Disaster Artist

Chapter 919: big project

For the Lanchuan film industry, "Love" is the first time that Lu Qian has taken over a large-scale production project, from the scale of investment to the cast.

Especially in the face of the two top superstars Dong Ruixian and Zhang Benqing, the development of this project is not as simple as imagined.

But for Lu Qian, "Deadpool" is the real first big project.

The scale of investment is second, and the most important thing is the size of the entire crew. For a large crew of more than 200 people, coordination and cooperation in all aspects are difficult.

The simplest and most intuitive part is that the crew will be divided into one group and two groups, and they will work separately and put into filming at the same time.

One group, led by Lu Qian himself, was responsible for the main shooting of the film.

The second group, led by the assistant director, is responsible for the branch line shooting of the film.

This is the first time.

Because Lu Qian's previous crew didn't need to be so elaborate and complicated, and the volume of the movie did not reach such a level, which was brand new.

Different crews, different directors, and different producers have their own characteristics in the division of labor between one group and two groups, and they are not the same.

In some crews, martial arts and literary dramas are filmed separately, and the second group is led by a martial arts instructor and specializes in shooting martial arts scenes.

In some crews, the scenes of different studios are shot separately to avoid the transfer of photographic equipment and studios, so the actors move between the studios to complete the shooting.

In some crews, different branches are shot separately. For example, the villain's clues are picked out and shot by the second crew to ensure the shooting progress of the entire crew.

In some crews, the protagonists and supporting roles were shot separately, and finally converged and collided, and then the main shooting was performed by one group.


For some super blockbusters, there are even more than one group and two groups, and there are also three groups and four groups, which are shot in different ways.

It is precisely because of this that the work of the assistant director becomes more and more important.

They are different from assistant directors. They need to fully understand the director's creative intention, and then complete the shooting according to their own understanding. Just points.

Many excellent directors are assistant directors.

For the first time, Lu Qian's crew was also divided into the first and second groups for filming.

Of course, although "Deadpool" was filmed in groups, in essence, it was still a small crew with only 300 million investment. In front of those giants, it was basically the kindergarten level of "running your nose and playing with mud and sand".

Aside from the investment scale, the shooting scenes of the entire crew, the number of cast members, the number of staff, etc., are all lightweight, and the necessity of group shooting itself is not so prominent.

Grouping, there is naturally a reason for land diving.

First, to ensure the quality of the film.

According to Lu Qian's conception, he hopes that the movie can be as fancy as possible, but the fancy is actually a kind of self-mockery hidden under the magnificent destiny.

So, he was in charge of a group, followed up the characters as much as possible, made the camera focus on the characters, and completed the shooting at close range.

The second group is in charge of the assistant director, who is responsible for displaying the panorama and perspective of the scene and the city, and constructs the entire magnificent composition.

In addition, the second group also needs to work with the post-production team of computer special effects to design the required lens blueprints using the 3D stereoscopic images as prototypes.

This is also the experience that Lu Qian summed up during the shooting of "Love". If you want to work more closely with the post-production, you need this kind of work process.

Once there is an experience, this time they won't be in a hurry, they need to find a more efficient and better way to shoot.

Second, it is to ensure the progress of the shooting.

Xiu Zhongjun mentioned a very important key, "Raid 2" locked the spring file and achieved success, which also means that Lu Qian's plan has initially worked--

Blue Whale Pictures needs to build word-of-mouth in the spring and autumn stalls step by step, so "Deadpool" gave up the summer stall and chose the autumn stall.

Time is running out.

If the shooting schedule is delayed, then it will not be able to catch up with the autumn schedule, and can only wait for the spring schedule next year, and Blue Whale Pictures’ plan needs to be redeployed.

Out of this consideration, Lu Qian finally gave up Lanchuan, and "Deadpool" came to Qingcheng to shoot; and divided into two groups to improve the efficiency of shooting.

all kinds, all kinds-

From the intervention of Lions Pictures to the planning of Blue Whale Pictures, from the shooting schedule to the venue reservation, from the size of the crew to the work arrangement...

The complexity of a large-scale project can be deeply felt in all directions.

At this time, Lu Qian further clearly understood why the large-scale superhero projects of Magic Pictures chose the assembly line.

It saves trouble, time, and effort. Although it is not amazing, it can guarantee the basic quality and then mass-produce it. Moreover, such a large-scale project does not require the participation of a thorny head like Lu Qian, so that Magic Pictures can guarantee a smoother and simpler guarantee. Each project runs step by step.

No wonder people always say that when the scale of film production reaches a certain level, it will start to eat the "authority" of the director.

Those tedious and complicated little things, those conflicts of interests, and those trivial daily routines are enough to make the director exhausted and unwilling to create.


In any case, "Deadpool" finally chose Qingcheng for filming, and after the hard rehearsal in the early stage, it has finally officially entered the group and started to work.

Compared with Lanchuan, Qingcheng lacks a little bit of features and precipitation.

Over the years, thanks to the city's policy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, a dozen studios have been built around, and a large number of TV and film crews have poured into the city, making it a bustling city.

This also earned Qingcheng the title of "Xiao Boxi".

However, after all, it is an emerging city that has just risen in just ten years. Everything is brand-new, and everything is artificially made. Not to mention the cultural atmosphere, even those brand-new buildings cannot see the traces of time and culture. Precipitation, completely without any thickness and brilliance of history.

Like a theme park, there are artificially set scenes in every corner.

In Lu Qian's view, that's the reason why "The League of Knights" seems to have "serious posing marks", plus the green screen shots throughout, it's like adding a lot of MSG to a bowl of seafood noodles , The freshness and sweetness of seafood is clearly enough, but the focus is taken away by MSG.

So, how should "Deadpool" avoid such a dilemma?

Lu Qian, Chen Mu, Hong Yuanhe went around Qingcheng for a week, and finally found the place where the old city and the new city were connected, and stopped.

The "Deadpool" crew kicked off the official shooting here.

In the blink of an eye, five full days have passed. Today, the crew is still busy here, and the preparations are well-ordered early in the morning.

Outside the barricades, there was a crowd of people in a bustling, crowded place. Although it was about 50 meters away from the actual filming location of the crew, unless you brought binoculars, you were just watching a lively scene, but it still couldn't stop the enthusiasm and curiosity of the local residents. .

Over the years, large and small crews have been filming in Qingcheng. Logically speaking, local residents should have taken it easy. Just like Lanchuan and Gaotan, when Qingcheng residents will happily tell netizens:

This is Lu Qian!

Understand? This is Lu Qian!

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