said.

Chu Wei's eyes flashed, he liked this kind of violence, so he said excitedly to Wen Wen: Brother, your gun is so powerful, can you sell me?

Wen Wen rolled his eyes at him, ignored him, but continued to look at the little girl.

She was silent for a while and said: As long as you destroy to a certain extent, the game will be forcibly ended, and everyone here will die.

Wen Wen said confidently, At least, I won't die.

But they will die, said the little girl, pointing to the others.

Uh, I won't die either. Chu Wei stood up and said.

The little girl was choked, and said angrily: The game is still going on, only those who have completed the game can go out, you can do it yourself!

After she uttered a harsh word, her whole body turned into a bunch of scattered colored papers, piled up on the ground.

Obviously, she has already left the game.

Wen Wen looked at the three ordinary people left in the room, ignored Lu Yu who was trembling beside him, and walked towards Zheng Shengli and Wu Fengxia.

If there were no these three ordinary people here, Wen Wen's task would be much easier, and a direct violent breakthrough would be fine.

But with these three ordinary people, Wen Wen has to take care of their safety.

But their existence is also useful, at least Wen Wen can ask what is going on with this thing from their mouths.

Wen Wen believes that both Zheng Shengli and Wu Caixia are insiders.

Tell me, what's going on here, it's a matter of life and death, so don't hide it. Wen Wenda sat in front of the two with a cigarette holder in his mouth and asked.

Sir, we really didn't hide anything. We told him everything we knew. Wu Fengxia pointed at Chu Wei with an aggrieved expression.

Chu Wei nodded and said, All I knew before was what she said, and it was quite detailed.

Don't interrupt. Wen Wen rolled his eyes at Chu Wei, and then said to Wu Fengxia: What you said to him before is not what I want to hear.

Wu Fengxia asked with a stiff face, Then... what do you want to hear?

Wen Wen said word by word: I want to know the relationship between you and that girl.

Wu Fengxia and Zheng Shengli looked at each other, and then said nothing.

Hey, I'm actually a good person...

Wen Wen blew a whistle, and San Zai'er's body swelled up like a balloon, and all the tables, chairs and benches here were arranged, turning into a big snake as thick as a bucket.

The big snake was scarlet all over, with gnarled muscles, and roared ear-splittingly at the two of them, almost spraying the foul-smelling saliva on their faces.

The two were scared out of their wits and backed away again and again, what kind of good people are they?

The corners of Wen Wen's mouth sank, his body leaned forward, and his eyes stared straight at the two of them, like a beast that chooses to eat someone.

Say it or not, if you don't say it, you will become snake dung.

The two looked at each other, still looking at Wen Wen with fear and doubt on their faces, as if they didn't understand what Wen Wen was talking about.

Wen Wen looked at Wu Fengxia and sighed, warned me before I entered the door, so I still have a good impression of you. It would be great if you could tell me well.

After all, Wen Wen's eyes turned red, and he said in a strange tone: Tell me about your relationship with that girl!

Wu Fengxia's spirit immediately became confused: Her name is Zheng Yi, she is my daughter and his granddaughter, she is seven years old this year.

Fengxia, how could you...

Zheng Shengli wanted to stop Wu Fengxia, but Sanzai'er's head was immediately stuck to his face, making him afraid to say a word.

Wu Fengxia continued to narrate: A month ago, she did not know where she got this toy and came to me to play with, but I was busy with work and didn't accompany her.

At first I didn't care, but since then, she brought me and his grandpa to play with the same thing every day, and her emotions became more and more agitated, as if possessed by a demon.

Seven days ago, I finally couldn't help but slap her. We came to this game that night and played the death game repeatedly.

After she finished speaking, Wen Wen thought for a while and raised two fingers and said, I have two questions. First, the little girl just now looks more than seven years old. Second, this game has been going on for seven days. According to the rules of the game, , you can't live so long.

Wu Fengxia immediately said: Since we entered the game, she has changed every day, as if she grew a year older.

Also, although the two of us have always been in this game, she has never hurt us.

We won't be the prey, random death won't be us, even the statue will protect us within the rules.

As long as only the two of us are left dead, the game will temporarily end, and the next day the game will start as usual. During this period, we have been trapped here. Fortunately, there is food in the kitchen, so we won't starve to death.

After finishing the hypnosis, Wen Wen looked at Chu Wei.

Chu Wei nodded and said, The disappearance here started seven days ago. During this period, a demon hunter came to investigate, but he also disappeared. That's why I, the immortal, will handle this matter. .”

After Wen Wen finished the hypnosis, Wu Fengxia's expression was a little dazed, her eyes were lifeless, as if she had lost her soul.

This is also the reason why Wen Wen didn't want to do this at first. After all, this kind of mental control of the blood race is a skill for hunting. It's okay to simply influence some behaviors. Directly forcing the other party to say what he doesn't want to say will cause some permanent effects on the other party. mental damage.

The glasses are broken, I will go to get glasses this afternoon, the update may be a bit late.

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