Chapter 2227 Wu Zhao


 We are never afraid of competition, but afraid of no future. Hasn’t this been the case since ancient times?

 Once you find that no matter how hard you try, you can't change your destiny, a new reshuffle, that is, a table-turning movement, will immediately appear.

 In the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, wasn’t this what Zhang Jiao did just a short time ago?

  When Liu Hao went there, he never thought of saving the big man just because his surname was Liu.

  When he led Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu and others to develop Liaodong and swept through the grasslands and deserts, didn't he also hand over the acquired territory to Cao Mengde and leave with the civil servants, military officers, soldiers and people who followed him?

He just knows that since some things have changed, the only way is to continue along with this change. If you disobey, you will be greeted by the whole world.

Even Liu Xian in the Three Kingdoms world today is open-minded, isn't he?

Many people know that Liu Xian from the mythical Three Kingdoms world is now settled in the Australian base of Dragon Kingdom, but no one will think of making a fuss about Liu Xian anymore.

Everyone knows that the four-hundred-year-old Han Dynasty has come to an end. Even if you still have some thoughts, it is just to join Liu Bei.

 In the world of the Three Kingdoms, the situation has been established, and the three pillars are standing in opposition to each other. However, the actual communication between the people is not as closed as imagined.

Whether it is Cao Cao, Liu Bei, or the young Sun Zhongmou, they all know that once they choose to close down, they will be greeted by a wave of destruction.

 What they can do, or the only thing they can do, is how to improve the living standards of the people under their accounts and let the people know that there is nothing wrong in choosing to follow them, that's all.

 This change cannot be made by them, because this is the general trend, the only general trend.

 It is a situation that will inevitably occur after integrating into the heavens. As long as any thought begins to change, it will never return to the past.

 This is the necessity for the modern world’s thinking model to be immersed in the ancient world.

Of course, not all modern thinking can be accepted by the ancient world.

For example, the dress of modern cool girls is indeed too flamboyant for girls in the ancient world.

Indeed, on the other hand, why hasn’t the modern world been influenced by many ancient worlds?

For example, you can say things like etiquette, etc., but there are some places where it is necessary.

For example, Hanfu, which originally took off in Liu Haolong’s country, can now be seen everywhere. Beautiful clothes, haven’t they always been a pursuit?

 Any influence is mutual, nothing more than quantity.

To a certain extent, this is also a manifestation of the fact that people who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black.

Even so, there are some advantages that are still difficult to catch up with in a short period of time. For example, the way of hundreds of schools of thought is easier to accept and easier to use in the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms.

Even though the world of the Mythical Three Kingdoms was behind Liu Haolong when it came into contact with the Baijia practice system, isn’t it also lagging behind the Mythical Three Kingdoms in terms of the overall level of the Baijia?

 This is not simply a matter of context, but a matter of acceptance of the lowest level of thinking.

Just like the civil servants and military generals under Cao Mengde, which one of them has the lowest moral standards?

 They will all choose one of them as their major, and they may have four or five minors.

For example, Xun You under Cao Mengde chose Confucianism, but his military strategist, Zonghengdao, and historians were inferior, right?

Does Guo Jia, who is still wandering around, only have military talent?

They are all those who are eager to fight among hundreds of schools of thought. Their strength may not be more than this in Liu Hao's eyes, but in the eyes of most people, they are already some kind of pillars.

Xun Yu, who was "sent" by Cao Mengde to the Wei and Han cities in Liu Hao's Earth Australia early, could he have made no progress just because he left the Mythical Three Kingdoms?

That is the talent of Wang Zuo! In any era, they are rare talents, and their intelligence is among the best in history. Is it possible that they will fall behind because of this?

  Seemingly thinking of Xun Yu, Liu Hao's eyes wandered, and after a while, he also discovered that this guy had indeed come to the monster battlefield.

 That person’s cultivation level is already Daluo. Even though he is just a Daluo heavenly immortal, he is still Daluo!

 This guy doesn't have much possibility of hiding in Liu Hao's eyes.

With just one glance, Liu Hao knew that Xun Yu had not fallen behind at all in the Hundred Schools of Confucianism. In other words, Daluo Celestial Immortal's cultivation was not only his original practice, but also the Confucianism and Taoism of the Hundred Schools of Confucianism.

At first glance, Xun Yu seems to have been left behind by Liu Hao's subordinate Jia Xu, but in reality?

Since Cao Mengde ‘sent’ Liu Hao to Earth, this guy hasn’t had much time to really practice, and Liu Hao doesn’t have much time to remind him every time he sees him.

Calculating this, he is only one or two small steps behind, which shows how amazing this guy's talent and talent are.

 He ​​saw that Xun Yu didn't seem to have many opportunities to personally participate in the fight. In other words, from the beginning, Xun Yu knew that he needed to restrain his desire to participate.

This guy knows all about the responsibilities on his shoulders.

 Historical records indicate that he was secretly killed by Cao Mengde.

 The reason, the process, and the result were all clear to him. He had been depressed for a while, but now he had figured it out.

Same, Liu Xian is open-minded, what is there that he can't figure out?

 The general trend of the world will be divided after a long time, and it will be divided after a long time. If you accept it, that's it.

He may still have a slight ambiguity with Cao Mengde, but it does not hinder his morality when shouldering his responsibilities.

He was more of a commander. When Cao Mengde went to the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation to gain merit, and when Cao Pi returned to the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms to take charge, Xun Yu was the biggest boss of Wei and Han in the monster battlefield, and he must also take on this responsibility. Take responsibility.

In Liu Hao's eyes, Xun Yu is not someone who cares much about his own combat effectiveness. He still positions himself as a civil servant in his heart.

Like Xun Yu, Xun Yu is not the only one among the mythical Three Kingdoms.

How many talented people from aristocratic families would actually be willing to participate in the fight?

The feather fan scarf, during the Three Kingdoms era, was not only pursued by Zhou Yu, but also by the entire class.

Who doesn’t want the image they present to be chic?

 Isn’t this also true in the modern world?

 Liu Hao also does not think that Xun Yu never really fought because he was unwilling to participate in the battle. It is never possible to lack the assessment of one's own combat effectiveness. How could a smart man like Xun Yu let it go?

 They are just a group of people who have not pursued becoming the best in terms of their own combat effectiveness.

The greatest talent of a person has never been in this area. Xun Yu knows better than anyone how to maximize his own advantages and how to minimize his own disadvantages.

 Besides, as a coach, he does not need to personally go into battle like a general. If this is the case, that is the real disqualification.

 Perhaps Liu Hao's appreciation for Xun Yu was reduced because Xun Yu's combat effectiveness was not high?

 Isn’t it clear to Liu Hao where some people’s responsibilities should be placed and how some people should maximize their advantages?

 He never expected that everyone would need to be on the front line, that would not be practical.

Just like Zhu Biao, who is not far away from Xun Yu's control of the army, can you expect Zhu Biao to also hold a long knife and fight monsters one on one?

He goes up, and the millions of troops arriving from the Ming Empire will be in chaos.

How could Liu Haoyou not understand that everyone should perform their own duties? Even the era of spiritual practice, even the era of national practice, could not disappear.

Liu Hao had other perceptions in his thoughts. He looked away without turning his head. He knew that the Wutang Empire had sent more troops to arrive, and this time it was very different from other times.

In that majestic momentum, Liu Hao could clearly sense the royal aura hidden within it even though he was three to five thousand miles away.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he immediately knew that Wu Zhao couldn't sit still.

It's not that the Wutang Empire has other problems in the territory established by Liu Hao's Earth, but that the value it can gain from continuing to sit in it is not high.

Wu Zhaoke has never been one who is willing to wait at home. She has always fought for everything she has bit by bit.

As the first and only female emperor in the history of Yan and Huang, is it possible that she would choose to wait? If there is even a hint of initiative, she will take action immediately.

Previously, it was more that the stability of the Wutang Empire's foothold on Liu Hao's earth did not reach the level that Wu Zhao recognized, and it had to stay in control as a last resort.

In other words, the Wutang Empire is now as stable as Mount Tai on Liu Hao's territory.

 This actually has an acceptance issue.

 In the ancient world, the saints recognized Wu Zhao’s registration, otherwise it would not have been possible.

 But just because the saints in the ancient world approve it does not mean that everyone will approve it. Sometimes the inner concepts are so difficult to change.

But now that the Wutang Empire has entered Liu Hao's Earth, those who still had stubborn ideas suddenly discovered that women's climbing was not as 'disrespectful' as they had imagined. It seemed that they did it very well, and it seemed that It's not unacceptable.

 This is great news for Wu Zetian, and it is the biggest support for her to consolidate her position so quickly.

 She can leave her own territory calmly and go out for inspections. Even if she leaves for a period of time, her foundation will not be replaced by others just because of this short period of time.

His husband-in-law, Li Zhi, actually knew this as well.

It is clear that the Wutang Empire not only has "Tang", but also "Wu". The two are already one. Especially in this era of joining hands to advance the world, even if there is a lot of dissatisfaction in the heart, you must give yourself a hard punishment. Suppress it.

 Besides, how many of the courtiers who originally belonged to Li Zhi are left in the Wutang Empire?

 Emperor and courtiers have always been like this since ancient times. Even if Li Zhi returns and wants to fight for it, it must be controlled within a certain limit. Any turmoil caused by this must be borne by Li Zhi.

How could there be no explanation when the ancestors of the human race released him?

These principles all show that Wu Zhao is now more confident.

While Liu Hao was thinking, the mighty army had already arrived. Wu Zhao got off the flying boat early, walked in front of Liu Hao step by step, and then bowed slightly to salute.

 She can be arrogant to anyone and show off her imperial spirit like Wu Zetian, but in front of Liu Hao, she is still a student.

In the entire world, Wu Zhao knew best that if she came to her end in the future, the only person who would save her would be Liu Hao in front of her.

Others, even Li Zhi, are most likely to add insult to injury. It is because of this understanding that Wu Zhao has the current etiquette.

Facing Wu Zhao's respect, Liu Hao accepted it calmly, and even showed his smile. It was not just a smile to Wu Zhao, but also a display of his own attitude. He told the world that Wu Zhao was in front of him, and he, the Emperor Ziwei, also recognized him.

 This is enough, how smart is Wu Zhao?

“In the battle between the heavens and the world, where you can go depends on your own efforts!”

 Liu Hao's words are calm and slow, but he also reveals his determination.

This sentence is telling Wu Zhao that he is very willing to support you, Wu Zetian, because of our close relationship, but in the Yanhuang Alliance, you are only one of them, and any favoritism towards Liu Hao is a mistake. , don't do it.

I am happy to see you strive for a higher status among the heavens and the world, but all this is also based on your own strength.

As for other obstacles that you are worried about in your heart, you don’t need to pay too much attention. As long as I am still here, I can bear the pressure of your fear. He is still very sure of this simple blessing.

It was just the simplest words, but in Wu Zhao's ears, it was as sweet as the sound of heaven.

She did not bring the little swan with her this time, or in other words, she left the little swan in the endless land of the Wutang Empire. This was a demonstration in itself, telling everyone that even if she, Wu Zhao, left, the Wutang Empire's greatest support would still be there. It's within her control.

If possible, Liu Hao actually did not want Wu Zhao and Li Zhi to compete for power in private.

But now that Li Zhi has been released, these things are unavoidable. He also knows that many of them contain the calculations of other saints in the prehistoric world.

 But so what, Liu Hao can't deny it, can he?

Why didn't Li Zhi study with Liu Hao for a period of time?

 To a certain extent, both Li Zhi and Wu Zhao can be regarded as Liu Hao's students. All he can do is to admonish the two when they compete too much in the future.

 Fortunately, even if such a possibility occurs, it will be a long time in the future.

 Perhaps by then, these worries will be nothing!

 He saw Wu Zhao bowing again, expressing his gratitude and accepting it calmly.

 Then, it was interesting to see Wu Zhao and Feng Baobao meet.

The relationship between the two is much better than outsiders imagine.

This relationship is not just established recently, but they have already met and become friends when Liu Hao first brought them into the wilderness.

When Feng Baobao was sent to help the Wu Tang Empire move, he had already established an sworn friendship with Wu Zhao.

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