Disaster Artist

Chapter 927: beautiful

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Su Ziyi, his palms sweated slightly, but he was not distracted. He calmly mobilized the light source, followed the movement of the camera, and adjusted the light source in an orderly manner—

Different positions, different corners, are always changing the settings of the main light source to ensure that the effect of light flow can be created.

Those glass, in fact, are all made of granulated sugar, not only will they not hurt people, but they can also be eaten - if you are not afraid of getting dirty.

Initially, they tried to use materials such as silicone or plastic to make fake glass, but after the "explosion", they were not penetrating and could not refract light.

Then, Bai Cheng came up with a brand new idea, using crystals to make glass, so as to ensure the refraction of light after the explosion.

The sugar glass was born.

So what about light?

Half, relying on Su Ziyi's advance settings, from the viaduct to the parked vehicle, there are hidden light sources in the corners, and the light layout is completed along the movement trajectory of the camera.

Half, rely on post-production to complete.

Of course, the on-site shooting is still the main subject, and the post-rendering cannot be overwhelming. Therefore, for this scene, Su Ziyi and Lu Qian studied for a long time, and then discussed with different departments for a long time. They were busy for a long time.

However, there are still many unsatisfactory points in the actual shooting. Every time the shooting is adjusted, the effect presentation is always a little lacking.

This is still the case even now.

Su Ziyi was not satisfied with the rendering effect, because the sugar glass was uncontrollable, so that the light was a bit eye-catching, stealing the outline of the character itself.

The more in-depth and professional, the more able to understand the rareness of "Fury Road", and it is no wonder that Lu Qian is willing to publicly express his love for the movie many times.

If Su Ziyi was allowed to vote now, he would also choose "Fury Road" to top this year's Golden Book Award. Director Miller's creative energy is amazing.


Su Ziyi's dissatisfaction is returned to dissatisfaction. Since the director did not interrupt the filming, he will continue the process first, and those flaws can be discussed later.

The dazzling scene burst out with crystal clear light, which also means that another difficulty has passed, but Su Ziyi still can't relax.

The next scene is still a problem.


The camera rotates again, but this time it is not a full circle, but an ellipse like a revolution. It draws out the planetary orbit of Saturn and slowly bypasses the vehicle. Even if Deadpool disappears into the lens, it doesn't matter, it continues to rotate. , and slowly rises.

The machine gunner, in the camera lens.

He stepped on the tires, stepped directly on the front cover of the car, and took a big step to the other end of the car, condescendingly driving Deadpool to a desperate situation.

The camera, a tail flick, then came behind the machine gunner's shoulder and looked down.

Deadpool, lying on the ground in an enchanting posture, with his right hand supporting his head, his legs crossed, showing the graceful curve behind him, showing an S-curve, slightly tilting his head, and throwing a wink at the machine gunner, even able to Hear the sound of a blowing kiss:


The picture, half and half, half car on the left and half deadpool on the right, complete the style in a diagonal way to ensure that the curve of Deadpool can "fill" the main body of the entire field of vision.

The machine gunner was stunned, completely unable to understand what was happening in front of him, and subconsciously pulled the trigger, but—




what happened?

The camera accelerated its tail and fell from top to bottom, creating a free fall effect. A drifting gliding tail came diagonally behind Deadpool's head, and looked at the machine gunner from bottom to top.

Tall, tall, and standing tall.

A touch of golden sunlight spilled down from the right side, outlining the strength of the machine gunner.

The picture is still half and half, the left half is the machine gunner and Deadpool, the right half is the vast sky, and the diagonal line is also a sharp contrasting composition.

Deadpool is still very leisurely.

"Someone didn't count properly."

Machine gunner, out of bullets.

The machine gunner looked down at the muzzle of the gun, frantically searching for the magazine, his expression full of panic.

Deadpool raised his pistol, pulled the trigger with the sound of "six", headshot again, and the plasma burst.

Back off!

The camera goes back quickly!

From close-up to medium-range to long-range, in a blink of an eye, Deadpool becomes a small part of the panorama, and the scenery on both sides of the camera lens quickly flies.


On the left, two armed men appeared, bowing forward, quietly hiding their tracks, and with the help of the cover of the vehicle, they were almost invisible.

Until they finished their preparations: one took cover, one was ready to throw a grenade, at which point the two exchanged glances and both stood up.


On the right side of the camera, Deadpool got his head out from behind the rear of the car, as if he was playing a game of hide-and-seek, glanced quietly, and whistled.


The cover man pulled the trigger.


The grenade hand pulls the fuse.

at the same time.

Deadpool walked straight forward like a model walking on the runway, raised his right hand, and pulled the trigger very coolly and ruthlessly.


Time seems to stand still at this moment, and the three actions take place at the same time.

Then, the cover was inaccurate, and Deadpool was about to hit the grenade, which detonated before the opponent threw it.


The flames are rolling!

The heat wave is rolling!

Of course, nothing happened at the filming site. The two armed men lay down on the spot and rolled to the bottom of the car to hide themselves and avoid interfering with the filming——

This scene is absolutely impossible to shoot on the spot, so the picture of detonating the grenade is produced by the computer in the later stage, which will create the effect of blood and flesh.

Right now.

A figure appeared from the side and rear of the camera, with a cat on the waist, like a shadow, within the peripheral vision, and then completely appeared in the camera lens.

The camera did not shy away from ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but followed in the footsteps of the other party, walking forward in step, and it could be seen that Deadpool was celebrating briefly.

"Chichi! Bang!"

"Hoohoo! La!"

Deadpool hummed an inexplicable tune, was twisting his waist and crouching his legs, dancing a strange dance, and the tight-fitting back line was really a bit hot.

Finally, bring your legs together, tighten your butt, stand on tiptoe, and make a positioning position, the result--

Chu Chu Chu!

A bullet, just like this, hit a certain petal position in the center of the buttocks.


Deadpool exclaimed, slamming a dog and eating shit. At the same time, his **** was very exaggerated and awkward, and his cheeks were rubbed on the ground.

not moving at all.

Even the sound disappeared, and it looked as if it had finally "died".

The camera continued to move forward with the leather jacket in front of him, looking forward from behind the shoulders, it seemed that the sound of the heart pounding and bursting in the chest cavity of the leather jacket could be clearly heard.


Get closer!

The muzzle of the gun was aimed at Deadpool's head, trying to find a precise position to complete the fatal blow, but Deadpool's posture of falling to the ground was really unsightly, and it was not easy to find it for a while, so he had to get closer.

There was a moan in the air.



Before the leather jacket could tell the difference, a gunshot rang out, and then the camera seemed to have been hit, then leaned back and looked up at the sky.

The field of vision, following the upward movement, became wider, and it seemed that the clouds above the blue sky could be seen, and the world also calmed down.

Again, headshot hits!

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